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Advert-Blocker 0.5

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 16:41
by sc0ttman
block many online ads in any browser

This tool will download a list of known advertising servers and add them to your "/etc/hosts" file - blocking them from you.

Then you can browse the web without seeing or downloading a large number of popular and very annoying online ads :D

This tool is very simple, but does the trick nicely, I think.

Using all services currently blocks around 30,300 ad servers (Aug 2010)

Suggestions and improvements still welcome.


version 0.5
- added a fix I accidentally un-added! :roll:
- changed detection of empty list
- cleaned the code a tiny little bit
- added a timeout to wget (avoids endless pausing)

version 0.4
- added (only some of) Barry Ks bugfixes (whoops! fixed in v0.5)

version 0.3
- fixed duplicate removal (using dos2unix to convert carriage returns)
- updated help GUI

version 0.2
- added more servers
- servers can be combined or chosen separately
- ads can be disabled by not selecting any servers
- (duplicates are still found in the final built list!) :(

(Thanks to this thread) (thx 2 lguleder etc)

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 16:44
by Iguleder
Once of those moments when I wonder why the forums don't have a "like" button :lol:


Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 17:10
by chrismt
@ Scottman


This is what I was asking someone to make

You can learn a lot of things from Hostsman, a windows Hosts Manager that blocks ads and malware



This PET. is my favorite!

You can also add more adblock hosts providers like MVPS etc

You not only block ads but also malware sites in Windows with Hostsman because it has got many hosts providers as default.

You can even update all the hosts providers automatically and delete duplicates

Check it out!


Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 21:08
by technosaurus
I made a simple command line script that will integrate both lists and sort the duplicates out (the commented out line also removes some know adult content)

Code: Select all

wget -c -O hosts1
wget -c -O hosts2
#wget -c -O hosts3 #removes adult content
cat /etc/hosts hosts1 hosts2 hosts3 |grep ^[1-9] |sed "s/\t//g"|sort |uniq >/etc/hosts
#rm -f hosts1 hosts2
other possible host lists: ... ce/browse/

here is the link for adblock plus, but it will require some manipulation to make it work
https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus. ... rivacy.txt
more here: and here:

Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 17:32
by sc0ttman
version 0.2 released - see main post.

Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 18:17
by technosaurus
Nice work!

Code: Select all

cat /tmp/adlist1 /tmp/adlist2 /tmp/adlist3 /tmp/adlist4 |grep ^[1-9] |sed "s/\t//g"|sort |uniq -u 
leave off the -u from uniq otherwise you will miss anything that is on more than one list

in order for lines to be seen as true duplicates, the formatting has to be exactly the same (uniq compares the entire line as a string), so you may need to pass it through sed a couple of times to replace combinations of tabs/spaces/etc... with a single space in all entries and no trailing tabs/spaces possibly leading tabs/spaces as well

sed 's/[ \t]*/ /' #replace combinations of tabs/spaces with a space
sed 's/[ \t]*$//' #remove trailing spaces/tabs
sed 's/[^ \t]*//' #remove leading spaces/tabs

Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 23:02
by sc0ttman
updated to 0.3

all duplicates now removed from hosts file automatically :D

I personally think this (or similar) should be included in Puppy, not because I made it of course, but because it makes browsing soooooo much faster and less annoying!

thanks for the help guys

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 00:59
by BarryK
Hi, great app, I posted a bug fix for 0.3:

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 03:28
by jemimah
Nice. I've added it to Puppeee and Fluppy.

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 05:42
by sc0ttman
version 0.4 is out..

Added Barry Ks bugfixes.. but removed hard-coding of app title.

Thanks for the help! :)

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 08:14
by technosaurus
I adapted it for standard dialog for the minimalist puppies using PupnGo. This will work with dialog on the command line or Xdialog (gtk1 or gtk2) in X, but not as pretty either way (I removed any non-essentials to work with dialog)

Code: Select all

[ -z $DISPLAY ] && DIALOG=dialog || DIALOG=Xdialog
for x in `$DIALOG --stdout --checklist "Choose your ad blocking service(s)" 0 0 4 1 "" ON 2 "" ON 3 "" ON 4 "" ON |tr "/" " " |tr '\"' ' '`; do
	case $x in
	1)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist1 '';;
	2)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist2 '';;
	3)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist3 '';;
	4)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist4 '';;
	*)echo $x;;
touch /tmp/adlist{1,2,3,4}
cat /etc/hosts /tmp/adlist{1,2,3,4} |grep ^[1-9] |sed '/^$/d' |sed "s/\t/ /g"|sed '/^#/d' |sed 's/  / /g' |dos2unix -u |sort |uniq > /etc/hosts
rm -f /tmp/adlist{1,2,3,4}
Edit: this one should work better

Code: Select all

[ -z $DISPLAY ] && DIALOG=dialog || DIALOG=Xdialog
[ ! -f /etc/hosts.usr ] && touch /etc/hosts && cp -f /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.usr #echo localhost puppypc >/etc/hosts #r1 maybe user added others
for x in `$DIALOG --stdout --checklist "Choose your ad blocking service(s)" 0 0 5 1 "" ON 2 "" ON 3 "" ON 4 "" ON 5 "turn off adblocking" off |tr "/" " " |tr '\"' ' '`; do
   case $x in
   1)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist1 '';;
   2)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist2 '';;
   3)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist3 '';;
   4)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist4 '';;
   5)ln -sf /etc/hosts.usr /etc/hosts && exit;;
   *)echo $x;;
touch /tmp/adlist{1,2,3,4}
cat /etc/hosts.usr /tmp/adlist{1,2,3,4} |sed 's/^[ \t]*//' |sed 's/\t/ /g' |sed 's/  / /g' |grep ^[1-9] |dos2unix -u |sort |uniq > /etc/hosts.adblock
ln -sf /etc/hosts.adblock /etc/hosts

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 12:16
by abushcrafter
Could you add the option to disable ad blocking please. So when one is on sites like lastfm there services like there player works.

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 12:38
by sc0ttman
abushcrafter wrote:Could you add the option to disable ad blocking please. So when one is on sites like lastfm there services like there player works.
My GUI already has that feature. Just don't select any lists and click Start'.
You just need to restart your browser, I think..

The code above, by techonosaurus, probably just needs the '/etc/hosts' part removed from the 'cat' command, in order to enable the removal of all ad lists (I think - correct me if I am wrong!)

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 12:51
by abushcrafter
sc0ttman wrote:
abushcrafter wrote:Could you add the option to disable ad blocking please. So when one is on sites like lastfm there services like there player works.
My GUI already has that feature. Just don't select any lists and click Start'.
You just need to restart your browser, I think..

The code above, by techonosaurus, probably just needs the '/etc/hosts' part removed from the 'cat' command, in order to enable the removal of all ad lists (I think - correct me if I am wrong!)

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 13:22
by sc0ttman
Not so great.. I'm dumb.. Removing the /etc/hosts from technosaurus' code will just break it and do weird things..
But you can do it in mine, that was correct at least..

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 14:11
by chrismt
version 0.4 is giving me an error

I selected all the list and I tried to update

After some time, a dialog box popped up showing that none has been selected

And, after some seconds when I closed the first box, another dialog popped up saying, all are updated

But when I checked the Hosts, I find that nothing is updated

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 15:16
by fyujj
technosaurus, sc0ttman or whoever, could you adapt the script to use yad?
I'm using Debian and wouldn't like to install gtkdialog or xdialog since they're considered deprecated.

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 15:48
by sinc
chrismt wrote:version 0.4 is giving me an error
same error here. v.4 not working right.

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 16:25
by technosaurus
Yad pet is here:
for my version all you need to do is have yad output to stdout any combination of ...
1 2 3 4 5

and place it into
`Xdialog ... ...`

zenity/yad break compatibility with the standard dialog formats that dialog, cdialog, xdialog, whiptail and kdialog all basically share in common ... so it would need to be recoded ... but you can always use the dialog version from a terminal (just get rid of the checking for DISPLAY and set DIALOG to dialog)

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 17:44
by fyujj
Thank you technosaurus, that's even better (using just the terminal). I don't know bash (or whatever scripting language). I left it like this:

Code: Select all

DIALOG=dialog || DIALOG=dialog
for x in `$DIALOG --stdout --checklist "Choose your ad blocking service(s)" 0 0 4 1 "" ON 2 "" ON 3 "" ON 4 "" ON |tr "/" " " |tr '\"' ' '`; do
   case $x in
   1)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist1 '';;
   2)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist2 '';;
   3)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist3 '';;
   4)wget -c -4 -t 0 -O /tmp/adlist4 '';;
   *)echo $x;;
touch /tmp/adlist{1,2,3,4}
cat /etc/hosts /tmp/adlist{1,2,3,4} |grep ^[1-9] |sed '/^$/d' |sed "s/\t/ /g"|sed '/^#/d' |sed 's/  / /g' |dos2unix -u |sort |uniq > /etc/hosts
rm -f /tmp/adlist{1,2,3,4}
and it showed the dialog fine in the terminal, downloaded and created fine /tmp/adlist1 to /tmp/adlist4 but then just left a blank /etc/hosts and also didn't delete those temporary files.
I have safely backed up my original hosts file so no worry regarding this. I have dos2unix installed too.