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XLUPU 5.10 Bugs

Posted: Thu 26 Aug 2010, 00:57
by dakbayani
XLUPU 5.1 now released at ... irror=nchc

It's the same LuPu 5.10 remaster with XFCE added.

After installing all the dependencies, known bugs include:
* power_applet starts but is nowhere in the tray/panel
* Net monitor wouldn't start (kudos to blinky!)
* CPU Monitor was not installed (keeping the size small)
* drive_all (/usr/local/bin/drive_all) is not unmounting. I have checked the script, though, and it's ok, so someone with good tweaking powers is much welcome to knock the bug out.
* shred has been added (/usr/sbin/shred) but it resembles nowhere close to that of shred in NOP 4.31 or QuirkyNOP
* The shutdown/restart function was lost it logs off instead and awaits someone to type "poweroff" or "reboot" The "logoff button at the panel does nothing else but removes the panel.
* The autodetect/autoconfigure in LuPu 5.10 was gone after XFCE was added.

In a word, "Help!" I hope anyone could share how to get rid of these bugs.
It's great that Dejan's pet's and fixes got me this far, but I wish Gray could make a nice NOP out of this too. ^_^ I believe in his expertise and ability to inspire people to do more puplets!

Blessings to all!

No-Office-LuPu Trial Release, with Two Remaining Problems

Posted: Fri 27 Aug 2010, 06:55
by dakbayani
I had enough with the XLUPU, so I stripped it down, added all the libraries i could get so it would run, and boy it did!

Thus, out came No-Office Lupu 5.10 (NOL). You may have it from: ... irror=nchc

* Mplayer problems were addressed already
* The partitions were detected, successfully mounted and unmounted from the desktop and files get shredded.
* Two last problems though - redundant files elsewhere.. as to where, I have to learn more about that. Evidence: the lupu-510.sfs is bloated; and
* Icons galore! now there's more than one icon appears for a partition on the desktop! unmounting one parition logically sets the other icon to unmounted status.

I may no longer be interested to tweak XLUPU, but for this one, i wish someone could give his own two cents for the improvement of this work... works best with Gray. ^_^

Best regards to all!

I am a sociology teacher, not a cop. You're definitely safe with me!


Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 05:01
by dakbayani
Finally, i got the bugs under control, and the size cut down by (duh!) 10MB.
i guess this is a good, stable ground to work on future puplets.

It's here;



Posted: Tue 31 Aug 2010, 17:22
by slosleuth
Typo in the url in the message by dakbayani above. Try

Thanks for the XFCE edition, dakbayani. I look forward to giving it a try.

brief test

Posted: Wed 01 Sep 2010, 15:09
by oligin10
Just gave this a quick spin last night. Looks great! Hope to do some more testing later this week. Didn't recognize my flash drive on startup, but removed and plugged back in, recognized it then. Hope you continue with this project. I will keep you updated on how everything works, but very impressed right now. Thanks for all your hard work!

Thanks guys!

Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010, 05:26
by dakbayani
@Slosleuth: Thanks! :D it takes a very good pair of eyes to save that one.

@oligin10: I'm sorry that the flash drive wasn't detected on the first run. Rest assured that I'll work harder to weed this clean for you and many students who want to try Puppy now :D God bless!

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 03:23
by ragaman
Hi dakbayani.

Gave your XLupu a spin. The screen went blank and stayed that way after I clicked Xorgwizard's "Probe" button.

Same thing happened after I installed the Nvidia driver on standard LUPU.

My rig:
Celeron D, 2.6GHz
Nvidia FX5500 Video Card (seems to be the culprit)
Current OS: TEENPup Mini


Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 20:11
by jodylehigh
Thank you for your hard work on XLUPU! I tested it on my laptop and have now loaded it into my work tank. I have based Cloud Bible flight 1.0 and 110 on Quirky NOP 1.2, but your work raises another possible platform, perhaps better in some ways. Will be looking at size and a few bugs. Perhaps a Cloud Bible XLUPU puppy some day..

I tried to do the same thing a while back as you have done. We can all be thankful that I wasn't working on a nuclear power plant..

Thank you again for some fine work and an opened road..

As I got into full testing.. ran into problem with firefox becoming inoperative. It then spread into other web interfaces. Unstable at this time, yet a good effort and very much worth spending some time on.

In His Love- Jody

Posted: Thu 16 Sep 2010, 02:20
by oligin10
Hi, just checking on status of this. Was hoping for more response for this puplet, as it seems very promising. Best of luck, Rob