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How to program PIC microcontrollers in Puppy?

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009, 18:44
by jhsu
I have successfully programmed PIC microcontrollers with my PICSTART Plus programmer, but only in Windows (using MPLAB).

Has anyone here successfully programmed PIC microcontrollers with a PICSTART Plus in Puppy Linux? I just tried to install GPSIM, but it won't compile, because I'm lacking a number of other things needed. I tried to use MPLAB in WINE, but MPLAB seems to think I have MUCH less hard drive space available than I actually do.

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009, 21:17
by jhsu
I finally realized that my pup_save file was too small, so I expanded it. I was able to install MPLAB and use it. (I do get a few error messages, but the errors must be minor.)

My next stumbling block: How do I get MPLAB to recognize my PICSTART Plus programmer? I'm using a USB-to-serial cable converter. MPLAB doesn't recognize USB ports, just COM ports. How do I proceed now?

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009, 21:42
by MU
type in a console:
modprobe usbserial

This should load a kernelmodule for USB to serial adapters.
Then the com ports in Wine should be redirected automatically.
It might not work with every product, in that case google for "usbserial" and the productname.
Sometimes this gives a solution.

Also search for "usbserial" here:

If you find nothing, you might have to buy a serial card for one of the slots in your computer, those usually work reliable.


Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2009, 22:23
by big_bass

thats really great news

I'll see if I can get it to compile

a lot of nice projects will follow

ubuntu uses the port for CNC control on linux using EMC

whats your plans with the PIC
around 1999 I wrote in qbasic from DOS
to control the parallel port
to first control 8 solid state relays
that switch larger relays of 220 volts
to turn on and of some equipment

then I built a stepper motor driver
and test program in qbasic

never tried writing to the port in linux
but if you need a stripped down puppy as a base for your project
try fat-free 2.16 works great on older hardware ... -dillo.iso


Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009, 02:05
by WN2A
I have been using MPLAB 7.5.2 quite successfully with Wine 1.0 on Puppy 4.0. I have been using the IDE capability, but not the device programming-yet. Will be looking at this soon.

Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2009, 11:28
by brad_chuck
On my system I did not have to modprobe anything. USB serial just worked. Plug it in and see if you have a device named /dev/ttyUSB0

The problem is wine... In the "/root/.wine/dosdevices" folder you have link to /dev/ttyUSB0 and name it "com1" or some com port name. Note that this must be lower case.

I needed 8 of these at one time... windoes could not handle it but Puppy did.

What version of wine 1 do you use? I tryed MPLAB 7 ish about a year ago and it gave me some dumb warning and crashed.

We don't use pics but I have had to program a few here and there.

How install Mplax in Puppy

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2013, 21:13
by mister_electronico
I installed MplabX in Debian and work Fine.

I try in Puppy 5.4 but nothing.

The problem is I can't install .run files in puppy.

chmod 777


and nothing happens

I am installing JRE.

I other post read, for work the installation need a devxx file, but nothing again.

I think the problem is in this distribution, because time ago I can installed in puppy
5.28 but anyway don't work ok. ... 2f0c846378

Must be a program for install .run files but I don't know what is it.

So I hope someone can help me.


Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2013, 17:56
by muggins
Installs fine in lupu528.

Yes I know.

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 14:31
by mister_electronico
Thanks muggins for you reply, I know in lupu528 there aren't no problems.

But my question is for why is possible install files in lupu528 and not in my puppy slacko 5.4.

Because I want use Slacko 5.4. I think must be script file but still I don't know.

I Hope someone know . Thanks anyway.