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Puplite 5.0

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 01:14
by sc0ttman
Puplite 5.0

Homepage: (extra packages for office, printing, games, etc)


- puplite-5.0-k2.6.25.16.iso: mirror 1, mirror 2 (80mb, md5: 9514edcea4dac9b135f4a8f1877ba0d8)

- puplite-5.0-k2.6.32.28.iso: mirror 1, mirror 2 (96mb, md5: 0430d29db87276895b020ead7959c1f5)

- Puplite-README.txt (more info)



- smaller, faster, more "up-to-date" Puppy 4, with more apps, less bloat
- modular live cd under 100mb, uses grub4dos to boot
- base ISO was Puppy Arcade 10 (which is built from TurboPup)
- low RAM, low CPU, feature-packed desktop puppy
- light jwm only desktop with drive icons and wallpaper
- improved and updated petget, pmount, bootmanager, startup manager
- no office or browser included by default (easy installer instead)
- on the fly sfs loading (special puplite sfs packs at download site)
- great startup manager to choose what loads at boot
- many changes to make it more user friendly (pupsaveconfig, firstrun, etc)
- many updated drivers in zdrv, better eeepc and intel810 compatibility
- better hotkey support and multimedia keyboard support
- clean save file unmount at shutdown, ask to save session or not
- updated mime types, rox bookmarks, rox options, right click options, /etc/mailcap,
- fewer processes running, static daemons replace some busybox funcs
- uses a zdrv files to store kernel modules, also has zdrv_cutter installed
- fixed initrd.gz on live cd, for loading modules in the zdrv
- no sane or xsane (for scanners)

(Puplite is based on my own work and stuff from Puppy Arcade, Turbopup, PupnGo and 214X
(thanks to barry k, technosaurus, synth, goingnuts, shinobar, ttuuxxx, tempestuous, jemimah, others)

Unique features:

- a user friendly JWM desktop environment, which can be easily customised to your liking.
- "on the fly" loading and unloading of SFS files - install large applications quickly and easily.
- a nice selection of add-on SFS files on the homepage, for printing, office and more
- easy SFS version detection and conversion before you load "on the fly".
- a great startup manager, so you can choose exactly what is loaded when you boot.
- a small and fast VLC media player with the tiny but great VLC-GTK frontend.
- a nice browser installer - with a choice of the latest browsers (FF3, Opera11, etc).
- more supported MIME types and ROX right-click options than most puppies.
- many essential cli apps included by default (elinks, mc, mg, transmissioncli, moc, doc2txt, docx2txt, wput, more).
- many tiny clients, servers & interpretors (http, ftp, samba, perl, python, java, js, ruby, tcl, basic, vi, emacs, more).
- updated system scripts (pmount, petget, bootmanager, snapmergepuppy, xinitrc, xorgwizard, fixmenus, dir2iso, more).
- good hotkey support and multimedia keyboard support (using "Sven").
- more user friendly system setup, especially for startup and shutdown.
- support for extraction (and/or conversion) of .deb, .txz, .rpm, .rar, .pup, .pet, .iso, .nrg
- option to make Puplite compatible with .pet files from Puppy 5 (not recommended)


Latest for 5.0

Puplite 5.0 comes in 2 flavours:

- puplite-5.0-k2.6.25.16.iso: mirror 1, mirror 2 (80mb, (the original Puppy 4 kernel.. sfs3)

- puplite-5.0-k2.6.32.28.iso: mirror 1, mirror 2 (96mb, the Wary 5.1.1 kernel - LTS, hyperthreading, smp, tickless, rfkill.. sfs4)

The k2.6.25.16 uses sfs3, while the k2.6.32.28 uses sfs4!
The k2.6.32.28 uses the same OpenGL drivers as Wary 5.1.

- 84 changes in total; 17 bugfixes, 35 new apps/features, 21 updates, 8 things removed, more
- The main SFS is less than 1mb bigger than the previous release!
- both versions of 5.0 feature a zdrv (so you can cut out unneeded drivers with 'zdrvcutr')
- improved JWM desktop features and settings (hot plugging works, etc)
- improved switching between JWM and ROX desktops
- many new apps for scripting, packaging and so on
- many cli apps for converting and viewing .doc files
- many new MIME types, default run actions and right click options
- many fixes and updates for faster/better system scripts and libs
- much easier management of samba, httpd, pplog, sfs files
- loads of other stuff (view the full changelog, below)

NOTE: you may need to run 'Menu->Refresh Desktop' at boot.

Latest for 4.0

- many new apps, including samba-tng and elinks (cli web browser)
- improved xorgwizard, 'easypackage' cli script
- more right click options, etc.
- it boots to Xorg, 1024x768 (on my PC at least).
- option to update to puppy 5 compatible system :)
- lighter JWM tray apps, better refresh menus and JWM desktop
- 'add to favourites' tool, for the app menu (middle click on desktop).
- many other fixes

Latest for 2.0:

- much nicer jwm desktop, with more features,
- added a few more cli apps and updated some other apps
- easy sfs version detect and convert, with Trios "SFS-Convertor"
- switch between jwm only, or full rox desktop (Menu->Desktop->Toggle ROX Desktop)
- updated all of zigberts apps to latest
- better locale support, with 'puppy-desktop' locale thing + NLS (from shinobar)
- better 3G modem support and updated zdrv (from rerwin)
- better control of startup/shutdown - moved more stuff to /etc/init.d
- removed addon sfs files from live cd
- easily enable/disable ROX desktop (Menu->Desktop->Desktop Settings->Toggle ROX Desktop)
- updated puppy scripts - petget, pmount, refresh-menus, bootmanager, pupshutdown, more
- zigberts and radkys latest Pup apps
- updated drivers for laptops, eee pcs, wacom tablets, touchpads and intel chipsets


Additional files for the kernel:

- DevX - ... vx_420.sfs
- OpenGL Drivers - Nvidia -
- OpenGL Drivers - ATI, others -
- Other Drivers - wifi, etc:

Additional files for the kernel:

- Nvidia drivers, apps, etc -

Extra .pet packages (for all versions of Puplite): ... ackages-4/


Changelog (from 4.2/TurboPup/PA10):

x fix: add ndiswrapper 1.55, add all required PERL-tiny deps, plus addons (adds ~700kb)
x fix: rox-toggle, many improvements, updated ~/.xinitrc; now sticky after reboot, manages pmconky, jwm-drives
x fix: PupApps and PupControl, so they work with the wallpaper-setter. (edit /usr/local/PupControl/defaultapps/wallpaper)
x fix: add check save file space for otf-sfs-loader - confirm load if not enough space
x fix: make a file or symlink for /usr/share/doc/home.html
x fix: new "dir2iso" that supports grub and isolinux (steal code from Woofy)
x fix: rpm handling - fixed /usr/local/bin/rpm2pet (ROX right click option for .rpm files)
x fix: updated snapmergepuppy from shinobar/jemimah/jpeps
x fix: pmount with proper button and text alignment
x fix: flash installer (get-flash); easier exit (no endless loop), more readable
x fix: ffmpeg fixed and updated, without breaking vlc - for pmusic, etc
x fix pup_pplog to work with monkey setup - add new option for images path
x fix pplog-gui - so that is opens webserver in background, and new pplog url
x fix: update title in my /usr/sbin/PupShutdown" gui (it's not radkys app, its much more basic)
x fix: perl5.8.8 package and its libs (added/replaced stuff)
x fix: add the following path to jwm icons paths /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/
x fix: update symlink for antiword in "Open With"
x fix: use .gif for header image in pplog, uglier but always works in FF, update style.css
x add: antiword ('doc2txt' in terminal) - easy convert and view MS word files as txt (adds ~ 200kb)
x add: antiword_epdf ('doc2pdf' in terminal)- easy convert and view MS word files as PDF
x add: docx2txt - ('docx2txt' in terminal) - easy convert .docx files to txt
x add: Frisbee network manager, disabled by default to avoid conflictions (it's a beta)
x add: ruby interpreter and ruby test scripts ('ruby' or 'tinyrb' in terminal, adds ~ 200kb)
x add: java interpreter ('jamvm' or 'java' in the terminal, adds~ 400kb)
x add: javascript interpreter ('tiny-js' in the terminal, adds ~14kb)
x add: tiny c compiler ('tinycc' in the terminal, adds ~200kb)
x add: python interpreter ('python' or 'tinypy' in the terminal, adds ~57kb)
x add: tiny tcl/tk interpreter ('jimtcl' or 'tclsh' in the terminal, adds ~90kb)
x add: sqlite-3.4.3 ('sqlite3' in the terminal, adds ~ 200kb)
x add: mg - a tiny emacs style editor, replaces tiny-elvis ('mg' in the terminal, adds ~ 200kb)
x add: ex - a tiny vi style editor, replaces 'tiny-elvis' (~100kb)
x add: simple, tiny ftp server - pure-ftpd plus gui and menu entry (adds ~ 30kb)
x add: wput upload cli tool, plus "pwput" GUI, plus menu entry (adds ~90kb)
x add: gtkam 0.1.16-1-pup4 (adds 87kb)
x add: bashpodder and gui, plus menu entry
x add: technosaurus' isomaster (its a fixed version)
x add: screen brightness gui for xbacklight, plus a menu entry
x add: reverse dependency checking for libs (.so files in /lib, /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib)
x add: 'createsfs' cli script, easily combine pets into sfs files
x add: menumaker 1.1 - add or remove menu entries (thx to trio)
x add: 'update-mime-database' (be careful with it!)
X add: pplog-1.1.2-2 (PERL blogging script, modifed '/usr/sbin/pplog_gui' to work with multiple webservers and new location)
x add: "nrg2iso" cli tool (easy convert nero images to .iso images)
x add: new MIME types in ROX for .nrg image files, plus default action (nrg2iso), plus icon
x add: new default run action for .mkv video files
x add: customised mass rename thing called "renamcon", better GUI sizes
x add: gtklp 1.2.7 to printing sfs, rollback to better cups, edit 'cups_shell' to work with all browsers
x add: glurp (or other mpd client) plus libmpdclient (adds 30kb)
x add: ethernet driver from pupngo thread into zdrv
x add: defaultsoundplayer
x add : pClock_nopmusic (~6kb)
x add: pCountdown (from 01micko, ~23kb), add an icon to the menu entry
x add: ffconvert (even though I can never get it to work, ffmpeg too old, but it's only ~27kb)
x add: xpad, on screen notes thing, and menu entry
x update: jwm drive icons support hotplugging: updated '/usr/local/drive_all' to ask to refresh jwm desktop, if not using ROX desktop
x update: location of webserver folder in '/etc/monkey/monkey.conf' (updated to /root/webserver)
x update: /usr/sbin/; show unmountable disks in PUPMODE 5
x update: /usr/sbin/; open up whichever mount point has been used
x update: pnethood to 0.6.7 (still requires smbclient, not included)
x update: samba-tng GUIs - now only 1 menu entry, combined GUI loader, more descriptive titles
x update: to PupSnap 1.5 (better jpg handling and creation, better file naming, other fixes)
x update: "add-jwm-fave" script, now always checks for new apps in start menu
x update: ntfs-3g to 0.79, symlink older ntfs-3g libs to new one
x update: pmusic to 1.6.3, update pTiming, pSchedule, pCD
x update: defaults-chooser: support defaultexteditor and defaulttextviewer (oops!!!!) siag office, frisbee, mcedit, vi, mg, elvis, ex, ffplay
x update: remove static mksquashfs files, replace with 'pup4' versions (saves ~600kb)
x update: default mp3 action - add a wrapper/gui - if mocp is running (ask to) add song to playlist, if not, play, update mocp to use mocha_theme
x update: transmission_cli to 1.75 (adds 100kb)
x update: add fixedwidth="175" to <TaskList /> in /root/.jwmrc-tray and /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc-tray
x update: browser-installer to use new opera 11 pet file
x update: add entry in "Startups" for Frisbee, cron-check
x update: nicer jwm taskbar theme; updated in jwm-personal, _root_jwm-tray
x update: turn all hot plugging on in /etc/eventmanager, make "/etc/init.d/rc.pup_event" executable by default (if i get jwm-refresh on hotplug working)
x update: usage and description for 'easypackage'
x update: update the Puplite readme file
x update: add run action for css files (defaulttexteditor)
x remove: waste - upx'ed around 20 binaries in "/usr/bin", saves around 1mb-2mb
x remove: unrequired libs and symlink over older libs (check /lib, /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib) - saves ~???kb)
x remove: /usr/bin/x64, /usr/bin/x128, (commodore emulators left over from PA10.. saves ~2.3mb)
x remove: /usr/bin/mnvm-2010 (mini vmac emulator left over from PA10.. saves ~100kb)
x remove: /usr/bin/httpd (saves ~ 400kb, added symlink to monkey instead, just in case)
x remove: unwanted menu entries (samba tng) and fix bad/ugly ones
x remove: /etc/spectemu (PA10 left overs)
x remove tiny-elvis (replaced by ex)
x remove pplog log files and test posts, etc

puplite 4.0:
x fixed: rc.otf-sfs (in /etc/init.d) works again
x fixed: using "vlc -I dummy" in /usr/local/bin/defaultmediaplayer (took me a while!)
x fixed: remove stuff from /root/.packages/alienpackages, as needed
x fixed: fixmenus_on_locale only restarts rox if using rox desktop
x update: boots straight to xorg, 1024x768 (no idea how or why!)
x update: jwm apps menu, with favourites manager and separators
x update: defaults-chooser options (better GUI and dep checks. also added more apps)
x update: xorgwizard now auto starts xvesa after it is chosen
x update: upgrade to ptiming-0.4, pmusic-1.5.3, pburn-3.3.3,
x update: use smaller freememapplet and network thing from goingnuts (edit _jwmrc_ and _jwmrc-tray_)
x update: disable original freememapplet in /root/startup
x update: startups, with avfs info, avfs not exec by default
x add: - easily download and install lupu compatibility pet
x add: rox right-click options for sfs - 'convert sfs' and 'load sfs'
x add: rox right click option for archives - view contents
x add: elinks text only/cli/no x web browser (adds 360kb) (you'll be glad it's there when you need it)
x add: samba-tng, plus cups-smbspool, plus client (adds 1mb! but it rocks.. apparently!)
x add: pnethood - updated network shares gui thing
x add: 'easypackage' pet or sfs creator script (replaces pets2sfs script, but you can use either name in terminal)
x add: ptiming, sgtt time tracker, lightsword alarm, gstp stopwatch - more timer stuff
x add: gtk-file-splitter and gtklxsplit - more file management
x add: pccrypt, strong file and dir encryption
x add: macchanger-1.5.0 cli tool - change your MAC address
x add: gPeriodic and Galculator - more science stuff
x add: Getez and Uget - more download stuff
x add: tiny-elvis (small vi-like editor, not perfect but nice enough)
x add: more static busybox daemons
x add: xorg drivers for wizardpen tablet drawing things
x add: simple xdialog gui for macchanger, menu entry in 'Network'

puplite 3.0:
x update: so it shows usb drive icons and unmountable partitions
x add pcur symlink in /usr/sbin (whoops, thanks radky!)
x add fixed and updated xorgwizard - will boot xvesa, no issues
x make 'refreshjwm' (fixmenus_on_locale) run, if not ROX desktop
x add barrys fixes for vlc-gtk to 2.3, cleaner gui during playback, improved output options
x add madwifi, rtl8187 and broadcom wifi drivers (from tempestuous) to zdrv,
x updated /etc/modulesconfig with all module changes integrated, nothing replaced
x updated pfind 4.20, pbackup locales
x added pstopwatch 0.6, ptimer 0.2, pprocess 2.2.2 and NLS for each, where available
x added libgtkspell and libenchant - needed for pidgin and other things, if added (around +100k)

puplite 2.0:
x update: open jwm apps menu by clicking *middle* button on desktop (not left-click) - better with ROX desktop
x remove: goffice and printing sfs files from live cd
x update: use Patriots jwm to fix pmconky, if I make it work nicer with fullscreen flash
x update: make pmconky loader in init.d
x update: pmconky - add cpu temperatures, locale, current user
x update: add loader for automount in init.d, remove it from xwin
x update: add loader for in init.d, remove it from xwin
x update: with the 9menu thing from goingnuts (allows mount/unmount and view)
x update: startups with descriptions for automount, pmconky, jwmdrives, nls stuff
x update: fix Trios sfs-convertor for Puplite and add it
x update: filemnt to ask to unsquash (or convert) incompatible (sfs4) files, when not mounted
x update: pup_event_frontend has loader in init.d, (not .xinitrc)
x fix: add "apply gtk theme to jwm" button back to jwmconfig, fix wallpaper button (make it use 'sws')
x add: mpd (music play daemon) - cos why not? its tiny..
x add: pCD 1.5 , pmusic 1.5.2, pburn 1.3.1(+NLS) all updated
x add: puppy-desktop and puppy-desktop-NLS
x add: prozilla, cli downloader
x add: closedvd+rwtools
x add: rerwins 3G_pupdial-wireless-13 (and updated zdrv), also fixes some module loading tools
x add: firstrun 1.6, improved 1st bootup options
x add: ghunter_white-0.0.5, nice image viewer
x add: mime editor from bigbass, edit rox mime types, added menu entry
x add: updated remasterpup2 from shinobar
x add: /usr/sbin/toggle-rox-desktop to enable/disable Rox Pinboard (PuppyPin icons)
x add: symlink of /etc/init.d/rc.pmconky to /root/Startup - so pmconky loaded by default
x add: menu entry for toggle-rox-desktop in 'Menu->Desktop->Desktop Settings'
x update: updated ROX icon and desktop - new wallpaper, fixed icons
x update: woofy has better sfs handling, uses mktmp, better sfs versioning (fixed code bit with mksfs)
x update jwmrefresh (check "~/.toggle-rox-desktop" for settings before load ROX pinboard)
x update _jwmrc_ with jwmrestart command for refresh menus
x update startup descriptions with all scripts used
x fix: jwm_drives to check for empty MNTPATH var, and if so, use normal mount point with drive_loader
x fix: update woofy to use "rxvt -e" to build main sfs, so user always sees its progress
x fix: rename mksquashfs to mksquashfs3, then link it to mksquashfs.. do same with unsquashfs3..

puplite 1.0:
x add: remasterpup2-100120
x add: frugal installer-1.4
x add: firstrun-1.4d
x add: swapfile-manager-v2
x remove /usr/sbin/grubconfig
x customise '/root/.config/', add more symlinks
x fix jwm apps menu to load vlc-gtk
x fix viewnior menu entry
x fix rover entry in defaults-chooser
x remove tcl/tk,
x remove sakura, vte,
x remove vgb,
x remove generic help docs,
x remove SDL,
x remove ffmpeg leftovers, (vlc is used)
x remove theora, jack,
x remove icewm and icemwm themes
x added otf-sfs-loader, added to main menu and jwm apps menu
x update quickset and puppyicon icons back to originals
x add pburn 3.3.1, grub4dos-1.6.3, rcountry-20101201
x add new pup-advert-clocker (more accurate success message)
x added static xvesa (half the size, nice and quick, ugly cusor!)
x added smaller busybox daemons
x added sysinfobox
x symlink /usr/sbin/grubconfig to /usr/sbin/grub4dosconfig
x remove: the 24x24 icons, and use new icon for htop in /root/.jwm-apps (save ~200k)
x remove: old control panel (save ~50kb)
x remove: other icon themes - not blue flat (save ~380kb)
x remove: lighttpd (save ~120kb)
x remove: hardinfo (replace later with smaller)
x remove : /usr/share/local (emtpy)
x fix: initrd.gz works with zdrv
x add otfsfs+drive_mounter+floppy_mounter+cd_mounter+dialog_functions,
x add jwm-drives+xwin, zdrv_cutter, pmconky, puptransmission,
x update goffice on iso
x add static syslogd
x fix automount, only load with saves files
x fix jwm_drives to show 'puppy' drive, with and without save file
x fix: make mount error popup use xdialog in /usr/sbin/drive,cd,
x add: monkey webserver (adds ~ 60kb)
x add: htop-0.9, xdelta_gui_0.3-pup4, wcpufreq-0.4, lxrandr-0.1.1, unrar-3.93 (adds ~150kb)
x add: customised pupapps, pupcontrol (with new rc files!) (add ~140kb)
x add: smaller hardinfo (save ~100k)
x add: fixed petget and pmount
x add: mhwavedit (add ~200k)
x add: pmusic-1.5 (add ~50k)
x add: xchat (stripped perl libs, runs fine for chatting) (add ~280k)
x add: latest woofy
x add: custom shutdown dialog called PupShutdown
x fixes: hack PupApps to load my PupShutdown
x fixes: jwm-apps to use PupShutdown, re-organise
x fixes: update jwmrc, re-organse, remove icewm entry, move refresh menus under help file
x fixes: update icons in /usr/bin/vlc-gtk-btns
x fixes: add <Pager/> to jwm, tray, move desktop config from 'jwm-personal' to 'jwmrc' (re-enable 2 desktops)
x fixes: edited startup scripts in /init.d - monkey disabled, rc.otf enabled
x fixes: remove automount entry in xwin (not needed now)
x fixes: remove all 'corner' entries in jwmrc + jwmtheme (fixes jwm manager)
x fixes: change osmo prefs (/root/.osmo)
x fixes: add patriots clean savefile unmount for frugal installs (double check full change, use that if easy enough)
x fixes: update pup-advert-blocker menu icon
x fixes: update jwm-apps: fix htop icon, added PupApps, PupControl replaces ControlPanel
x iso: update cups sfs with cups pdf
x fixes: update ROX settings - 'options' and 'bookmarks.xml' in .config/rox.sourceforce.......
x fixes: cleanup unneeded files in /root/Startup and /etc/init.d
x add: upgraded bootmanager, with startups manager (bootmanager,startups,
x add: flsynclient for touchpads and touchpad-Puppy4.1 (touchpad xorg drivers)
x add: glxgears (+32k)
x fixes: make otf_sfs_loader ask to update menu, not always update menu
x fixes: fix monkey webserver (add newer /usr/sbin/monkey_start, /etc/init.d/monkey -> /usr/sbin monkey)
x fixes: add updated /etc/mailcap - added transmission for torrents (better for browsers)
x fixes: update vlc-gtk: enable on-screen controls for dvd and vcd playback
x fixes: add /root/gtk.mine, and updated ROX options/shortcuts (in ROX-Filer/menus2)
x fixes: update /root/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini (hidden hidden files by default - consistent with ROX)
x fixes: update geany conf (clear recents, etc), and xarchiver conf (sort by filename enabled)
x fixes: update pmconky menu entry to 'desktop system info'
x fixes: display drivers: add patched 915 thing, generic v4l, intel810
x fixes: eee drivers: add patched eee drivers
x fixes: wifi drivers: add pcnet, tplink
x iso: updated zdrv in iso
x fixes: clean up and fix all menu items as desired
x fixes: update /usr/sbin/startups: smaller list in tabs, description for touchpad settings, more descriptions
x fixes: added retrovol startup script in /root/Startup (non-exec by default)
x add: xbacklight-1.1 (cli only)
x fixes: update /usr/sbin/startups: more descriptions
x fixes: added menu entry for /usr/sbin/startups
x add: PupSnap 1.1, added scrot, slightly smaller imlib2 (big, but smaller than tcl/tk)
x fix: make load PupSnap (mtpaint-snapshot needs tcl/gnocl)
x fix: update menu, remove mtpaint entry, use only PupSnap menu entry
x fixes: fixed PupControl JWM tray management (thx radky)
x add: smaller hardinfo back in, went missing (thx radky)
x fixes: updated jwmconfig2-20101228 tool, jwmpersonal+jwmthemes -> fixed font settings (thx shinobar)
x fixes: pcurselect (added symlink called pcur) (thx radky)

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 01:14
by sc0ttman
Screenshots of unique or updated features:

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 01:15
by sc0ttman
a few more screenshots of extras

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 02:01
by sc0ttman
Quick notes:

My PC is too old to test the CPU frequency thing. I have no idea if it works in 4.2

Tcl/Tk is not included, thus Roaring Penguin is gone and PupSnap replaces mtpaint-snaphot..
(Hope that is enough...Other tcl dependencies?)

I have not tested this on my Eee PC, because Fluppy or Puppeee will be better.
Vattery may or may not work, I haven't tested it.

Any laptop users might want to checkout 'xblacklight' to adjust screen brightness.

I haven't turned my printer on for about 3 years :), so haven't tested printing, but Puplite uses standard puppy4 packages for printing in the addon sfs.

PMConky will not show up above the wallpaper..
you must disable jwm wallpaper (delete /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg) to see it (a fix, anyone?)

Firedog was built on this and works very well loaded on the fly :)

You can use a script called 'pets2sfs' to combine all pets in a folder into 1 sfs..
It takes no paramaters, uses Xdialog ...

There are 2 auto mounts scripts available - '' and 'mountall'..
it is not recommended (or needed) to auto load them at boot

The jwmconfig2 tool has a couple of 'issues' - the set wallpaper button does nothing (use SWS instead).. and the button for 'apply gtk theme to jwm' is gone (after shinobars update).. Shame cos that actually works on 4.2..

Also the SWS wallpaper tool will change wallpapers but won't apply the tiled, stretched etc - you need to open the .jwmrc file and edit it directly (easy).

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 12:29
by sc0ttman
Please note i re-uploaded 1.0 (new md5 sum at top of thread)

It includes hardinfo (whoops), plus a few fixes from radky and shinobar

Any early downloaders might want to re-download - if you are missing hardinfo

Possible future updates include:

- make pmconky appear above desktop wallpaper
- create loader for in /etc/init.d, remove it from xwin
- make jwm drives check if drive is usb and show different icon
- update puppy event manager to restart jwm after hotplugging detects new device
- add 'apply gtk theme to jwm' button back to jwmconfig
- update 'startups' script with more process descriptions
- find a tiny VOIP app
- fix filemnt to ask to unsquash sfs4 files
- more additions to /etc/mailcap

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 18:37
by puppyiso
Any other mirror?

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 21:20
by sc0ttman

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 23:05
by john biles
Hello sc0ttman,
I can see a lot of work went in to this one and your list of changes made is very detailed letting those interested know whats been improved.

I love that you have all the Drive icons grouped together and prefer yours over the standard Puppy.

I think you'll find in time a few remasters turning up based on this iso.

Well done!

Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010, 00:02
by sc0ttman
john biles wrote:Hello sc0ttman,
I can see a lot of work went in to this one and your list of changes made is very detailed letting those interested know whats been improved.
Thanks, it's difficult to list the changes exactly as this went from being Puppy 4.2 -> TurboPup -> Puppy Arcade -> Puplite..

I may have missed a few changes small I made for Puplite, and excluded anything about stripping Puppy Arcade..
john biles wrote:I love that you have all the Drive icons grouped together and prefer yours over the standard Puppy.
Thanks very much :) I dislike the icons moving around after loading sfs files at reboot, and don't like icons I don't use.
john biles wrote:I think you'll find in time a few remasters turning up based on this iso.

Well done!
:D My pleasure, thanks for the kind words.

A lot of credit should go to those mentioned in the first post.

Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010, 17:57
by taca0
Its an excellent combination . But will be complete for me if I can change the Xorg version to other like 1.4.2 or higher??? Do you know how I do that??

You make this version with Woof??

Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010, 18:18
by sc0ttman
Its an excellent combination . But will be complete for me if I can change the Xorg version to other like 1.4.2 or higher??? Do you know how I do that??

You make this version with Woof??
There are no plans to update the Xorg version.. Sorry. And I don't know how to do that..

But MU made a puplet based on 4.1 with a newer Xorg, I think...
Not sure of the name...

And I made this with Woofy, occasionally using edit-sfs...
But for some things to be changed correctly, I had to run the ISO through remasterpup2
(the same one as the version in Puplite)..

Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010, 19:00
by taca0
I cant find a xorg upgrade of 7.3 but I ask , Could I make other version of puppy with Woof but with the same programs and reorganization that you made in Puplite-1.0 ?? If it possible or if you accept to post some tutorial about how to do that ? I ask because you said that not have plans to update Xorg..

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010, 11:32
by sc0ttman
taca0 wrote:I cant find a xorg upgrade of 7.3 but I ask , Could I make other version of puppy with Woof but with the same programs and reorganization that you made in Puplite-1.0 ?? If it possible or if you accept to post some tutorial about how to do that ? I ask because you said that not have plans to update Xorg..
I doubt Woof would build anything similar to Puplite, as I said, I used Woofy

But you could build an updated Puppy 4 with Woof, I guess..
You could choose all puppy 4 packages when you build it, no idea how it would finish, though..

(I never used Woof, I don't have the required hardware, but it maybe possible.)

And I would love to help you out, but I don't know how to upgrade Xorg, without breaking other things!

Maybe someone else, who knows more about it can help..

But as Puplite-1.0 iis based on Puppy 4.2, Woof is not really relevant I think..

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010, 12:05
by Lobster
This is released as is..
I don't plan any more ISO releases, but I will try to help anyone who uses it..

Lets hope people still compile stuff for Puppy 4, to keep it alive!
Some great innovation 8)
Thanks for providing the documentation and pics,
Pics always provides an impression and understanding of what has been achieved.
I am sure some of your code will appear in other 4.x series Puppys.
There are keen compilers of the stable 4.x series, long may it continue.

Great to see such an array of browsers available :)
Congratulations. Puppy is strengthened by your efforts :)

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010, 15:06
by sc0ttman
Lobster wrote:Congratulations. Puppy is strengthened by your efforts :)
Cheers Lobster..

I did do some stuff for this, but I'll say again, most of the good work was done by the guys mentioned in the first thread!

That is: synth, goingnuts and Technosaurus did a lot of work to make it less resource intensive, ttuuxxx compiled lots of tiny apps (very well),tempestuous did all the driver stuff, and shinobar made a lot of the startup/shutdown improvements..

I just cobbled them together! :?

But if anyone cares, here's my latest to do list (hopefully in the form of a pet):

To do: puplite-1.1
- fix: add "apply gtk theme to jwm" button back to jwmconfig, fix wallpaper button (make it use 'sws')
- fix: add 20 second timeout to 'scrape' and 'meta info' functions in PupTransmission
- update: replace mocp with aqualung, maybe
- update: use Patriots jwm to fix pmconky, if I make it work nicer with fullscreen flash
- update: make pmconky loader in init.d, update jwm theme a little
- update: pmconky - add battery info, temperatures, cpu cores, scaling, etc
- update: add loader for automount in init.d, remove it from xwin
- update: add loader for in init.d, remove it from xwin
- update: puppy event manager to run create_jwm_drives (if exec in init.d) and restart jwm after hot-plugging a device
- update: so it shows usb drive icon
- update: startups with descriptions for automount, pmconky, jwmdrives
- update: fix Trios sfs-convertor for Puplite and add it
- update: filemnt to ask to unsquash (or convert) incompatible (sfs4) files, when not mounted
- update: more right click options for various file types
- remove: vattery - if pmconky can show decent battery info
- add: a custom simple gui to choose some opengl drivers - nvidias, ati, xorg_full, or web link to others
- add: mpd (music play daemon) - cos why not? its tiny..
- add: get a working google chrome pet, add it to the browser installer
- add: the latest pCD, pmusic and pburn

(goingnuts has kindly helped me solve a few things already.. ideas or suggestions welcome)

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010, 17:10
by nooby
Sadly it fails to get my LAN card going. Which is kind of sad.

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010, 17:39
by sc0ttman
nooby wrote:Sadly it fails to get my LAN card going. Which is kind of sad.
Did you try all the network managers?

If so... Tried this?

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010, 18:12
by nooby
Yes all three of them.

My experience of SNS is that that one usually always work and also Fluppy have a network program that usually do find a way to get the WAN LAN going.

But Acer D250 most likely do have a Ethernet version that is problematic.

But both failed to find any kind of card. And if I get it puplite shut down the card. it becomes invisible to the programs.

One need to shut down and take out the power plug to get it back and be able to use it in other puppies.

I am in Lupu-518 now and that one had no problem to get the connection going.

Posted: Fri 31 Dec 2010, 03:12
by musher0
HI, sc0ttman,

Your puplite sounds very interesting indeed. Might be just the thing needed to bring back to life a friend's old Celeron 600 PC. I'll give you more feedback later.

In the meatime, as to your wish to :
> - make pmconky appear above desktop wallpaper
I have attached FYI the conky script I use to make conky appear as a regular window. So it obviously is above the backdrop. Also you can fold (shade) it out of the way if you don't need to see the info all the time. It may not be exactly what you are looking for, but I hope it helps or gives you some ideas. The settings for the window behaviour would be more to the top of the script.

A snapshot is included. If you need the text re-translated, just give me a shout.

Keep up the good work! .

Posted: Fri 31 Dec 2010, 03:28
by musher0
Forgot to ask:

I suppose the devx for puppy 4.20 will work with your puplite 1.0?