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LHMP - Hiawatha MariaDB(mysql) PHP

Posted: Sat 21 Aug 2010, 00:48
by growler
I updated my LHMP package for Lucid 5.1

It contains:
Hiawatha 7.3
MariaDB - (Formerly known as mysql) 5.1.47
PHP 5.3.3 - using the new Fast CGI manager

It has accompanying scripts under /etc/init.d/ to start hiawatha (rc.httpd) and mariadb (rc.mysqld) ...


Posted: Fri 21 Jan 2011, 21:56
by laredmemata
Thank you. I need a really portable solution for me. I was working with wampp in an usb stick, but in some old computers this was slow and desperating.
Then i find puppy, which brings me the posibility of working in a borrowed 500m ram pentiumIII at acceptable speed.

But lampp + puppy works horrible in this low end machine. It was hard to install, because of the size of the lampp, and sloooww. Even slower than it was with xp.

I tried some other flavour, like monkey webserver, but due to my low knoledge level i desist on tryng to solve some problems i found about connecting with the database.

I change some values in the hiawatha configuration files, basically making hiawatha more patient, so he don't generate 500 error while waiting for wordpress to do things. And change some other values in php.ini files to make puppy more similar to my server. (lugointernet), and to produce headers compliant with rfc-something. I did all changes at the same time. It works, and i dont mind which of them produces the desired result (timeout is better candidate because there was timeout errors in the error log).

Any way, thank you, and i leave this comment here to other people having error 500, and perhaps timeout errors.


Your Pet is nominated for QuickPet in Lucid 5.2.6

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2011, 00:12
by Atle
Still i admit is has not been tested yet, but i am on to it.

Forum thread is here:

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011, 17:00
by gungsukma
Cannot run it in Slacko and Wary. Lupu is fine.

http://localhost/ : "503 - Service Unavailable"

also, I think it broke PPLOG Personal Blog (editing hiawatha configuration file can fix it).

Possible to upgrade?

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 08:53
by Atle
Dear Growler...

It tried and tried to upgrade the Pet with Hiawhata 8.0. I also looked at the latest MariaDB, only to find out it was like 93mb of whatever.

Is it possible to upgrade the LHMP with the latest software?

I love this package and are crossing my finger on this updating issue.

As I tried to "just" upgrade Hiawhata, I saw that the files in the 8.0, looked pretty different from the ones found in the LHMP.




Posted: Wed 11 Apr 2012, 23:11
by chalkartist

Thanks for this package... I tried for almost 2 days to get the hiawatha that comes with 5.28 to work... kept getting 403... I didn't remember it being this hard just to get a basic site working... anyway, sometimes the answer lies in starting with something else. I saw this and d'l and copied to my server and in like 5 minutes I saw the php.index. I am using this on an intranet site for work... it will be fun to solve some of my problems and learn at the same time.. I don't know anything about the db or php (yet) but I know I'll need them. Thanks again.
