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Didiwiki - how do I insert local images?

Posted: Wed 14 Oct 2009, 09:51
by William (Dthdealer)
The official site is dead (taken over by spammers) and I have looked for any forums for didiwiki to no avail. AFAIK the puppy-linux forums are the only place to ask about it, as it is a central piece of software used in Puppy.

Note this is a Debian system I'm running - although this information would be exact for other users (and myself) when using Puppy.

According to didiwiki syntax, to include an image in a page you simply have to put in its URL. How do I get this to work with local-files? I have a picture of the Pale Blue Dot in my ~/.didiwiki/ directory.

Code: Select all

This is the official syntax for local files in internet browsers, but it is not interpreted by didiwiki. Nothing appears but a blank line.

Does anyone know how to include images stored locally?

Posted: Wed 14 Oct 2009, 10:07
by William (Dthdealer)
Sorry, it seems this isn't didiwiki related at all.

I checked the source of the page. The image tag was setup perfectly, but the browser console said permission was denied. Same on both Firefox and Midori.

Possibly because the url isn't either a local file or localhost (instead my hostname) the system is setup to not allow retrieval of local files to avoid unwanted retrievals from alien websites. Darn.

Mods can delete this topic - it is neither puppy nor didiwiki related.

Posted: Wed 14 Oct 2009, 10:47
by amigo
Hmm, that seems to work for me.
didiwiki uses an internal server, so it should be immune from whatever settings you have for other servers. Try using dillo to view the wiki.

Yes, the official didiwiki pages and files are gome, but I recently brought it back to life, fixed some things and added some features. You can get the sources attached in this thread: ... 32&t=47185

Let me know if you have problems, comments or suggestions -you can email me at <amigo> AT <>

Posted: Wed 14 Oct 2009, 11:58
by William (Dthdealer)
Thankyou - many improvements in .8
But, for some reason the DidiWiki files for version .5 were not kept in ~/.didiwiki. After a sudo apt-get remove didiwiki I realised all of my pages probably went with it.

Where are the pages held (other than in my home directory) for v.5?

Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 04:50
by William (Dthdealer)
Ahhh! I'm getting creeped out by ghosts.
After a re-boot they all came back! Yay!

Thankyou much amigo for extending Didiwiki - it is now better than ever.

Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 08:24
by amigo
If you start didwiki as a daemon, it will use /var/lib/didiwiki as the default directory to store files. Otherwise ~/didiwiki is used.

Since you are running debian, you may want to install the didiwiki conf and init files from debian when you build it.

I appreciate the feedback!

Posted: Fri 16 Oct 2009, 23:28
by William (Dthdealer)
Even after un-installing the deb it still comes up with the old wiki on boot :) I think I'll just remove the didiwiki script from boot (/etc/init.d/didiwiki) and manually start it when I login - much easier.

However attempts to get locally stored images to work are futile. I've tried both firefox (gecko) and Midori (webkit) to no avail.

Both file:///directories/image.jpeg and http://hostname:8000/image_in_.didiwiki_folder.jpeg don't work. Opening the image up from the index gives me four unknown characters.

On the good side of things the inclusion of a stylesheet is a godsend - being able to customise the look of didiwiki is amazing.

Posted: Sat 17 Oct 2009, 06:59
by amigo
Uninstalling the deb or other package won't usually remove files created by the program after installation. The first time you run didwiki it creates the basic starting wiki page.
If you are not using the init script to start it, you may need/want to specify the didiwiki 'home' using the '--home' option.

external wiki working as didiwiki

Posted: Fri 05 Feb 2010, 09:40
by oui

what kind of wiki uses exactly the same wiki text code as didiwiki? examples of realisations available?


Posted: Sun 07 Feb 2010, 00:11
by oui
Hi Amigo

I did find a new application for didiwiki for me:

As I am writing in different languages, I have no dictionary to check the orthography. If I write into the edit windows of an empty page of didiwiki instead of editor, all the dictionaries from Seamonkey are operable!

But I find the little windows for editing in didiwiki really small (limited in the high direction)! why? I don't understand why! there is no logic reason... the control button for "save" at the bottom of the little windows could be at the top and the edit windows full sized!

I will ask if you know if it would be possible to change this details.

Last point: for this usage a supplementary button "cut all+into clipboard" would be more useful as "save" :idea:

Best regards