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XFCE4 (Nop431): No fonts, just squares [SOLVED]

Posted: Mon 05 Apr 2010, 17:00
by steve_s
On the "experiment" computer I had to do a reboot at one point and couldn't get x back up for anything. Changed monitors and video cards and was able to get x back but only with xvesa.

I'm using xfce4, NOP 431, which is beautiful peace of work.

But for some reason this combination with xvesa I got only squares, no fonts...any suggestions? :?

Posted: Tue 06 Apr 2010, 01:31
by steve_s
Here's a screenshot....

No one should be allowed to have this much fun...

Did I just install the dotpuphandler? How the heck should I know?! 8)

Help me!! :shock:

Posted: Tue 06 Apr 2010, 14:03
by steve_s
This seems to be a pango issue, which I did recently install from source...

Here is one idea.

Here is another.

I am going to give this a shot then post back. 8)

Posted: Wed 07 Apr 2010, 23:23
by steve_s
Okay...figured it out.

So, if you install pango and run into this problem, I looked at those links I posted on the last post, and then did this:

Code: Select all

mv -v /etc/pango/pango.modules{,_old}
pango-querymodules > /etc/pango/pango.modules
Then rebooted and all my fonts were back. 8)