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WPA2 breached

Posted: Tue 27 Jul 2010, 19:05
by droope ... poral-key/
Well as it tends to be, when something is scrutinized for long enough and with enough depth flaws will be uncovered. This time the victim is WPA2 – the strongest protection for your Wi-fi network which is standardized.
The upside is that the attack is limited to people who can genuinely authenticate to the network first, the downside that means large organizations using WPA2 in trouble – as generally most damage comes from the inside.

It’s also something to think about when connecting to ISP/public Wi-fi hotspots using WPA2 encryption.
Kind regards,

Posted: Wed 28 Jul 2010, 18:56
by droope
ouh, sorry about posting in the wrong section. :)

Posted: Sat 07 Aug 2010, 13:18
by princealway
The attack on WPA 2 is not a style of brute force attack is a man in the middle attack.This means that someone is able to intercept the traffic that goes to another party, even if the traffic is encrypted with WPA 2.The breach is more of a work around than actually cracking the system but that is enough for it to be effective.

Posted: Sat 07 Aug 2010, 18:53
by jpeps
damn...and I just switched over to WPA2....I guess there's no hope.