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Jackbeat - does there exist a pet?

Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 17:10
by zigbert
I have installed Ardour and rakarrack (guitar-effects). Now I am heading for a drum-machine. I have earlier tried Hydrogen, which I found nice, but it relies on QT. It would be better using a gtk app if it does the job...... Jackbeat looks good, but since I'm not a compiler, I was hoping for a pet. (I know, - it's hard to be a newbie).


Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 18:13
by amigo
Have you tried src2pkg? It makes creating packages really -I mean *really* easy, even if you know nothing about compiling or scripting.

If you have your devx??.sfs setup, just download this pet and install it: ...

Then, open a terminal and run 'src2pkg --setup'. The, you can build packages really easy -just navigate to the sources, right click on the filer background and choose 'open xterm here' (under Window menu) and run:
src2pkg -PET name-of-tarball
There are plenty of CLI options, but usually you won't need many to create al sorts of packages -most packages won't need any extra options at all. If you have upx installed, just add '-Z2' to the options to have bins compressed -there are lots of options for creating smaller packages once you get comfortable with the main options. It will even write a script for you with any extra options which were needed to build the package.

Posted: Thu 21 Jan 2010, 07:56
by zigbert
Thank you for your tips.

No, I have not tried src2pkg (only the old school with 'configure/make'). - What seems obvious to me, is that good compiling requires specific skill. I am happy to have some of those around me in this forum.....That gives me more time for Puppy scripting......and we get a working community.

But, if there doesn't exist a jackbeat pet, I must try your advice (some day). You mentioned upx. - Is that a compression tool ? (I have dumped into some the compiling discussions.) How does upx work, and what do I need to get it working?


Posted: Thu 21 Jan 2010, 09:31
by aragon
hi zigbert,

will give it a go, one question:
i assume you'll need jack-support, correct?


Posted: Thu 21 Jan 2010, 11:00
by aragon
something to test, i can't...

jackbeat deps:
- jack
- liblo
- portaudio
attached liblo/portaudio are stripped, but include also the dev-files.

maybe gneutronica also helps.

compiled in 4.31. maybe test in a clean install.


good luck

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 07:49
by zigbert
Only one thing to say.....Thank you!


Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 07:56
by zigbert
......what are those dev-files...... and upx?

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 08:22
by aragon
zigbert wrote:......what are those dev-files...... and upx?
the dev-files are (only) needed if you compile apps/libs against those libs. usually you would pack them into a seperate package, but on this testing stage i let them in, to easily compile again.

if you confirm that jackbeat is working, i will move the packages to the software-thread and build seperate packages for all.

regarding upx:
you could get it here:

it is a compression-tool for executables. but my feelings about it are ambivalent. i only use it for 'very' large applications (if stripping does not give good results). while it does a great job with compressing, the pet-size of the package will still be large as the app is allready compressed. and there should be problems with including upx'ed apps in sfs-files.

so i only use it in certain cases nowadays.


Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 13:06
by zigbert
jackbeat seems to work perfectly as standalone drum-machine using alsa. I need to test it further in cooperation with ardour/jack. For those of you who want to use it, you need some sampled drum-sounds. I have attached a very basic drumkit.

Jackbeat-loops can be downloaded from
More sample-sounds can be downloaded from


Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 13:07
by zigbert
Thanks for explanation!

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 13:47
by aragon
zigbert wrote:jackbeat seems to work perfectly as standalone drum-machine using alsa. I need to test it further in cooperation with ardour/jack.
please test a little more (with jack) and send me a note, if it works. i will then upload it to the software-section.


Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2010, 21:36
by zigbert
I can't find any problems with jackbeat. Both alsa and jack works great.

It's a winner :D

Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2010, 22:07
by tasmod
Have you been here Zigbert ?

Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2010, 18:35
by aragon
zigbert wrote:I can't find any problems with jackbeat. Both alsa and jack works great.

It's a winner :D
:D will move it to add. software tomorrow.
