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Problems making a Puplet with Woof

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 20:47
by starhawk
Original thread here:

I'm trying to make a new Puplet with Woof, and I'm having, well, a lot of trouble. I'm using Woof 0.2 (latest ver, IIRC) on a frugal install of Wary 500. Issues are as follows:

(1) When I incorporate a new *.pet repository, the DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS file is not created. The package DB downloads fine, but I really can't imagine parsing through a couple thousand packages to manually create said Specs file.

(2) I do not understand how to manually configure packages without breaking Woof-GUI.

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 20:59
by pemasu ... 236#487236
Read the linked post, the next reply and whole thread also. It give you guideline to add your own packages-puppy-starhawk-official repo and your own pets to the woof build.
But you need to have working DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS_something to where you add your own additions and maybe remove something from it. Use for example mickos spup or what suits you best. And you need to create your own database file with specs also like packages-puppy-starhawk-official and add the specs of your own additional pets.
Extract some pets and you see that they have specs file inside. Open that file and the same information need to be added to your packages-puppy-starhawk and it need to be referenced int DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS and also packages-puppy-starhawk-official need to be added to DISTRO_PET_REPOS file with the correct way.

I would say that you should first build one pre-existing puppy with all those needed files preconfigured. You can find those files for 01mickos spup for example. ... uppy/spup/
DISTRO_PET_REPOS, DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-slackware-13.1, Packages-puppy-spup-unofficial files are what you need, copy them to your woof folder and edit the DISTRO_SPECS file also to match your build.

And when you have built succesfully preconfigured puppy, you have better understanding create your own puplet.

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 21:11
by starhawk
Ah, something I hadn't read before :D this is progress.

As for Woof-GUI, what's happening is this:
(1) I create new entries in /tmp/woof_gui_pkg_docs_pet_repos and in /tmp/woof_gui_pet_repos.
(2) I click "UPDATE PET REPOS"
(3) I go to the "Download dbs" tab and click "UPDATE LOCAL DB FILES".
(4) Woof-GUI creates a new Packages-puppy-blah-blah file... but does not create a new DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-puppyblahblah file or a new DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS-puppyblahblah file.

Grr. Aargh.

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 21:20
by pemasu
No, it wont create them. I have updated my post above. Those files need to be there already, as they are used for downloading right packages later when you launch ./1download script.
You only update database files with that update. Packages-puppy-*-official files will be updated. Those other files I listed above you copy or create there. See my post above.
And I think mickos woof building guide to build spup should be really helpful.

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 21:29
by starhawk
OK... I'm an idiot :roll: My head wasn't making a particular connection until now.

That connection was... there IS no DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS file /specifically/ for spup-unofficial, it's part of DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-slackware*

Gaah >.< Shoulda figgered that one a long time ago. I'm going to go eat a late lunch and then mess around some more with what you've given me.

BTW, I assume that there is no licensing conflict in building either LibreOffice or OpenOffice into my new puplet?

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 21:32
by pemasu
Great that you made the needed mental conclusion. I believe that many ppl will applaude if you manage to incorporate office package to your first build succesfully.

Libreoffice or Open office is included in some big puplets aka derivatives. So you wouldnt be first.
Description howto add your own pets. That is one way to use existing packages-puppy-*-official file.
I still recommend to create your own database file, when you have understood what it takes so that woof recognizes it.

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 23:21
by PupGeek

I'm not sure how long you have been using Puppy, or how savvy you are with programming, scripting and building packages, but I have been using Puppy for about 3 years now, and I'm still not ready to be using woof. I was very enticed by it, but quickly realized that there are much easier ways to do the same thing, unless I really needed to completely reinvent puppy. I mainly use the remaster tool included with every puppy after I have added each binary package, usually from a repo, like ubuntu or slackware. I try to find the closest version for the kernel, and usually they work ok.

Example: I took Puppy 4.2.1, added some binary apps from the ArtistX 0.5 liveDVD (copying dependencies too, of course), and remastered ProducerPup using the remaster tool. It gives you access to the filesystem it builds, allowing you to place custom scripts, images, even a recompiled kernel. It's worked fine for me, still does.

If you have never made a puplet before, or if you can get by making a puplet based on an existing puppy, I'd recommend using remaster first, because woof can be very advanced and/or unnecessary by comparison. I have never successfully made a puplet using woof but have recompiled 2 kernels for existing puppies. If you need certain functionality (such as Fusion-mpt support, for example), recompiling the kernel is always an option -- and not very hard if you stick to the same version and only reconfigure it without adding any patches.

BTW: What about the cd remaster did not go right? Oh, remember that puppy remaster will prompt you asking if you want to customize the /etc directory. If you say yes to this question your new puplet will not work on any other machine than the one you remastered it on -- the answer should usually be no. When I remaster, I choose not to burn it from puppy remaster. I create a .iso file and first burn it to a CDRW to try out. if it works then I use a one-shot for speed. This way I also have an iso file ready to upload.

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 23:36
by starhawk
I appreciate the wisdom, PupGeek... several things went wrong with the Remaster CD option... I suspect some of them may have had to do with the fact that I was using an external USB CD drive. Wary 500 doesn't like to put a save file on my CDRW with that drive, either.

I wanted to take Wary 500, add OpenOffice + Java sfs files, change the JWM theme to Stardust (very pretty, that) with a sort of a greenish tint, and use an icon set I found on here. I also added Leafpad.

OpenOffice and Java played nice, but Stardust didn't completely stick and the icon sets wouldn't cooperate, either.

Sometimes what is harder for others is easier for me.

BTW... can someone tell me where the devx file is for Wary 500? I *know* I've seen it somewhere on this forum but I can't seem to locate it... dimmit I've got less memory than a 486.

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 23:54
by PupGeek
maybe it does. If you have one, you should try placing a save file to a usb flash drive instead. You may even want to try saving an iso file to there too and burn it with another program (or even another puppy). If you had to add the stardust theme, you might have to place the files in the filesystem remaster builds before finalizing everything. I cannot imagine you not having to add the new icon set in as well.

Anyways, good luck whichever way you decide to go, but I have never been able to make a complete puppy with woof, so I cannot help there. I did, however, find the devx file for wary though and you can get it here: ... /wary-5.0/

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 23:57
by MinHundHettePerro
EDIT: Too slow, the link already provided above! Please, ignore. :)/

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 00:50
by starhawk
Thanks for that link.

BTW, how hard is it to make a *.pet out of a *.deb with the latest ver of src2pkg? I want to take the Ubuntu version of pwrkap (mentioned elsewhere on this forum) plus the GUI frontend for it (that's two *.deb's) and make a *.pet out of it. Looks like it needs python, but I've already installed a *.pet for that and verified that it works.

Actually, come to think of it... if it's not too much of a pain, can someone just do that for me, please? I do want to learn these things but one must take a careful path with operating systems...

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 01:20
by MinHundHettePerro
starhawk wrote:Thanks for that link.

BTW, how hard is it to make a *.pet out of a *.deb with the latest ver of src2pkg? I want to take the Ubuntu version of pwrkap (mentioned elsewhere on this forum) plus the GUI frontend for it (that's two *.deb's) and make a *.pet out of it. Looks like it needs python, but I've already installed a *.pet for that and verified that it works.

Actually, come to think of it... if it's not too much of a pain, can someone just do that for me, please? I do want to learn these things but one must take a careful path with operating systems...

Code: Select all

# dpkg-deb -x any_package_any_version.deb any_package-any_version
# dir2pet any_package-any_version
Didn't find deb2pet in the later versions I run (don't actually know about wary5), but I do recall there was, at some point, in some puppy version, a deb2pet. Anyway, the above commands should get you sorted out ... , I think :)

hth/fwiw :)/

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 04:05
by starhawk
Didn't work... the installed *.pet doesn't launch, and I seem to be missing matplotlib (dependency) anyway.

I can upload the nonworking *.pets if anybody wants to debug.

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 12:51
by PupGeek
starhawk wrote:Thanks for that link.

BTW, how hard is it to make a *.pet out of a *.deb with the latest ver of src2pkg? I want to take the Ubuntu version of pwrkap (mentioned elsewhere on this forum) plus the GUI frontend for it (that's two *.deb's) and make a *.pet out of it. Looks like it needs python, but I've already installed a *.pet for that and verified that it works.

Actually, come to think of it... if it's not too much of a pain, can someone just do that for me, please? I do want to learn these things but one must take a careful path with operating systems...
Actually, you don't use src2pet with a .deb. I would undeb the .deb, move the extracted files to a specially created directory and use dir2pet for that. If you just plan to use it, you may be able to just copy the resulting directories into your system directories. I don't often like doing that, which is why I favor turning them into roxapps, but its really a matter of preference. If uncomfortable with it, try booting into a pristine live session and installing it there to test first.

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 14:05
by pemasu
To make puppy package handling for extracting much easier install rox right clicks pet. There are several around.
Then you just right click .pet or .deb and choose extract. ... 595#263595

And I use this one:

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 18:28
by starhawk
Thanks, pemasu, but my new copy of deb2pet (suggested by MHHP) has a context menu (right-click menu) entry... my new *.pet's don't work, though.

"Needs Debugging And I'm Too Bloody Stupid To Know How" thread here:

Unfortunately, I'm not getting much help yet.

EDIT: having one's thread title change unexpectedly inspires much confusion, BTW.

Posted: Sat 29 Jan 2011, 00:08
by starhawk
You know, I've been thinking about this, and PupGeek is right. I'm still a n00b, and I have a hard enough time figuring out how to reset default applications in Wary 500 (!) let alone developing a whole new Puppy from scratch.

They say that it takes a village to raise an idiot. Well, I don't want to burden the village with that much idiot-raising!

@PupGeek: would you help me with the CD remastering? I'm going to look at Puplite 4, and I'd like to add:
- a *working* version of Pwrkap + GUI
- Java, if it's not already there
- the OOoLight version of
- Opera as the main browser (Seamonkey sucks IMNSHO)
- Sylpheed as the email client
- support for (some) icons on the desktop, if it's not already there
- a *pretty* green-colored iconset and themeset
- a custom background

The last two items I should be able to handle on my own -- I'm a graphic artist among other things, so if I can figure out what program makes JWM themes, I should be all set.

Posted: Sat 29 Jan 2011, 01:52
by runtt21
I don't know what you have learned so far so if you have heard this before , sorry, Here is some basic remastering tricks I learned a while back. When you run the remaster process you will get to a point where it says it has created the root folder in /tmp. Open rox go over to /tmp and delete the root folder in there.Leave that rox open .Then Open rox again so you now have two rox filers open. COPY do not move your /root folder into /tmp. Just drag and drop from the second rox to the first and select copy. Then continue with the remaster until it says it has created /etc in /tmp. Do the same thing again with the /tmp/etc folder.Copy your /etc folder into /tmp. And then finish the remaster. When you boot the new cd do it with pfix=ram so it doesn't load your savefile. Good luck.

Posted: Sat 29 Jan 2011, 01:56
by starhawk

Assume that I know nothing whatsoever, and you'll be assuming a very true thing.

Posted: Sat 29 Jan 2011, 12:26
by sc0ttman
starhawk wrote:@PupGeek: would you help me with the CD remastering? I'm going to look at Puplite 4, and I'd like to add:
- a *working* version of Pwrkap + GUI
- Java, if it's not already there
- the OOoLight version of
- Opera as the main browser (Seamonkey sucks IMNSHO)
- Sylpheed as the email client
- support for (some) icons on the desktop, if it's not already there
- a *pretty* green-colored iconset and themeset
- a custom background
You could look into using Woofy, which is installed by default in Puplite.


Basically you need to add all the extra packages into a dir, then choose this directory as your 'package directory' before you start the remaster with Woofy.

Woofy can automatically install pets and sfs files.

It also allows you to change the wallpaper and themes and your default apps (if you tick the 'Edit themes & apps' checkbox).
This means if you added opera, openoffice, etc, you can then choose to make them the default apps, during the remaster.

You could also probably enable the ROX desktop in Puplite easily, during your remaster with Woofy.
Tick 'Edit filesystem', and click yes when it asks if you want to edit it, later..

Then you can open a terminal and type:

Code: Select all

chroot /tmp/my-woofy/basedir
toggle-rox-desktop start
Iif you changed any file or path names in starting the Woofy remaster process, then you should adjust the above line accordingly.
("/tmp/my-woofy/" be may different, if you changed the 'ISO filename' and 'Working dir' options)

It is recommended to make the working dir outside your save file, if you are using one.
(For example /mnt/home/temp - woofy will create your working dir, if it does not exist)