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How to use Vodafone Vodem Zte K3565z USB modem (SOLVED)

Posted: Wed 26 May 2010, 07:28
by aracnachid
SOLVED Please see:
I am currently running Lucid Puppy 5 that i downloaded today and have been working hard to try and get my Usb Vodem to work. I have searched the internet and have had mixed results.. I'm not a linux wiz and have had alot of trouble understanding the steps involved in getting this USB modem to work. I have tried to connect to the device using pupdial the system says there is a modem at ttyUSB0 but when I try to test it it says that it was unable to connect to the modem

The System is:
Compaq evo
1gb ram

Running Lucid Puppy 5 from a USB Pen drive

The vodem is a Vodafone New Zealand ZTE K3565z HSDPA USB Stick I believe it is also known as a zte e160 in other parts of the world

If anyone could walk me through the setup of this device I would be very grateful[/url]

Posted: Wed 26 May 2010, 10:29
by aracnachid
I have since had some luck. Puppy can now detect the modem and when I test it comes back all clear.

But when I go to connect it opens the device and displays the following:

--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.53
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Sending: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","Vodafone NZ"
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","Vodafone NZ"
--> Bad init string.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Posted: Tue 01 Jun 2010, 16:24
by rerwin
Are you sure you have the correct APN string? I found this:
Vodafone New Zealand

GPRS/EDGE Settings
APN address:
Username: blank
Password: blank
and a whole different set here: ... picid=9780
and another:
JUST IN: Edit your APN to by going to on your iPhone! (from Lennon)
I suspect the embedded space character might be a problem, although there is apparently more than that wrong.

Posted: Tue 01 Jun 2010, 21:33
by aracnachid
Thanks for the help. I will boot Puppy and give these settings ago and post my successes soon.

Posted: Thu 03 Jun 2010, 21:17
by aracnachid
I still can't dial out. I'm posting the contents of my wfconfig file in the hope someone can point out my mistakes.

[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1
Baud = 9600
Init1 =
Init2 = ATZ
Init3 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Carrier Check = yes
Dial Command = ATX1DP
[Dialer isp1]
Phone = *99***1#
Username = username
Password = password
Stupid Mode = yes
Auto Reconnect = no
[Dialer isp1apn]
Init5 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
[Dialer isp2]
Username = MY2USERNAME
Password = MY2PASSWORD
Auto Reconnect = yes

I checked the APN and phone number against the NZ config file in windoze I can also post a copy of that file if it is needed.

It still wont dial out

Posted: Thu 03 Jun 2010, 23:28
by rerwin
This may be the culprit:

Code: Select all

Dial Command = ATX1DP
That says to use pulse dialing, which I doubt wireless modems recognize. Try ATX1DT. Other than that, the file looks good.

Posted: Sat 05 Jun 2010, 05:47
by aracnachid
I changed the dial command as you pointed out but have no luck still.
I get the error "No Carrier"
Should I be trying to dial using pupdial or should I be using the GPRS connect program? I have found many links in regard to this device and also the e220 device and have tried all the options I have read about including trying to install the vodafone mobile connect software including usb mode switch and the vmc python package from betavine but it installs and won't run. Not that this surprises me as the are not .pet packages. I currently have the modem detected in pupdial using USB mode Its there but I'm stumped as to how to make it go.

When I run the hardware info command it supplied me with the following Vendor and Product IDs for my hardware:

Vendor= 19D2
Product= 2000

I don't know if this helps just thought it might as I have been reading about the

Code: Select all

modprobe usbserial vendor=xxxxx product=xxxxx
So I tried

Code: Select all

modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19D2 product=0x2000
in the console followed by

Code: Select all

and then proceeded to connect using my modified wfconfig file
still no carrier.

Im barking up the wrong tree no doubt but I trying everything my windoze trained brain can think of.

I found a link to a forum member who managed to get this device connected in puppy 4.3.1 ... 39&t=41260
I've just started to muck around with Puppy 4.3.1 while setting it up for a friend on an old laptop, and I got my Huawei E160 running without installing any software or running any extra scripts !! Am I lucky ??

Plug in the modem.
Go to Menu/Network/PupDial modem dialup and press the 'probe' button
This brings up another Dialog Box, hit the new 'Probe' button.
Now your back on the dial screen.
Down the bottom under 'connection status log' you should see the line 'ttyUSB0<*1>: Modem Identifier: ATI -- Manufacturer: huawei'

This is where you may need some info from your provider. I'm in Australia and am using Optus prepaid.
I've unchecked the three box's under 'line status'
Phone Number : *99#
Username/Password : Are not used
APN: preconnect

I've also selected 'stupid mode'

After that, I hit 'connect to internet' and I'm away !

You might run into trouble with the 'probe' detecting another modem you have installed. If so, remove it or disable it.
so I quickly downgraded but this time with a HD install, booted up and had huge trouble (worse than Puppy5) problems getting the modem to detect when I probed for it and ended up giving up, re-installing Puppy 5 (this time a hard disk full install)

So I booted this install and installed package. Mounted the false cd drive that appears with this modem and then unmounted it causing it to disapeer, opened pupdial, probed for and found the modem at ttyUSB0, then applied my wfconfig settings.

When I connect it still gives me a no carrier error. Is this caused by the APN settings I have chosen? Phone number?
Also the file I found in windoze specifies that there is no username or password for my network but when I leave the fields blank pupdial halts on some error about there being no username or password and appears to stop dialing.

Is there any Ideas for where a man should start next?

Posted: Sat 05 Jun 2010, 10:16
by aracnachid
Are there any log files that puppy generates in regards to what is happening for me. I feel a bit helpless in my attempts with linux distros.

Puppy is I feel one of the better distros I have used and I would love to continue using it but as I am without a fixed line in my area of NZ (yes I know we like cavemen :lol: ) I am forced to have a wireless device such as the one I have, and if I cant use linux for the internet then I'm forced to use Windoze and that really sux :cry:
No man should be forced to use such a unstable resource hungry O.S

Posted: Sat 05 Jun 2010, 21:15
by aracnachid
I found link of rerwins reguarding 3g modems and puppy linux. The link asks for these .log files to be submitted with the post so here they are

Posted: Sun 06 Jun 2010, 01:53
by aracnachid
Still no luck but after contacting vodafone I have learned this:

They dont care for linux (I'm not surprised)

APN = or internet
Phone# = *99#
Tone dialing rules
No username or password but the guy at vodafone rekons you can use "vodafone" as the username/password if it is required.

I have tried all variations of the APN settings I have been given and have to date no luck connecting

Rerwin: Am I detecting this device properly? What information can i supply to help with Puppies development if any?
Is puppy detecting my device properly or am I missing step somewhere?
Also this is a HSDPA modem...Are there any rules or extra lines that could go into the wfconfig file that could maybe remedy my situation.

Thanks for your help so far rerwin you're a legend my friend.... Keep up the good work.

Posted: Sun 06 Jun 2010, 21:53
by rerwin
Am I detecting this device properly? What information can i supply to help with Puppies development if any?
Is puppy detecting my device properly or am I missing step somewhere?
Also this is a HSDPA modem...Are there any rules or extra lines that could go into the wfconfig file that could maybe remedy my situation
Where to start. First, note that the information in the 3G-pupdial-wireless thread pertains to the Puppies earlier than 4.3.1. We have moved on, with 4.3.1, so I provide better info on page 16 and later of the 4.3.1 Bugs thread.

Second, the PGPRS option was developed by someone else for a particular situation, although many have apparently made use of it. I cannot address any issues with it, as my focus is to make pupdial and its assistants do all the detection with little user involvement. Grandiose it may be, but it works for many users and modems. Experimentation with PGPRS might yield information useful for improving my methods.

Now, from what you have said, you seem so be setting the right values. It would be most helpful if you could "take your best shot" at connecting in a clean puppy setup (pupsave), then post the file you can create by the pmodemdiag command. That would get us in sync.

You could start with puppy 4.3.1 and install the modem... and pup_event... packages on page 16 of the 4.3.1 Bugs thread, or start with LuPu or Quirky 1.2 (or 1.1). Those all have the same, latest, level of modem support. The Vodaphone support is very recent, so may need debugging. I need your help with that.

I have examined the VMC package from Vodaphone and believe I have incorporated all that is needed into Puppy. The first issue was that the modem is not known to the driver. I think I took care of that. However, the driver in the new kernel in LuPu and Quirky now handles it, so my workaround can be nullified for those puppies. Simply comment out line 61 of /etc/udev/rules.d/50-modprobe-option.rules, so the rule reads as:

Code: Select all

#ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", DRIVERS=="usb", \
   ATTRS{idVendor}=="19d2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0063", \
   ATTRS{bInterfaceClass}=="ff", \
   RUN+="/usr/sbin/ %s{idVendor} %s{idProduct}"
That should not be necessary, but it would remove a possible complication (in case that workaround is faulty).

Regarding adding lines to some file(s), I don't know of any right now, but that is an area to consider once we determine what is missing. There is already the capability to add wvdial commands for particular APNs (/etc/wvdial_options/*).

I hope you will stay with me to resolve this for many of the Vodaphone users. Thanks for your offer to provide info.

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010, 08:20
by aracnachid

I hope i got this right.
Lucid puppy 5.0 frugal install

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010, 08:23
by aracnachid
I didn't mean to post the file twice.
I think it may be time to read Linux for Dummys

Posted: Tue 15 Jun 2010, 03:42
by rerwin
I have found a fix that might help your situation. I corrects the mode switching, so should let you get further along. I have placed a dotpet package here: ... 370#427370
Hope it helps.

Posted: Tue 15 Jun 2010, 20:59
by aracnachid

I installed the .pet package (link supplied by rerwin above) and re-booted lucid puppy 5. Re-probed the modem and it now finds it at ttyUSB3 and entered my APN settings and wow I'm online in fact this is my first post to the puppy forum from my puppy install...
rerwin.....Thank you so much...Puppy is excellent....

For all the vodafone NZ users her are the APN and phone# settings for vodafone NZ:

APN: "" or "internet" both work
Phone number: *99#
Username: vodafone
Password: vodafone

Posted: Tue 15 Jun 2010, 21:01
by aracnachid
Sometimes the device isnt detected.. don't worry, disconnect the device and reconnect it...wait for the virtual cd drive that appears (when you put the cursor over the icon it says ZTE...something) mount and then unmount the cd drive and then open pupdial and re probe for your modem. Its works everytime for me...

Thanks again rerwin

Posted: Wed 16 Jun 2010, 16:43
by rerwin
I am delighted that the "patch" got you going. Although some wireless modems are touchy about starting up, particularly ZTEs, I would hope to simplify the recovery process.

First, did you resort to the update to the rules file I describe a few posts ago? If not, then the workaround is effective. Otherwise, we don't know yet whether it works.

I am focusing on your need to unmount and remount the CDROM part of the modem. Ideally, usb_modeswitch would be triggered to do that for you. But I suspect I have logic to limit multiple runs of that function. I will check into that for my next update.

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010, 07:45
by aracnachid

I did a frugal install of Lucid Puppy 5 and Quirky 1.2 to a hard disk I plugged up to make sure that i hadn't done anything extra to make it work.

I installed only the package you linked me to and rebooted the system,
Opened pupdial, probed for a modem, it was found at ttyUSB1 (when it worked on my other install it appeared as ttyUSB3) I was a little stumped as when I first installed the fix on the other install it detected the modem straight away......but after i unmounted the cd-rom drive. This time on my fresh install the cd-drive did not appear at all and when I tried to connect it did not work.

I had to edit /dev/modem so it linked to ttyUSB3,

Code: Select all

ln -sf ttyUSB3 /dev/modem
then changed modem entry in /etc/wvdial.conf

Modem = ttyUSB3

After that it works....I have no idea how it worked first time without me having to edit the modem entry. I installed Quirky 1.2 and had the same results.
Puppy 4.3.1 also had the same problem tho to make it work on pup4 i also installed the packages you directed me to on page 16 of the 4.3.1 Bugs thread

I did not update the rules file on any of the distros

I hope that helps you

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010, 14:30
by rerwin
Thanks for your reply. I am not sure why the detection was not consistent. I suspect that the logic, which tries to talk to each possibility (ttyUSB0+) probably found that both ttyUSB1 and ttyUSB3 responded, but that earlier, maybe ttyUSB1 did not respond.

The logic to look at multiple possibilities also provides for the user to be able to try another possibility. (In my next update/version, all possibilities will be available for testing.) If both devices responded, I expect that the "test" button in pupdial should be labeled as "ttyUSB3". Could you confirm that? The trick to that is that the wvdial.conf file should contain a comment line:
#Modem = ttyUSB3
Did you see that when you edited the active "Modem =" line? If that all worked as I intended, you should be able to click on the "ttyUSB3" button and find it as valid and set as the new modem. You should be able to connect without probing or rebooting.

The determination of the possibilities is done only on first bootup, with no modem already "detected". (Use probe > ERASE" to clear the old detection.) So, you may need to start afresh to see this. Once the possibilities are found, though, they are retained until the next probe-ERASE. Note that the implementation of this is only partial, and will be "fleshed out" in my next version of modem support (so the ERASE might not actually clear the alternative).

Posted: Fri 18 Jun 2010, 05:46
by aracnachid

I do hope I have understood you properly
If both devices responded, I expect that the "test" button in pupdial should be labeled as "ttyUSB3". Could you confirm that? The trick to that is that the wvdial.conf file should contain a comment line:
#Modem = ttyUSB3
Did you see that when you edited the active "Modem =" line? If that all worked as I intended, you should be able to click on the "ttyUSB3" button and find it as valid and set as the new modem. You should be able to connect without probing or rebooting.
After using probe > ERASE" to clear the old dection, I edited the "#Modem =" line of "wfdial.conf" to ttyUSB3, opened pupdial clicked on the ttyUSB3 button and it automatically detected the modem, set it as default and away it went.

I only hope that this was the information you were after.

Im just happy as to be able to use Puppy on the internet...................Goodbye Windows!