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Karmic Puppy uPup 4.58 w/ GLX/DRI - Latest Woof FEB 16

Posted: Thu 03 Dec 2009, 23:15
by playdayz
New Version 4.58

This is made with the Woof that Barry posted on FEB 16.

Cups is working again--it was at least partially broken in 4.56 and 4.57 but I didn't catch it until testing for 4.58.

The fix for "Rox Select" is working. The problem was that a file would stay selected until one clicked in the white space of the Rox window. IMHO that was a serious problem because several times I accidentally deleted the wrong file because the old one stayed selected. There was a fix in /etc/profile but it did not work and it caused a problem with opening Terminal. I used the code instead that aarf posted on page 8 of this thread and it seems to work perfectly.

As per 01micko's discovery, libdrm-radeon1 is present. I know it is doing something because my driver changed from radeonhd to radeon with libdrm-radeon present. I am sure someone understands that.

I am going to write up my work method and test method and post it here tonight or tomorrow, just in case it is useful to anyone. I have a test suite now of 4 different video cards, radeon, nvidia, intel and S3 (and all 4 work with glx/dri). Here are the notes ->

The latest Pwidgets 2.2.4 worked but it caused the problem with the backdrop that was mentioned. I know that is a "good sign" but I prefer to wait to install it by default until it doesn't have that feature. ;-) I will put a link in to Pwidgets in the software links below.

Misson Statement: To track the Karmic Puppy build in Woof, to find and if possible solve problems, to report back to Barry and maintainers of software, to make a useful Linux desktop with Puppy style and speed and Ubuntu binaries. I hope Karmic Puppy works for you. Thanks for trying it.

Download uPup 4.58 ->
upup458.iso md5sum 3aa69bfae1578b4e42fcec6a8dc876ef
Here is an xdelta update file created and uploaded by pemasu, tested by aarf -> ...

Download devx ->
devx_458 md5sum -> f1abc93245792ada6e37eb7c3de33148
Download the upup_devx_458.sfs and place it into /mnt/home. Then check Menu -> System -> System Schedule -> Bootmanager config bootup to make sure the devx will be loaded at startup. I keep devx installed on any semi-permanent installations because there are at least two programs that run better (or at all) when devx is installed (Crossover and xine-ui).

Flashplayer 10.0.45 -> ...

Flashplayer 10.1pre -> ...
Flashplayer 10.1pre Info >
Identifies itself as 10.1 d51 or 10,1,51,45

Seamonkey 2.0.3 (Thanks to 01micko) -> ...
This was compiled and prepared by 01micko and right away it seemed snappier than the version I got from
01micko's Seamonkey 2.0 page -> ... 2&start=45

Firefox 3.6 -> This is not a pet, it is the tar.bz2 file from mozilla. Just download and click to Extract; then open the folder and click firefox. It will update itself daily if you ask it to, Tools -> Check for Updates. It is the latest 1.9.2 gecko, which scores about 25% better on Peacekeeper than the 1.9.1-based versions including 3.5.x in my tests.

Clanbomber 1.05. Just for fun - full screen game - it has "crocaine" but it overamps you if you do it! -> ...

Go-OpenOffice 3.1.1 in sfs4 format for Puppy 4.3 and later -> 170MB
md5sum - 63c6a76d95a806c4c8ca9fc802585b35
Info pages on Go-OO -> ... 43&t=48394 and
Go-Openoffice 3.2. wolf dog has posted an sfs or Go-OO 3.2 ->

SitHeelSpeak's gcc 4.4.1 devx supplemental ->

Kernel sources ->

SRWare Iron (Download, Extract, and click Iron to run) ->

ATI Catalyst 9.xx driver -> ... ng=English

Geany -> ... 1_i386.deb The menu entry is under Utility -> General Utilities.

Htop -> Menu entry under System -> System status and config.

Foxit PDF Reader for Desktop Linux -> ... 0_i386.deb This is what I use on Windows for work so I am glad to see it for Linux. To me, it renders significantly better than ePDFView. The menu entry is under Utility -> General Utilities.

CPU Frequency Scaling Tool (Menu -> Utility - General utilities -> CPU Frequency Scaling Tool) Trio's utility works well from me on my Phenom 9850. Without scaling my cpu idles at 38 and with it at 31.

Pwidgets 2.2.4. For those who want the widgets it is easy enough to reset the backdrop after starting Pwidgets. There is quite a collection of widgets available now. ... 05&t=35601

Desktop Recorder. Thanks to gposil, Dpup, and aarf. -> ... 77&t=48685
Video cards and drivers

Ideally uPup will correctly install your video card and also install the glx/dri files. That can be checked by Menu -> System -> System status and congif -> Hardinfo -> Display and scroll down to see that glx/dri are enabled. One can also check by entering "glxinfo" or "glxgears" at a command prompt. It works that way for me anyway; I am curious to see if it works for anyone else. I personally think that using all of the xorg drivers and installing glx/dri might make things more stable and robust when dealing with newer programs and versions.

If you have an Nvidia video card. My first test on a different computer failed, but I figured out why. Xorgwizard choose the "nouveau" driver, which I assume is for newer Nvidia cards. So if you have a newer Nvidia card it might work right off. If xorg fails to start it will return you to the prompt (or hit CTRL-C). At the prompt enter

Code: Select all

rm /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
which will erase the nouveau driver, and then enter xorgwizard again and it should choose the "nv" driver that you need. Alternatively, if xorg fails to start, you can enter

Code: Select all

and edit your xorg.conf file, replacing driver "nouveau" with driver "nv". Then CTRL-K, X, to quit the e3 editor and "xwin" to restart X. Both of these ways worked for me, and GLX/DRI were started correcly also

If you have an ATI card that doesn't start correctly, you might try among the "ati," "radeon," and "radeonhd" drivers. It is the "radeonhd" that works for me, which was not in uPup by default.

I have been using SitHeelSpeak's special devx supplement, and with that, the regular devx, and the kernel sources, I have been able to compile and install the latest (9.10) proprietary ATI Catalyst driver, which works well with my Radeon 3850, and the Catalyst Control Center is working correctly also.
It bugs me to leave out the "nouveau" video driver so the xorgwizard will assign the "nv" driver (which a few people were having to do manually). If this causes you a problem please let me know. I investigated a tiny bit and it seems that "nouveau" is an attempt to get 3D hardware acceleration in an open source driver for nvidia cards. I have had luck in installing/compiling the proprietary 3D hardware acceleration driver Catalyst/fglrx for Ati radeon cards. Perhaps if someone wanted hardware 3D for nvidia they could try to install the Nvidia proprietary driver. For the nouveau driver though -> ... .so.tar.gz Click the file and Extract it, and then place the driver in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/. After that, Menu -> Shutdown -> Exit to prompt and run xorgwizard at the prompt.

I routinely Save the Network as in the picture below. Your router will have a different name of course.


Posted: Fri 04 Dec 2009, 00:00
by Béèm
Altho I am downloading right now and will test later, I have a bit of a problem with the naming.
The latest upup was 476, I use it.
You advertise 432.
There could be a problem when one wants to migrate (if ever possible) to this 432 version.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Fri 04 Dec 2009, 00:27
by playdayz
Hey Beem, My thoughts are that it is confusing. I am not sure the latest uPup is 4.76 though The latest Woof (20091120) generates a uPup numbered 4.32 by default. I just left the number as Barry chose it. 4.76 was one of Barry's wasn't it and then he went back to 4.32? Yes, it could be very confusing, especially as Woof becomes easier and easier to use, more and more people will be making Puplets with it. There might not even be enough numbers between 4 and 5 ;-) I am making no claim at all to being in any official sequence. But there might not be an official sequence anymore. I thought that choosing to name the uPup after the edition of Woof might have something to recommend it, but you are right, the number displayed is 4.32. I gather that Barry does not plan to release any more uPups himself but maybe he would have something to say about numbering. ttuuxxx choose 4.50 and 4.60 also. Do you see a way forward?

Posted: Fri 04 Dec 2009, 01:55
by James C
Just downloaded and running live at the moment. From a brief test running live this seems much more stable than the other UPup's I tried.No SeaMonkey crashes yet which is a welcome change.

Planning to do a frugal install on my P3 test box tomorrow and I'll give it a good run.Seems pretty solid at first glance though.

Regarding the numbering system, looking back at my old isos Barry K used 4.61, 4.63,4.66,4.71 and 4.76 before reverting to his latest 4.32 with his Upup's. Interesting situation, :)

upup rt73 usb

Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 01:09
by timremy

nice color to your pup. and the menus are clean and neat.

when i try to connect wifi using the rt73usb, i get the following


"shared libraries:/ cannot open shared object file:

no such file or directory."

i hope you can help, i don't have a glue what this computer stuff


thank you


Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 04:14
by ttuuxxx
way to go playdayz :) I only made the upup version up just to test it and see if it was stable enough to build a OLPC version on it, I haven't the time since I've been working to devote towards puppy, I'm still doing around 40hrs+ a week for puppy but nothing like 110hrs a week I was doing when I was unemployed :) If you want to take over Upup, feel free to. maybe do the next release number 4.51
That way
4 series ends at 4.49 and goes to Ppup
upup 4.51
PPup 4.60 <---Maybe
Pup2.20 <---The one I'm aiming for.
and once one hit's a genuine RC then Series 5 happens.

Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 19:42
by ecube
Hi Playdayz,

I am impressed by your pup.There are some cosmetic problems but for me a major obstacle is that I cannot run it with a wlan connection no other Puppy systems has any problems with. eth0 causes no problems.

Processor AMD Athlon(tm)
Memory 2009MB (67MB used)
Resolution 1280x1024 pixels
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Wlan0 Wireless zd1211rw usb: Belkin USB2.0 WLAN

Operating System upup 432plz

# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=50 time=169.060 ms
--- ping statistics ---
21 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 76% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 169.060/187.143/208.729 ms

41 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 92% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 217.828/223.919/227.953 ms
# ifconfig
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:17:3F:8C:89:DD
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:768 (768.0 B) TX bytes:2144 (2.0 KiB)

Operating System Puppy Linux 431

# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=43 time=232.794 ms

--- ping statistics ---
16 packets transmitted, 16 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 230.096/231.548/233.236 ms

# ifconfig
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:17:3F:8C:89:DD
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:48 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:53 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:2828 (2.7 KiB) TX bytes:7031 (6.8 KiB)

Do you have any clue to why the IP-address is different? Is the adress range limited to ?

Added comment:The IP-adress is obtained from a neighbors wlan running unprotected. Using Puppy 431 I can choose between my wlan and the neighbors. But I cannot get upup432 to connect to my wlan. The error output is:
Unable to establish WPA connection
Access point: Not-Associated
Link Quality:0

Output of 'wpa_cli -i wlan status'
wpa_cli: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory



Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 21:25
by playdayz
ecube and timremy, I apologize. I did not say clearly enough that this is a very experimental version. The Puppy is just as it comes from Woof 20091120 with the few changes that I specifically mention.

It should be regarded as alpha software, at the most! It is definitely not a development of 4.3.1--it has very little in common with 4.3.1 under the hood--the numbering is kind of an unfortunate artifact that people are trying to figure out what to do about.

I hope there will eventually be a Puppy based on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic. The fact that this works at all if due to BarryK's cleverness. If one wants a Puppy that works, one should download the latest official version Puppy 4.3.1. ... tarted.htm

If one is interested in learning how Puppy works by hacking around on the internals and learning to do it yourself, then this could be a good place to be. It is possible that people reading this thread could solve problems such as the ones you are having and if so then they would post a fix and I will try to implement it in this experimental puppy as it grows up.

Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 21:45
by ttuuxxx
ecube wrote:Hi Playdayz,
Output of 'wpa_cli -i wlan status'
wpa_cli: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


your missing here's the one from ubuntu Karmic made into a pet, if it works playdayz should included it and also the dev in the compiler.
This is where it comes from and the dev's can be found there also.
I combined both packages and removed the unneeded extras.

uPup 20091120 Confguration files

Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 21:50
by playdayz
I have posted the changes I made to the default configuration of Karmic Puppy in Woof 20091120 as

This concerns the changes I made to two of the important configuration files as I used Woof 20091120 to build this uPup 20091120 Karmic with extra xservers (video drivers) and GLX/DRI graphics enhancement.

It is just for people who are playing with Woof (I can't imagine anyone else would be interested).
your missing here's the one from ubuntu Karmic made into a pet, if it works playdayz should included it and also the dev in the compiler.
Yes. Thanks ttuuxxx. Ecube, if it works please let us know.

Posted: Sun 06 Dec 2009, 09:35
by ecube
Thanks Ttuuxxx for your help.
Your pet package silenced the complaint about missing But still no correct internet connection. The error message now reads: Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory. I have Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) installed on the same computer as upup. The wlan connection works flawlessly there.

Playdayz! Are you contemplating building a upup version based on the woof tarball woof-20091202081304REFERENCE.tar.gz?

Regards, Olov

Posted: Sun 06 Dec 2009, 10:19
by ttuuxxx
ecube wrote:Thanks Ttuuxxx for your help.
Your pet package silenced the complaint about missing But still no correct internet connection. The error message now reads: Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory. I have Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) installed on the same computer as upup. The wlan connection works flawlessly there.

Playdayz! Are you contemplating building a upup version based on the woof tarball woof-20091202081304REFERENCE.tar.gz?

Regards, Olov
here install this and see if it works :)
also open a terminal and type after you installed it
depmod -a

rt73 (usb)

Posted: Sun 06 Dec 2009, 11:58
by raffy
Actually, this and 4.3.1 have always turned off rt73 (usb), although it works at the start. It's a puzzle, as other 4+ puppies work OK with it.

Posted: Sun 06 Dec 2009, 15:40
by ecube
Thanks again for your help Ttuuxxx,

Alas, the error message is the same as before.
Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory

My interpretation of the error message is that the file wpa_ctrl_open is missing. However, I find no such file in the wpasupplicant pet.
Regards, Olov

Posted: Sun 06 Dec 2009, 19:43
by playdayz
Playdayz! Are you contemplating building a upup version based on the woof tarball woof-20091202081304REFERENCE.tar.gz?
Yes ecube, I do hope to keep up with the Woof versions and make a uPup for each one, at least for my own usage. I would post it if I saw that some people were interested. Nobody knows what is going to come of woof and how it will all work out. I don't think it will be the same as before, with one official version at a time--well, there may be one official version but it seems like there will be many more unofficial versions. And i still think the true genius of Woof might be in making personal versions, and for that I would see value in exchanging info about Woof and uPup. Giving the new Bones a go should tell me how quickly i could turn around a Woof into a Upup and how transferable the info is from one to the next..

Having Trouble with Wireless???

I I made a build from Bones Woof 2009-1202 Reference. But I am having wireless trouble with it. The Network Wizard, old or new, doesn't find any networks. Fortunately I can configure it manually, which is not much trouble anyway.

Open a terminal (This assumes there is a wireless module running--if not see the Arch page). This is from This is easier than it might look. You will only need two or three commands. The three I use are in green. The ESSID is the "name" of your router, which you need to know. And the "key" is the security key, 10 hexadecimal digits, just as usual in the Network Wizard.

1. (Optional, may be required) Some cards require that the kernel interface be activated before you can use the wireless_tools:

# ifconfig wlan0 up

2. (Optional, may be required) See what access points are available:

# iwlist wlan0 scan

3. Depending on the encryption, you need to associate your wireless device with the access point to use and pass the encryption key.

Assuming you want to use the ESSID named MyEssid:

* No encryption

# iwconfig wlan0 essid "MyEssid"


using an hexadecimal key:

# iwconfig wlan0 essid "MyEssid" key 1234567890

using an ascii key:

# iwconfig wlan0 essid "MyEssid" key s:asciikey


You need to edit the /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file as described in WPA_Supplicant. Then, issue this command:

# wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

This is assuming your device uses the wext driver. If this does not work, you may need to adjust these options. Check WPA_Supplicant for more information and troubleshooting.

4. Finally, provide an IP address to the network interface. Simple examples are:

# dhcpcd wlan0

for DHCP

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 13:02
by rhadon
Hi everybody,

I've had the same problem as ecube. Not only with this version, also with Barry's Karmic Puppy. Jaunty Puppy worked out of the box.

With EeePc 900, Celeron, driver ath5k, wlan with wpa.

Running network wizard, I got " missing".
After installing from ttuuxxx (thank you :D ) i got "Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory".

Now I tried the commands, suggested by playdayz
# ifconfig wlan0 up
# iwlist wlan0 scan
# wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
Now got the message, that was missing. I found in Barry's Jaunty Puppy (476?), copied and a symlink for Running last command again. It was accepted but no wlan.

Now running network wizard again and it worked :D :D .

OK, I did a lot more, installing other versions of wpa_supplicant, wpa_gui and so on, a lot of symlinks and a lot of commands. At least the steps above work.

Hope this helps to find out, what's wrong
Now I can try the rest of this good looking version :D

~ Rolf

upup and audiovideo

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 18:08
by stevesr0
Flash is problematic on my machine (Fujitsu T4220 with intel chipsets).

I have failed with the default Seamonkey and with the beta Iron for linux, even after installing an additional flash pet (10.22) which worked in previous puppies. I do get flash with a Seamonkey 2.0.1pre (not final release version) which included a flashplayer.

Finally, in trying to use internet radio, I obtained a complete locked black screen of death, which I have never experienced with puppy.

All of this is running from a Live-CD and NOT saving any changes between reboots.

Still like the distro and love the idea of being able to select from all the Ubuntu apps.


Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 20:00
by Béèm
I finally got time to make a test.
With this version I could create a save file after first boot, which is a success, as some versions give problems with this.

But I couldn't configure a connection with the network wizard.
The network device, eth1, was found
The access point was found and the WEP key was entered.
The profile was stored.
The profile was used.
The test for a network was unsuccessful.

When I went back in the wizard and loaded the profile, the WEP key was gone.

But when I used Pwireless to setup a connection, it worked and could go unto the net.

As for the name upup-432 I am surprised that the woof sysem came up with this and I am worried.

Having also a upup-450 and even a upup-460, how will migration of save files be handled.

Is 432 higher (more modern in characteristics) then 450 or 460?

Has Barry expressed something about this in the meantime?

For me it brakes the line of logic people are used too.

more on wireless

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 23:55
by playdayz
Rhadon, Thanks. We know now two libraries that should be there. And with your method plus my hack of starting and stopping the usb/wirelss I can get Connect to consistently run. Someone is bound to be able to put these together. We can keep experimenting until the pattern becomes apparent ;-)

Here's the karmic version of libnl1 -> ... 5_i386.deb

Libreadline is in a post by ttuuxxx on the previous page, but ehre is is for convenience -> ...

I installed both of those libraries (but I find that it does what is below without those libraries)..

At least it will do the following consistently. If I "modprobe -r zd1211rw" (to remove the usb/wireless driver which in my case is zd1211rw), and then I "modprobe zd1211rw" to put it back, then the first time I use Connect then it will scan and find the network and get online. After this I can click Connect again and it fails to find a network.

It does still work for me to do the manual method.

When I erased my Pup_save file and started again from scratch, Connect worked for me the first time just as it should. But I then went back to Connect and it didn't work in the same way it has been not working. I think it would be worth while to try a fresh boot on the computers that haven't been working right on Network Wizard (which might be all of them ;-) Using modprobe to remove and reinstall the driver module, also seems to work consistently, if you know what the driver is.

Rhadon, could it be that you just rebooted when it worked?
Now running network wizard again and it worked Very Happy Very Happy .

more on wireless

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 23:57
by playdayz
Steversr0, Are you using/trying to use the Flash 10.32 that is included in this uPup20091120 (4.32)?

Could you open a terminal and enter glxinfo or glxgears and see if glxs/dri is installed and working?

On ttuuxxx's 4.50 and 4.60 Flash 10 would not work at all, but Flash 9 would. I am thinking that maybe having the glx/dri installed is helping the Flash 10 run nicely on my machine. So if glx/driw as not installed and working for you that would support my weird theory ;-)

Is there anything else you might have changed before you started trying to use Flash?

I am going to reinstall mine because something I did, who knows what, broke gtkdialg....