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Three puppys doing trial boot the same machine!

Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010, 15:59
by puppystar
My computer is Kennex with 80GB HD, SATA HD, 1.5 GB of memory and an Intel Celeron pentium 4.
Three and EXT2 partitions on a Linux-Swap partition.

After several council members of this forum, I managed to install in full mode three puppys on the same machine doing trial boot.
sda1, sda2, sda3 and sda4.
First, I installed Puppy 4.3.1 official (Barry Kauller) with installation of files, update and install Grub to the MBR without errors. Boot perfect!
In the second step, installed Macpup Foxy 3.0 in Full mode, without any complication. Update Grub and MBR without problems. Boot perfect!
In the third step, I installed 4.4.3 LightHouse Pup C (I liked this version), with updating and installing Grub to the MBR without problems. Boot perfect!
At the end of the boot, the boot sequence is as follows:
1 - sda1 puppy431 official;
2 - sda3 Macpup Foxy 3.0, and
3 - sda4 LightHouse 443 C.
All the installation went smoothly following the guidelines of the system itself so as to complete the installation.
Now I have on my desktop, three puppys making trial boot without any bugs or errors.
Thanks to the members of this forum:
Nooby, Sylvander, whoDo, Davids and other tutorials.
Forward PuppyLinux!!
God Blesses you!!!