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Problem with Puppy and Android-SDK

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 10:41
by rhadon
I want to tether my Milestone and found an easy instruction for Ubuntu. There it works fine. It requires Android-SDK on the laptop and azilink on the phone.
I think I isolated the problem: Adb doesn't find my USB-connected Milestone.

Then in both OS (Ubuntu 8.04 and Lucid Puppy ) I installed only ANDROID-SDK, copied adb to /usr/bin and copied 91-android.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/.


Code: Select all

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS(idVendor)=="22b8", SYMLINK+="android_adb", MODE="0666", OWNER="root"
Running adb devices starts the daemon but gives an empty device list in Puppy.
I hope you can smile about my stupidity and one can easily point me to the right direction.

~ Rolf

Posted: Sun 15 Aug 2010, 21:51
by weffy
Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same problem. I have a rooted Nexus One and I need adb working to modify the device. Adb seems to have installed correctly - it just doesn't recognize my phone. I saw in my research that using lsusb will list the device's ID which you would plug into the script you listed for 91-android.rules. But lsusb is 'command not found'. Maybe I need to be in a certain directory. Or there might be a different command to use.

I saw on the internet for my device a vendor ID of '18d1' but that still doesn't work. I'll keep working on it.

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 12:14
by weffy
Here's where I'm at.

According to this ... s/adb.html , adb sets up a server and is bound to port 5037 where it listens for communication from the phone. I can't remember what the command was, but I verified that adb is doing this. So it appears that the phone is not able to connect to that port to communicate with the adb server. I don't have a firewall installed.

The phone has 3 modes with which it can connect to the computer - as a mass storage device, as a modem and a debugging mode to connect to adb. The first 2 work flawlessly.

I'm not sure what is keeping Puppy(Lucid 510, frugal install) from seeing the device in debugging mode and allowing it to communicate to port 5037. It may be a udev rules issue or lack of correct kernel module or some other protocol issue. Looking at Pupscan, with the phone in modem mode, the loaded kernel module is rndis_host. In debugging mode there is no loaded kernel module.

Some one with more knowledge than I have of the pup event backend, could probably figure this out. Any ideas welcome!