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Almost hidden treasure for Korean

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 02:12
by puppyiso
When I discovered multilingual Puppy page at,
I was too happy to try and I posted this with a small initial success.

But soon realized that it needs more than just fonts and installing scim bunches.

ROX doesn't recognize Korean name files. Typing is weired either full or half (in Korean 2, 3 combos)doesn't work properly.

I posted this too soon. Shortly later I found other Korean user's post for proper way in Localization section but the compiling thing didn't worked for me.

The info is surely a treasure but not enough and somewhat misleading.
I shouldn't start with the scim-table. My letter entry got all mixed up and I had to uninstall to get it back right.

Even if it IS cumbersome, AIM for Hangul is the only one works without further digging(Koreans call it "Sap Jil" means digging)

For anyone bright enough to utilize what's over there, the info at is a treasure waiting to be found.