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pekwm themes, etc

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 18:05
by `f00
Perhaps this will have some company if any other denizens have offerings for the fine pekwm window manager.

This one's for pekwm 0.1.11 (may or may not be compatible with older versions such as 0.1.6?) screenshot 74k - even though pk seems more suited to kybd input, 0.1.11 has some nice theme options for maus-ing (and/or various combinations depending on one's setup and prefs - a local manual is a very good idea to get the most out of pekwm's interface), for instance a more expanded l/r/midclick is supported on window-buttons now (even though I kind of miss the scrollwheel-rollup of other wms, it's handy if you're button-oriented). No rounded corners and borders are minimal since keeping it fairly simple/compact is a good thing, imo. As far as I know, the button-decor is original (but I couldn't get menu 'arrows' to display nice, so there's a rude workaround) ;)

Tried the (dpup) dotpet of 111 mentioned elsewhere after I'd compiled my own in a more-or-less 'regular' p431 (mine is a bit fat since I'm new to that and don't know much at all about stripping&etc - the dpup version didn't fly for me but may be fine for others). Link to that thread in the additional software section.

Posted: Fri 28 Jan 2011, 06:11
by `f00
This one is a slight mod of a theme originally put together by 01micko (from a work by adriano). The buttons were from ttuuxxx's icewm work if I recall. I merely did a trifling cleanup (no buttons where not needed) and mushed it into pekwm 1.11's mouse-ing structure for the buttons.

min-bar + leftclick = iconizes window (to frame menu which is midclick on desktop, or..)
min-bar + rightclick = shades window (no shading with scrollwheel)

max-bar + leftclick = maximizes window
max-bar + rightclick = max width only
max-bar + midclick = max vertical only

paw = g'night

a bit larger pic is here, fresh pekwm 1.12 in Macpup 511..


yep, the text-length in menu sometimes over-expands on hover :|
(post a fix or pm me if you do)

Posted: Wed 02 Mar 2011, 21:58
by theZoid
awesome theme......thanks

Posted: Sun 04 Dec 2016, 01:37
by musher0
Hello all.

Glad to see a pekwm themes thread on the forum!

Please find attached four pekwm themes by sqc, that I have changed
a bit.

-- I corrected the font syntax in the "theme" file proper;
-- I lightened the bottom and sides by reducing the number of pixel lines
in the corresponding xpm pics.

The sqc pekwm themes archive can be found on the site in
the pekwm section.

As I understand it, the lot of them (220 themes!) were produced "in
industrial fashion": they all have the same structure, with heavy black
lines on the bottom and sides, in all manner of colors (one of them even
called "BIOS"!!!). So their appeal varies greatly.

As with any window manager, finding a theme to match your background
is like figuring out what to wear in the morning. Will my neon green shirt
match my blue pants and my red socks? Perhaps not. "All tastes may be
in Nature", as the proverb goes, but we still should search for a bit of
harmony between colors.

The sqc themes are all rather light-weight, so that's a positive. That's
because they are based on small xpm pics instead of the generally
heavier png pics that some other pekwm themes rely on.

A couple of other things that I like about these sqc themes is that they
all offer the shade / unshade button, and also that their menu or submenu
displays the category title at the top.

I have not tried the entire 220 of those themes yet, far from it. But the
four offered here are ones that I like and use in my pekwm. With the
slight trimming I performed on them, I feel they are more pleasing to the
eye as well as efficient in the context of the pekwm menu.

I hope that you will agree. BFN.

Posted: Mon 05 Dec 2016, 19:37
by musher0
Hello again all.

Here are a couple of hard to find "default" pekwm themes. I'm not including
screen shots, because structurally, they are like the typical orange default
pekwm theme -- so you already have an idea of what they look like --, but
in blue and brown colors.

Some may like these non-fancy themes. They used to be in the source
package of older pekwm versions, but not any more. I had to dig in my own
archives to find them.


Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 03:28
by musher0
Hello all.

You'll find a great collection of pekwm themes, backdrops and desktop ideas

Sifting through it takes more patience than goring through a regular listing
such as the one at, because deviantart is all about pictures, but
it's well worth it.

Happy exploring!