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Puppy Linux in Linux Format 2

Posted: Fri 06 Nov 2009, 18:48
by otropogo
Where IS the original post, and will this response remove the phantom post from the last page of the "view unanswered posts" search?

Well, sort of...

The original post is still unfindable.(Maybe legendofthor, the original poster, can shed light on this mystery...)

And the topic now appears on page #1, instead of in last place on page #230, and it shows legendofthor as the author, "0 replies" and a "last post" by otropogo.

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2009, 01:03
by Aitch

looks like a double post problem, [common] and a corrupt database, maybe?

original here ... 271#329271

traced by going to this page...> ... ile&u=6449

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2009, 01:31
by otropogo
looks like a double post problem, [common] and a corrupt database, maybe?
I never thought of that, Aitch

Lucky it was on the second page, and not in the middle of the pack of 14. Or do you have a technique for searching within a collection?

I find it extremely annoying that one can only jump backward or forward by two pages.

I've just tried looking for it by a forum search on author (or should I say "legendofauthor" :wink: : legendofthor keywords: linux in linux format, and it was the second hit on the first of two pages (31 hits).

Then I tried with legendofthor/ Puppy Linux in Linux Format, and it was knocked back to 7th place out of 76 on three pages.

The problem of course is that the search engine doesn't allow exact phrase searches (quotes make no difference), and I believe it ignores capitalization too. So paradoxically, being more specific defeats the purpose, especially when a commonly used word like "Puppy" is included.

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2009, 09:32
by legendofthor
Sorry people I have no idea why this has happened... it was not my doing as I haven't visited this post is a while.

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2009, 13:01
by otropogo
legendofthor wrote:Sorry people I have no idea why this has happened... it was not my doing as I haven't visited this post is a while.
No need to apologize. This rogue post, however it came about, offers an opportunity to probe the soft underbelly of the forum software, and perhaps unravel some of its secrets (not to mention the chance to air a once-in-a-lifetime pun)

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 01:04
by Aitch
(not to mention the chance to air a once-in-a-lifetime pun)
not one to miss a chance, if I remember correctly... :wink:

Forum does have this habit of double posting, quite frequently, & often whilst think it hasn't posted and go back a page or reload
.... and LO - 2 posts, sometimes even without any 'user help'

talking of user help, otropogo, I find I get better results using the well-minded search, often

or for tricky apps/drivers/.pets, etc, klu9's supersearch [+ videostuff]

there are more excellent contributed tips in my search thread already posted earlier


Aitch :)

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 02:57
by otropogo
Aitch wrote:...

talking of user help, otropogo, I find I get better results using the well-minded search, often
It IS easier to find things there.
or for tricky apps/drivers/.pets, etc, klu9's supersearch [+ videostuff]

Seeing the default desktop background for Puppy 4.0 again, I wonder if there's a way to add it to the selection of backgrounds for Puppy 4.3.1. I have no idea how one would search for the image, much less how to add it to the JWM destop background menu.

Ditto for icons. I managed to lose the one for Opera, as well as the one for "setup", and have no idea where to get replacements.
there are more excellent contributed tips in my search thread already posted earlier
Studying it is on my to-do list. Unfortunately, the list is very long. Currently at the top is bagging a Mule deer buck in the five remaining days of the season. The weather is not co-operating, alas!

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 03:04
by James C
Do you mean this background?

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 04:25
by otropogo
James C wrote:Do you mean this background?
Yes, that's the one, thanks. Do you know how to add it to 4.3.1's desktop background menu?

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 05:12
by otropogo
While playing around with the forum search engine, I've discovered that while entering "linux format" gets 132 hits, with this thread at the top of the list, the original, with exactly the same name, doesn't appear anywhere in the list. The only way to find it is by adding "legendofthor" in the author field

Strangely, this thread doesn't appear in the search by author, although "legendofthor" is in shown as the "author" here too.

It would be interesting to see whether:

a) legendofthor is still able to edit the title of this thread, and

b) whether adding a "2" to the end of it (or to the other) would allow both threads to appear in a search for "linux format"

I tried to do this myself, since the forum search engine believes that I'm the author of this thread.

But apparently, the forum editing program doesn't agree. Because when I changed the title in the first message, the thread title remained unchanged and an edit notice appeared in the post body (which doesn't happen when an author changes only the title of the thread - go figure!)

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 06:04
by rjbrewer
otropogo wrote:
James C wrote:Do you mean this background?
Yes, that's the one, thanks. Do you know how to add it to 4.3.1's desktop background menu?
Right click image->save image as-> probably saves to root, drag
from root to /usr/share/backgrounds.

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 06:11
by James C
rjbrewer beat me to it and he's exactly right. When the image is added to /usr/share/backgrounds/ it will be as simple as choosing it in the wallpaper setter.

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 12:07
by Aitch
otropogo wrote:Studying it is on my to-do list. Unfortunately, the list is very long. Currently at the top is bagging a Mule deer buck in the five remaining days of the season. The weather is not co-operating, alas!
Shoot the weatherman? :lol: :lol:

Good Luck

RE re-numbering the thread etc, now that its sort of become hijacked from its original title, though self explanatory to anyone reading, I think it'll be ok to leave it, though Pizzasgood as MOD may be able top do something we can't - perhaps PM him if you feel it important?

Just remembered - here's another very useful link

Aitch :)

Is forum software about to run Amok?

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 17:23
by otropogo
Received the following notice of a new posting in a subscribed topic, and clicked on the link, only to find that:

a) it's not a topic I've ever subscribed to (or even knew about), and

b) it has nothing to do with the thread named in the announcement
Topic Reply Notification - Banned user Otropogo has reappeared in German users section

Inbox X



show details 12:50 AM (9 hours ago)


You are receiving this email because you are watching the topic, "Banned user Otropogo has reappeared in German users section" at Puppy Linux Discussion Forum. This topic has received a reply since your last visit. You can use the following link to view the replies made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the topic. ... 484#360484
This is a first for me. Has anyone else encountered this?

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 17:56
by otropogo
Thanks James, rj, Aitch. Have my desktop background changed now.

Are there set limits/parameters for such a background image to work in Puppy 4.3.1? If so, where can I find a description?

I noticed that when changing the backgrounds bundled with the release, the icons changed with the image.

That didn't happen when I switched to the Puppy 4.0 image, so presumably one can switch the icon group in an imported background simply by choosing to replace a different one of the original selection.

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 20:19
by Pizzasgood
It won't let me rename this thread either. It just modifies the subject of your post, leaving the thread title as it is.

I'm going to just rename the original instead to say "(Original Thread)" in the title.

As for the search, keep in mind that it's sorted by date, so this thread, which has been posted in recently, will come up near the top, while the real one, which has not been posted in since August, will be near the bottom.

Regarding the email notification, I've never seen it do anything like that before. Granted, I almost never subscribe to threads either...

forum search engine gets even weirder...

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 21:44
by otropogo
Pizzasgood wrote:...

I'm going to just rename the original instead to say "(Original Thread)" in the title.
As for the search, keep in mind that it's sorted by date...

I didn't realize it was strictly in chronological order. I assumed it was ranked first by closeness of match (ie. number and order of keywords), and only then by age.

On reading your post, I went looking on the last page of the "linux format" search for the renamed thread. I couldn't find it, but then noticed that there was no post older than two days.

Then it occurred to me how unlikely this was. So I tested it by redoing the search with only the keyword "linux". The number of hits rose only to 163 from 134 ("linux format"). And again, no post on the list was older than three days!

I then searched on the keyword "original", and got 315 hits, but none later than six weeks ago (Oct 2, IIRC)

Only when I searched on both keyword and author was the post found.So it seems this is still the only way to find legendofthor's original post.

Searches on the keywords: linux, puppy, pet

only got one half to one sixth of the hits of "original", and were much more restricted in the time-span covered (one to three days, vs. 40)

Does any of this makes sense? I can't even see a consistent pattern.

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 22:34
by Pizzasgood
It's pretty well established that the forum's search is crap.

I did manage to find both threads at the same time before I renamed it. I had used something along the lines of "Puppy AND Linux AND Format". This was around the middle of the first page, and the other was at the end of the last page.

If you try searching for "Linux Format" and tick the box for "Search for all terms" and the box for "Search post title only", you don't find either of them. Just three other threads from 2007.

Posted: Thu 12 Nov 2009, 12:36
by Aitch

I've asked this before, but you may not have seen it....?
Is it possible, any way, to get an alphabetic search function for the forum
or access to the actual database, maybe
It seems we have some clever coders who could do what otropogo and several others , including me, have been after for some time - maybe?

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 12 Nov 2009, 16:37
by puppyite
For the good of Puppy Linux I offer the following. With this search string you can search any site for anything you choose.

Enter this in Google:

Code: Select all anything
Sadly the above will not work with