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Frugal Install & GRUB 2 on Linux Mint (Ubuntu?)

Posted: Mon 20 Dec 2010, 04:15
by mamasboy
Hi there,

I'd just started on Linux Puppy a coupla days ago and managed to piece some info on how to do frugal installs on your HDD. I know it's difficult to make changes to GRUB2 as opposed to GRUB1; so I thought I share my experience here. I'd also noticed that different linux distros may have slight differences in their GRUB entries; so don't assume it will be the same for all.

1) Use your favorite text editor and open up /etc/grub.d/40_custom (you probably need to be login as root or sudo)
2) Add the following lines at the bottom

Code: Select all

menuentry "Puppeee Base" {
set root=(hd0,3)
linux /pupbase/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=pupbase nousbwait=1
initrd /pupbase/initrd.gz

menuentry "Linux Puppy Lupu" {
set root=(hd0,3)
linux /lupu/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=lupu nousbwait=1 
initrd /lupu/initrd.gz
Here you see TWO examples of frugal installs of Linux Puppy on my HDD. The first one is titled as "Puppeee Base" and the second is titled as "Linux Puppy Lupu". You can title yours anyway you like.

Next line is the 'set root'. This is where you put the HDD and partition info of where you put your copied frugal install.

The third line is where it tells GRUB2 where to find the vmlinuz file and the boot up parameters. Be aware that here I put my Puppeee files in a sub-folder called 'pupbase'. So you see there's '/pupbase/vmlinuz' AND the parameter of 'psubdir' pointing to the same sub-folder. Remember to change 'pupbase' to your folder name.

The 4th line points to the initrd.gz file in the same sub-folder.

The second entry is for ANOTHER frugal install i.e. lupu.

After you have saved the file, make sure you update GRUB2!

Code: Select all

sudo update-grub
Hope this helps those with GRUB2.


There are some more info on other installs in the forum and...

Puppy Install & GRUB 2 on Linux Mint

Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010, 03:44
by Ol'Duffer
I started with an eMachine with XPsp3
used GPartEd to resize and add partitions
Puppy 5.1 (from PenDrive) installed GRUB-Legacy - to the MBR
Mint 10x64 installed GRUB2 - to its partition
I found Mint's vmlinuz and initrd, added a entry to Puppy's menu.lst
So far, they're cooperating
(whew) :)
I wish I know a way to multiboot with NTLDR that XP wouldn't be tempted to sabotage
And I wish Plop and XOSL were, well, better developed

Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010, 04:37
by mill0001
@ Ol Duffer, search the forum for threads on
Grub4Dos especially the ones posted by Shinobar. It's the best for dual booting with XP. It's also really easy to set it up. You could also search for Lin 'n' Win threads which explain how you set up Grub4Dos to use XP boot.ini to start the linux bootloaders.