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terminal applications

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 00:55
by morgonzola
so im just going to put up .pets of cli apps i find/find interesting.

my free time tends to wildly fluctuate so ill post them when i can :wink:

if you have any personal feelings/preferences on programs and want to share those thats cool

also any cool customizations you might have done

if you dont want to do any of that thats cool also

i didn't make this by aragon made a version of midnight commander

speaking of that if i see any other cli apps on this forum, i will put up a link

***PIANOBAR FIX thanks to rokytnji here (its the new faad 2-2.7-V3)


Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 01:30
by morgonzola
so i have been getting friendly with dejans deb2pet utility its great i love it :D

and i made these two with that

if there is any problems let me know and i will fix them, im just thinking that maybe it didn't put things in the right places or something like that

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 01:45
by morgonzola
__ _ _ _
/ _(_) __ _| | ___| |_
| |_| |/ _` | |/ _ \ __|
| _| | (_| | | __/ |_
|_| |_|\__, |_|\___|\__|

| / __|
| \__ \

__ ___ _____ ___ _ __ ___ ___
/ _` \ \ /\ / / __|/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \
| (_| |\ V V /\__ \ (_) | | | | | | __/
\__,_| \_/\_/ |___/\___/|_| |_| |_|\___|

well it doesnt quite look right on here :oops: but it really is awsome
just sayin
also it might not be just figlet in the terminal to run but figlet-figlet
comes with dif fonts and all that they are in /usr/share/figlet
read the man to figure out how to change its pretty easy

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 18:40
by morgonzola
ok here we go web browser time

i haven't tried any of these yet so if there are problems let me know

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 20:06
by abushcrafter
morgonzola wrote:
well it doesnt quite look right on here :oops: but it really is awsome
just sayin

Code: Select all

  __ _       _      _   
 / _(_) __ _| | ___| |_ 
| |_| |/ _` | |/ _ \ __|
|  _| | (_| | |  __/ |_ 
|_| |_|\__, |_|\___|\__| 

| / __|
| \__ \

  __ ___      _____  ___  _ __ ___   ___ 
 / _` \ \ /\ / / __|/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \
| (_| |\ V  V /\__ \ (_) | | | | | |  __/
 \__,_| \_/\_/ |___/\___/|_| |_| |_|\___|

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 21:13
by morgonzola

ok it looks better in code form

maybe the big.flf font works better?

Code: Select all

 _          _ _       
| |        | | |      
| |__   ___| | | ___  
| '_ \ / _ \ | |/ _ \ 
| | | |  __/ | | (_) |
|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/ 
ehh i don't know
but alpine is on its way once i figure out how to upload here is mutt

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 21:19
by abushcrafter
morgonzola wrote:maybe the big.flf font works better?
No. Its because the code tag uses a fixed width font.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 01:24
by morgonzola
No. Its because the code tag uses a fixed width font
well darn i dont think figlet likes this site
but its still cool

also games i found a nethack .pet by wolfpup so thank you wolfpup

this is pretty much dnd in the console
**EDIT here is a thread with 3 games in it including vitetris. good stuff

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 01:46
by morgonzola
kk here are 2 calendars + a type helper.

i think wyrd looks better imho but thats just me

and also here is a CLInet .pet and alot of work/info so if you use this give your thanks to WarMock

Posted: Thu 09 Dec 2010, 19:57
by abushcrafter
Which puppy did you compile these PETs on?

Posted: Fri 10 Dec 2010, 04:22
by morgonzola
sorry i haven't been posting more lately i have been getting ready for a competition and my free time has dried up

well i have been cheating a little and getting friendly with the deb2pet utility that was recently posted
so most of these are just debs put into pets
im pretty new to this, is that a problem?

some of them have been a fresh compile and those are done on my eee pc running pupeee beta 4

Posted: Fri 10 Dec 2010, 09:10
by sc0ttman
morgonzola wrote:well i have been cheating a little and getting friendly with the deb2pet utility that was recently posted
so most of these are just debs put into pets
im pretty new to this, is that a problem?
It's not a problem if your packages work, which they do :)

Stealing things from Debian is always nice, especially when you find some small apps, with only a few dependencies = puppy friendly

I like this thread.. Keep it up :)

Posted: Sat 11 Dec 2010, 22:59
by abushcrafter
morgonzola wrote:sorry i haven't been posting more lately i have been getting ready for a competition and my free time has dried up

well i have been cheating a little and getting friendly with the deb2pet utility that was recently posted
so most of these are just debs put into pets
im pretty new to this, is that a problem?

some of them have been a fresh compile and those are done on my eee pc running pupeee beta 4
If they are compiled on a system which has a newer glibc than older puppy's like 4.3. They will then not work in those older puppy's, only in newer ones.

Posted: Tue 14 Dec 2010, 20:16
by morgonzola
ok sorry about being gone for so long :oops:
things to do
school to not fail


here you go i think i found some kinda out there ones. and when i say out there i mean it probably has a couple for dependencies missing.

SOO if they are missing either go to debians website/slackware site/ other sites who have packages and get it.

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 23:48
by morgonzola
HEY you people who have actually tested/used these programs and figured out what needs to be put into them dependency wize

LOOK HERE and either tell me what it was or put them there yourself (sc0ttman :lol: )

Posted: Thu 16 Dec 2010, 08:15
by amigo
An interesting aside about one of those last programs -surfraw, written by a certain Julian Assange...

Posted: Fri 17 Dec 2010, 15:10
by sc0ttman
morgonzola wrote:HEY you people who have actually tested/used these programs and figured out what needs to be put into them dependency wize

LOOK HERE and either tell me what it was or put them there yourself (sc0ttman :lol: )
Don't worry, I'm getting round to it... :)

And my brother sent me this:

Posted: Sat 15 Jan 2011, 20:59
by sfeeley
I just downloaded the pianobar pet and am using it on lucid 5.2.
Runs great!
Thank you!

Posted: Sat 19 Feb 2011, 18:29
by rokytnji
morgonzola wrote:HEY you people who have actually tested/used these programs and figured out what needs to be put into them dependency wize

LOOK HERE and either tell me what it was or put them there yourself (sc0ttman :lol: )

Posted pianobar fix for Quirky and maybe other Puppys below . Need a newer faad2-2.7. ... 947#496947

Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2011, 18:03
by morgonzola
hey so i just saw this tread again and i was wondering, is there any other apps people specifically want? because most of the apps after this are kind of out there, hacking tools, and/or just repeats of stuff already present in puppy.

so i will see if there is anything else that could be put up here (thanks for that link sc0ttman, otherwise please name some