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Problems remastering [Solved]

Posted: Fri 05 Feb 2010, 12:46
by emil
When I use the remaster wizard, my new background wallpaper is replaced by puppies default. Second problem is that I place new Icons on the Desktop which has lost their link to their graphic file.

What am I doing wrong?

Re: How to Remaster

Posted: Fri 05 Feb 2010, 18:47
by mill0001
emil wrote:When I use the remaster wizard, my new background wallpaper is replaced by puppies default. Second problem is that I place new Icons on the Desktop which has lost their link to their graphic file.

What am I doing wrong?
First set up your desktop and your puppy just how you want it on the new disk. Reboot to make sure your settings are saved.
Now run remaster, when the dialog comes up where it asks you if you want to make any changes to new root file go to the directory where the new root folder is and delete it, then open up "Home" on your present set up and copy your present root folder to the new directory where you deleted the root folder. Then when the dialog box comes up that asks if you want to make any changes to "etc' do the same thing, delete the new etc folder and copy your present one in its place. Then just complete the rest of the remaster. Now your new disk should have all your present settings and setup on it.

Posted: Sat 06 Feb 2010, 02:58
by Minimatter
The remaster script generally tries to strip out personal information, so that the remastered CD will behave like the original with respect to keyboard, video, internet, e-mail, and other configurations. For example, you don't want your internet page cache in the remaster.

To get your changed desktop into the remaster, the file to replace or edit, at the point where the script asks if you want to make any changes to the /root folder, is /root/Choices/ROX-filer/PuppyPin. Other changes you are likely to want to preserve are customizations to the "Open with" list that appears when right-clicking a file, which are in /root/.config/ And, if you added any themes, contents of /root/.jwm/themes.

Thanks! - but remaster is harder than expected

Posted: Sat 06 Feb 2010, 15:29
by emil
Thanks a lot for the quick and competent help on this subject.

I made all possible errors while trying to remaster.
But with the help of your advice all seemed to go well in the end.

Copying just all files seemed to work, but since my Iso was close to 700 MB I wanted it more specific. Other files I needed were
Puppybackgroundpicture in the /etc dir, the directories /etc/xdg/menus and /etc/xdg/templates for the menustructure
and the globicons from /root/Choices/Rox-Filter to get the Desktopicons right.

Bad thing is: I tested my Iso and something seems broken.

I packaged Sage which is a big math package. It has a html & Latex interface. It uses localhost port 8000 to communicate with the sage notebook in seamonkey.

But after the remaster this html notebook
a) is damned slow (feels like windows)
b) and worse, it crashes after 3 or 4 cells of input, or if I open another seamonkey window with the tutorial.

I thought something could be wrong with memory, because it is such a big Iso, but I watched the memory usage, it was just between 300 and 500 MB (I have 1 GB installed).

So clearly my remaster is not usefull as a Live CD right at the moment. Does anyone has an idea what could be wrong? Is there any other possibility to create an ISO from my working frugal install?


Posted: Sat 06 Feb 2010, 19:34
by Minimatter
Hard to say, but the symptoms sound like you're running out of ram, which is never pretty. The free memory number in the lower right corner won't help you; that's just space available in the save file. Your 1GB ram (plus any swap) has to hold the near 700 MB squash file, a temporary file system, operating system data, and unpacked executables for anything that you are running. These could easily add up to over 1GB. Best way to test the remaster might be on another machine with 2GB or more.

Try running the live CD with pfix=noram, though there have been posts about the init script not respecting that option. Another thing to try is moving most of the additions into a separate sfs file. This would be okay for a frugal install. For a live CD, you might add a startup script to mount an sfs file on the CD.

Huge ISO - Running out of RAM

Posted: Sat 06 Feb 2010, 22:43
by emil
Minimatter, thank you for your advice! Its a pitty, I cant test on a machine with more RAM.

Running out of RAM seemed logical. I checked in the Menu->System_Hardware information, but there I showed 150 MB used (out of 1024 MB). I will try to run some test using the other tools.

My Developement Version is a frugal install where I load 3 additional squash files - it runs fine and I had no memory problems so far.
sage 400 MB
Lyx/Latex 170 MB
Sage Doc 8 MB

I do not know much about the inner workings of puppy and the memory management, but defenitly my Live CD should also run on normal equipment. It seems the best solution would be if sfs files stay in home directory!
How could such a script work?
Good starting point would be the startup script of Puppy!


Posted: Sat 06 Feb 2010, 23:15
by emil
I added a 10 GB linux swap partition, now it shows 10 G free and the program run, although a bit slower - no crashes anymore. So it seems it was a RAM problem.

Posted: Sun 07 Feb 2010, 03:11
by Minimatter
Another starting point is the script developed a year ago by jcoder24 to dynamically load sfs files. Seems to work for an sfs on a CD, but I am not using puppy version 4.3. Discussion in
The pet for it is in the ibiblio archive under pet-packages4 as


Posted: Sun 07 Feb 2010, 11:21
by emil
Hello Minimatter,

great post to the load_sfs pet. I downloaded it but it fails mounting the sfs partitions. I tracked it down to 2 lines in the script:

Code: Select all

mount $free_loop /mnt/$sfs_module 
      mount -o remount,append:/mnt/$sfs_module=ro /
the first mount to /mnt/$sfs_module is working, however the "remount" to the / directory fails. It says this script was for puppy 4.2 has there be a change in the meantime?

Edit: Since the original thread was solved for me I edited the original post to [SOLVED].