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Grub with mouse support?

Posted: Fri 05 Mar 2010, 18:43
by racepres
While Not a "show stopper" I just the other day put Puppy onto an older gal's PC. This person has No [absolutely No] inclination to use the keyboard!! :shock: Not at all intuitive to her to use the arrow/enter keys in grub... While I know that this is Highly Unusual... I am wondering what it would take to put "mouse support" in Grub?? Just in case this is Not as Unusual a situation as I believe it to be?? some "stuff" now, Huh?

Posted: Fri 05 Mar 2010, 19:18
by rcrsn51
Are you dual-booting her machine? If not, just have GRUB auto-start Puppy.

If she's that inflexible, I can't imagine how she will ever get used to a Linux instead of Windows.

Posted: Fri 05 Mar 2010, 22:54
by racepres
rcrsn51 wrote:Are you dual-booting her machine? If not, just have GRUB auto-start Puppy.

If she's that inflexible, I can't imagine how she will ever get used to a Linux instead of Windows.
Yes dual boot w/ windoze... She actually loves puppy!!! Kept windoze so the kids would go there... and leave her stuff alone... teenagers are the worst IMHE for being spoiled on doze!! I started w/ no default/timeout...The kids just sat there wondering WTF was wrong w/ the pc!! then I put a 10sec timeout to win... she didn't want that to be so fast... trying a 20 sec timeout to win, hope she gets the hang of it!!

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 01:54
by disciple
Why don't you make Puppy the default?
Surely the kids will figure out how to use the arrows, then she won't need to bother...

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 05:19
by racepres
Offered to make puppy the default... she would rather the youngsters stay on doze for whatever reason just now! Or maybe they whined and she gives in........never know . I'm gonna see her sometime tomorrow, and see how she is getting along w/ the thing !