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default opening of .txt files and opera .mht files

Posted: Sun 26 Jul 2009, 13:41
by aarf
if you set opera as the default to open opera.mht files, then when you click-open a .txt file it will also open in opera instead of where you want them i.e. in a text editor.
how to have your cake and eat it too? any clues?

Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2009, 16:25
by jrb
Hi aarf,
I setup a new MIME type, /root/Choices/MIME-types/text_mht containing:

Code: Select all

#! /bin/sh
exec opera "$1"
and then added:

Code: Select all

to the end of /usr/share/mime/glob

Seems to work alright. Have attached it as .pet

Thanks for calling this to my attention, J

Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2009, 17:15
by aarf
hi jrb,
at quick look
installed the pet but cant confirm any difference from previous,
.txt opening action is still linked to .mht action and vise-versa. and then changing one, changes the other as well. reboot still same.
late now, i'll look again tommorow.

Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2009, 20:46
by jrb
Sounds like you might have to undo any changes you made previously to get .mht files to open. Or start with new pup_save and /or /root/.opera.

Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2009, 21:08
by mikeb
Set an unknown file type to open with geany as you did initially...should restore that...then apply the specific mime type addition.

I had exactly the same problem recently...I don't think this is how rox is intended to behave
