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How to do a manual remaster

Posted: Fri 28 Jan 2011, 09:53
by emil
Over time, after struggling with remasterscripts and failed CD-burns, I settled to a manual remaster procedere which suits me well.
I use 2 frugal installs, in 2 directories:

Then I have another directory to store my old versions
the dev directory has a normal frugal harddisk install in it (vmlinuz, initrd.gz, main_puppy.sfs) with a rather large savefile (1.5 - 2 GB), and the devx etc installed. Now I

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unsquashfs main_puppy.sfs
And this gives a directory tree squashfs-root with the complete filesystem.
If I want to make changes to the pupplet I do them in the directory tree of squashfs-root.
There you can edit all files directly. E.g you can edit the menu structure in /etc/xdg/, or the Desktop Icons in /root/Choices/ROX-Filter/PuppyPin.nls.
If I have to add packages I unpack them in the dev directory and then copy the contents over to the squashfs-root tree (without install-scripts). Useful:

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# cd into directory of unpacked package, delete pinstall & puninstall
cp -nvr * /mnt/home/dev/squashfs-root
(this will not overwrite already existing files, if you need that, either carefully copy over single files, or, brute force, use the f flag instead of n)

In the /mnt/home/test directory I have all files from the base CD Iso (In my case AUTORUN.INF, grldr, licence.txt, menu.lst, readme-sl.txt, splash.xpm. UPUP.ICO, vmlinuz, initrd.gz. main_puppy.sfs).
If I think it is time to test I pack squashfs-root (either rightcklick on the folder and choose dir2sfs, or use console dir2sfs squashfs-root). This will give the file squashfs-root.sfs in the dev directory. This sfs I move over to the test directory and rename it to main_puppy.sfs, the old main_puppy.sfs goes to the Archive.
After that I reboot and start the test install. Usually I have no savefile there. If something is broken I test how to fix it. If I am not sure what was the fix I can create a savefile, reboot into the dev version, mount the test-savefile and look up what files were changed or added.

if I am happy with my remaster and the frugal test install works I create the iso file:

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cd /mnt/home
mkisofs -R -b grldr -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -o MyPupplet.iso /mnt/home/test
To test the isos I use them in a virtual machine (also nice to take screenshots). Only after that -eventually- I have to burn a CD (but I do it rarely these days).

For me this has the following advantages:
  • I always have full control over the contents of my main-sfs.
    I can quickly test the progress (making sfs and rebooting test install is a matter of 2 minutes)
    I don't produce waste CD's
    I can use a fresh savefile of the test install to play sherlock holmes and find out what files need to be changed to make something work.
    If something goes wrong I can simply go to the archive and pull out a working version, then rebuild the squashfs-root directory
    I learn lots about the way puppy works
First I thought this procedure is best for making minor adjustments, like desktop icons or menu entries. It really is great for "finetuning" the remaster, but in the meantime this has become my standard setup.


PS: I described a setup with the grub4dos bootloader, but of course a similar setup is possible with isolinux

Posted: Sun 30 Jan 2011, 01:18
by KusaNoKaito
Thank you, emil! I've been wanting to know how to do that!

Posted: Sun 30 Jan 2011, 16:45
by emil
In that context the quickest manual remaster should be mentioned :wink: :

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dir2sfs /initrd/pup_rw
mv pup_ro2.sfs /path_to_my_frugal_install/main_puppy.sfs

The best thing

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 03:29
by bwh1969
I actually used the included remaster script from the menu and it did work very well in adding in my pets, my sfs's, and the base sfs.

However what method is used to remaster, it really should be tried because there are some significant benefits.

It ended up being over 1GB but the coolest thing, although it takes time to boot, is that I can run my own version of puppy completely out of RAM. Suspend and wake work flawlessly when running in this manner. It was always tricky from USB because many times on wake, puppy forgot to remount some things it needed to run and I would have a half working system until I rebooted.

What I find useful about your post is that it will help me replace bits and pieces as need be as

1) flash will need to be updated at some point
2) my browser will need to be updated in the future.

But most of the other stuff I see working as I need it to for quite a while.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 06:35
by nooby
Thanks Emil, wish I had the courage to just test it. But I am so coward when it comes to such structured things. But very good that you described how to.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 08:30
by emil
Actually I think it is most useful as supplement to the existing remastercripts, for finetuning and testing.
- replacing flash is a good example.
And I stress the possibility of testing the remaster in frugal install and virtualization before burning, but that holds true also for "script only" remasters.

Some slight drawback: If you copy in packages like that they got no listing in
/root/.packages/, so eg technosaurus "remove package" script doesn't work.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 09:41
by nooby
What I like to do which most likely is way above my level of knowledge is to move LMMS out of DiaboluQ puppy into Lupu-511 standard or into Lupu520 if that works okay.

I have not tried that one if it works for me on my Acer D250 it maybe need better computer.

Maybe it is overkill. If one could start up DiaboluQ Puppy with LMMS and make a .sfs of LMMS and then place that one on mnt/home then I could add that sfs at will using the load sfs program.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 11:05
by emil
what is LMMS (sorry if I am ignorant).

If the package is installed in it's own directory (eg. /opt/LMMS/ ... ) then it is maybe possible (if the base puppy is the same). all you have to do is

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mkdir -p /mnt/home/LMMS/opt/LMMS
cp -r /opt/LMMS/* /mnt/home/LMMS/opt/LMMS
cd /mnt/home
dir2sfs /mnt/home/LMMS
you get the idea ...

If the programm installed the usual way all over the / file system (/bin, /usr/bin etc...) then it is much harder. Try to find the file /root/.packages/LMMS.files (its a textfile). If this is there you can reconstruct the package, if not well ... I am out of ideas.

8) best

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 11:45
by nooby
Emil, you are right, it is all over the place.

Thanks for this:
Try to find the file /root/.packages/LMMS.files (its a textfile). If this is there you can reconstruct the package, if not well ... I am out of ideas.
Yes that could help to find all the needed files but it would not show the dependencies would it?

But I am too scared to test it now. I only have a cheap keyboard that send midi signals through USB and I wanted to save melodies. I guess I ahve to use keyboard piano or something like that instead.

I have a poor memory for melodies so I wanted to save them as small midifiles that I could load.

Now I go to Youtube and save somebody playing the melody instead. That works rather good too. One get a hint on how it should be played :)

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 12:42
by emil
No, that doesn't show the dependencies. For those I just know the method to try to run the program in a console and watch the upcomming error-messages ...

make iso

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 13:15
by bwh1969
I use the script to make an iso, then I use something like unetbootin to create a usb key from the new iso file. I tired using the Bootflash Install Puppy to USB, but it oddly tries to reformat the key, but leaves it unformatted, then I get a pop up that says that it cannot mount the drive: of course not because it was left unformatted!

When I need to test the new iso, I just extract the sfs file created and transfer it to the "test" usb key. I know I can just create the sfs, but for some really odd reason, that way creates a kernel panic on boot.

Like I said, with your post, I will not need to go through the entire process now if I just want to make a few changes.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 13:47
by emil
Have you tried USB install from the universal installer? There is an option to make a bootable USB without deleting the rest fo the files on the stick.
Also very interesting (manual install to USB) 8) :
modern grub4dos:
classic: ... 105#411105

you can test if your Puppy works if you draw out the fmain_puppy.sfs and plug it into a frugal install (assuming vmlinuz and initrd.gz remained unchanged)
BUT :!: :
this does NOT test the functionallity of the iso, because the iso has to be made bootable (like with the parameters I mentioned in the original posts). It is very easy to create ISO files which are not bootable. This is a waste if you burn CD's with such isos, and also very frustrating for people who download such a "noboot" iso of your latest pupplet*. The boot functionality can be tested if you use the iso in a VM - and maybe also like you mentioned with trying installs with unetbootin (but I have never used it for that specific purpose, so I am not sure about).

* I commited such "crimes" in the past and I am sorry for all the wasted bandwith and time this may have caused :oops: .

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 14:35
by stu90
nooby wrote:What I like to do which most likely is way above my level of knowledge is to move LMMS out of DiaboluQ puppy into Lupu-511 standard or into Lupu520 if that works okay.

I have not tried that one if it works for me on my Acer D250 it maybe need better computer.

Maybe it is overkill. If one could start up DiaboluQ Puppy with LMMS and make a .sfs of LMMS and then place that one on mnt/home then I could add that sfs at will using the load sfs program.
No idea how to use this application but on Lucid 52:
Open puppy package manager > search for "LMMS" > install LMMS

To Run LMMS: Menu > Multimedia > Media Tools > Linux Multimedia Studio


Sorry for thread hijack Emil :oops:

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 15:44
by nooby
Stu90, oops wow I had no idea. Much appreciated and thanks for a good laugh. I almost fall of the chair here in sparoxysmer :) Shaking all over of laughter, rolling on the floor He he. That was cool indeed. I sure will try that one.
Edit, now I have it thanks again. Much appreciated.

Posted: Fri 28 Oct 2011, 15:19
by charlie6
Hallo emil,
wunderbar !
Merci für your tutorial !
I got a short try on it especially for getting a translated puppy (i.e. getting the translated PuppyPin, jmw menus and sub-menus well translated as also quickly) ...and it works ! So on the (new) way to remasterizing !
Have learned a bit more digging into puppy ... thanks to your post !
Nochmal vielen Danke!


Posted: Thu 10 Nov 2011, 06:47
by technosaurus
I wrote a tutorial for manually remastering using only GUI tools over a year ago. It still should be valid, but could be updated to remove preinstalled packages, now that Barry has include my pet removal patches. It is in html with screenshots for each section.

Tarball is here: