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Nicotine on 5.2

Posted: Fri 14 Jan 2011, 12:45
by tubeguy
Soulseek fans, Nicotine runs on 5.2, here's what I did:

1-Install python from PPM
2-Get Nicotine source files here:
3-Extract to ~/my-documents.
4-Go to folder you extracted to and set the file "" to be executable (right-click > file> permissions > yes)
5-Open console from folder and run "python install" (right-click in folder whitespace > window > terminal here)
6-Go to ~/.usr/bin and click the file ""

NOTES: I don't know if the devx sfs is needed or not for this. I always install it anyway, so I didn't try this without it.

The reason this even came up for me at all was because I went looking for an album and could not find it anywhere else. I was on the artist website with credit card in hand, and the store link was broken. So I checked the usual sources with no luck, then remembered SoulSeek from back in the day. A few minutes of Googling got me to the Nicotine page. I tried installing the debian deb and the ubuntu deb with no luck, finally decided to take a crack at compiling from source. Happily it was not the crazy convoluted process I expected, it was as simple as described above.

Posted: Tue 08 Feb 2011, 09:48
by GustavoYz
Great news...
Does somebody try to listen contemporary music from non-famous composers? No edited material on this country (as not big audience :roll:).
Soulseek its the best program for find that kind of academical music that you can't find anywhere else for being too weird, too new, too abstract or simply unsellable to have any price.

Thanks for the news, the last time that i tried to compile Nicotine (back on LuPu 501 :D), it seems to work -after some troubles on compilation- but yet really 'buggy'.


Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 12:09
by Dromeno
I did what Tubeguy suggested but in Lucid Puppy 528005. then ends up in /usr/local/bin, not ~/.usr/bin

but, more important, it won't start. This is the terminal output. What should I do now? In /usr/bin I have a glade and a glade-3 so I suppose glade is installed but Nicotine can not find it:

Tue 13:59 Nicotine supports "psyco", an inline optimizer for python code, you
can get it at
di 13:59 Nicotine+ ondersteund een landcode-blokker, maar dat vereist een (GPL)
module genaamd 'GeoIP'. Je kunt het hier vinden: C bibliotheek: Python bindings: (de python bindings hebben de C
bibliotheek nodig)
di 13:59 Disabled UPnP support due to errors: Failed to import miniupnpc
module: No module named miniupnpc. Also: Failed to run upnpc binary:
Problem while executing command ['upnpc'] (1 of 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/", line 286, in <module>
File "/usr/local/bin/", line 270, in run
from pynicotine.gtkgui import frame
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pynicotine/gtkgui/", line 22, in <module>
import gtk,
ImportError: No module named glade

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 12:47
by tubeguy
Good luck...all that stuff is over my head, I was just lucky it worked for me and thought I should post about it- I'm guessing nicotine and puppy have both changed enough that the current nicotine would have a problem with lucid, but I'm not a developer just a lucky user. ;-)

Haven't thought about Soulseek in a while now!

Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2013, 11:46
by Dromeno
for the record: this nicotine plus approach does also work in Carolina rc4