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File Open/Save/Select dialog boxes are off center [SOLVED]

Posted: Sun 28 Feb 2010, 19:53
by OverDrive
I realize this is one of those "niggly bits", But after several months of noticing it, It is beginning to wear on me....

With the main program maximized, Whenever I open a File Management Dialog Box in:

Nico Edit
Home Bank
And I'm sure other programs I can't remember now.

The dialog box displays off-center with the mouse buttons totally off screen. So each time I have to drag the box to the center to get to the mouse buttons.

This is on my 1280 x 800 laptop. It is not a problem on my 1280 x 1024 desktop.

I guess the loss of the 224 pixels of vertical resolution is the culprit.

Does anyone have ideas as how to fix this? Is there a file I can tweak?


Posted: Sat 13 Mar 2010, 14:19
by OverDrive

Posted: Sat 13 Mar 2010, 17:46
by abushcrafter
Don't know but I would like to know too.

Posted: Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:28
by Béèm
I never reported it, but I have the same in 1024x768 in xorg.
And even in different puppies.

Posted: Sat 13 Mar 2010, 23:32
by Makoto
I've had it since I started using 4.3.1. Most of the file management boxes appear with the upper-left corner close to the center, more or less (I think I'm running at 1280x), and the OK/Cancel buttons run off the bottom of the screen, if I don't move the box.

Is this a GTK issue? It seems to only happen with the ones that look like the standard GTK file dialogs (or at least the ones I've encountered).

Posted: Sun 14 Mar 2010, 00:17
by OverDrive
Makoto, Yes, Now that you mention it, It probably is a GTK issue. Does anyone know which settings file effects this?


Posted: Sat 20 Mar 2010, 00:36
by OverDrive
I found /root/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini

Inside I found:

[Filechooser Settings]

I edited "ShowHidden=true" and it now displays everything, So I now know it is a actively read file. Does anyone know of any other commands the ini file understands? Or is window position a JWM issue?


Posted: Sat 20 Mar 2010, 01:27
by Dingo
I also have problems and dialog boxes are off center

I have a widescreen monitor at 1440x900 resolution

it's a very annoying problem

Posted: Sat 20 Mar 2010, 01:48
by OverDrive
I found this info in a ubuntu version of the ini file:


Unfortunatly it had no effect. Not even the ShowSizeColumn statement....


We have to figure something as simple as this out...Anybody???

Posted: Sat 20 Mar 2010, 15:55
by OverDrive
I installed IceWM today and out of the box it does the same thing. Also SeaMonkey has the same problem. Now I am pretty sure it is solely related to programs using GTKFileChooser. I was thinking maybe it was JWM's execution of GTKFileChooser, now I don't think that is true.

Still looking for ideas...

Any input appreciated....


Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 03:42
by OverDrive
Looking to see if the problem occurs in other distros, I downloaded and tried the latest KNOPPIX cd. (700megs bloat WooHoo!) I tried Gimp (assuming it uses GTKFileChooser) and the dialog box opened correctly in the upper left corner. So now I'm thinking we are:

A. missing a needed lib file
B. or maybe using a wrong version.

Can anyone else confirm another distro does / does not have a problem with GTKFileChooser on a system that also uses Puppy and has the problem?

Are their any other LiveCD distros anyone else can recommend to test that uses X and GTK apps and doesn't require HD install?


Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010, 13:30
by OverDrive
Hello, I found : ...

installed it and the problem went away. Hopefully this will be used in the next Puppy release.

UPDATE: After installing, I noticed it broke Geany. It closes unexpectedly when I try to open filechooser.ini

Soooo back to the drawing board.... :(

UPDATE 2: I also installed ...

and now Geany works :D

I'll test this for a while before I mark this solved though.

UPDATE 3: April 4th, 2010

Don't use these. It seams they may introduce a sporadic screen refresh problem on some systems. Read further down for a link to GTK-2.16x. 2.16x is the version Barry finally settled on for Quirky and it has worked well with no problems reported.


Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010, 18:27
by DaveS
Stuff me! It works! There goes one of my pet hates at last. Brilliant thanks.

Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010, 23:57
by OverDrive
Cool! Glad to be of some help!! Can you please put all your usual apps through their paces to see if this broke anything else and then check back in here with your results?

I'd like to get as much feedback as possible before I mark this solved.

Also, I'd like to say thanks to whoever made those lib updates available. :D


Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010, 00:53
by Dingo
I installed suggested packages and then...

Tried Geany - OK
Tried Seamonkey - OK
Tried some other apps - OK

at moment I tried only on live Cd, not in my frugal install, but seems prosiming, I will try again to find possible problems, at moment I don't have

Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010, 01:02
by OverDrive
Update: I discovered Barry compiled the lib files. Thanks Barry!!
He mentioned it in his blog and that it might have some quirks so be sure and read before using. For me so far, It is worth it.

If you find it is not worth it, you can always unwind it be removing
them through Puppy Package Manager.


Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010, 03:08
by Makoto
I have to admit, I'm a little wary of installing updates for GTK and glib (but mostly because I think someone said on these forums that attempting to update glib could break practically everything... don't know if that's true, or not, but I am paranoid. :D)

Just curious, I suppose - what version of GTK is included in Puppy 4.3.1?

Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010, 03:41
by OverDrive
I think it is 2.14-7

My research indicates you have get past that before the new GTKFileChooser patch was available. If you could find something in 2.16, I think they should be in there. Then you will be a little back from the "bleeding edge". Be sure and update glib also.

FWIW, I'm OK with 2.18 so far.

You can always remove it via Puppy Package Manager...


Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010, 04:10
by OverDrive
I found out Barry found a fix to the Rox-Filer bug in the previous blog post at

At this point I have say it pays to keep up with his blog....:oops:

He shows some text to paste into /etc/profile

On further reading down the comments section it was discussed editing /usr/local/bin/rox instead from

exec /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/AppRun "$@"


exec /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/AppRun "$@"

FWIW, I tried this and it works.


Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2010, 09:30
by DaveS
Not sure about this one, but I seemed to notice some strange behavior in Rox, with files not de-selecting as they should. I vaguely remember reading another thread about this behavior somewhere, but I cant find it now. Also having trouble reproducing the issue. Will experiment further.................
BTW, Open Office is fine with it.