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MPD (Music Player Daemon) Server on Puppy

Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 16:54
by jarle
Hi everyone!

I am quite new as a Puppy-user and are now trying to figure out how
to get MPD (server) working in Puppy. I have tried to download and compile MPD, but without success. I have also tried a PUP I found here on the forum, but it just complained about a missing it didn't find (even if it is there and the paths are OK).

The reason why I want MPD-server is that I want to control this from another server with Ampache and stream mp3s from it.

Does anyone know how to install a working MPD-serer in Puppy?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 22:07
by brymway
Look here for your needed lib, load it up and try compiling again.

Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 22:50
by Taavi
This works for me in Puppy 4.12. Mpd.conf file is in /etc.

Here's a little front end for it too if someone wants to try. And three plugins to it. If I remember right those plugins needed glib to work but gmpc itself didn't.

I made these some time ago for learning to compile and these are the first pets I have compiled ever. So if they work I'm happy and if they don't I'll keep practicing.


Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 23:42
by jarle

Taavi, I tried your PUP. It worked like a charm :-)

I am now using puppy on a small thin client connected to the stereo.
and controlling mpd within Puppy from Ampache with all my mp3s on it.
(Streaming from Ampache to Puppy-box).


Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2009, 17:15
by trapster
Here are files that I use for my puppy music server, accessed anywhere thru a browser.

If you use firefox, don't forget to try the minion plugin.

Can't start mpd

Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2009, 18:43
by qcjn
in ubuntu i make sudo /etc/init.d/mpd start

but under puppy doesn't work ?

so naturally i can't connect gmpc ? right ?

i made the mpd --create-db

Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2009, 19:40
by trapster
Does it start with mpd in a console?
You can put the command mpd in /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Does mpc play work in a console?

I believe you also need to load a playlist with mpc load playlistname

I use this to create a playlist using .ogg files. Just replace .ogg with .mp3 if needed. Create a script and place this in your music directory. It creates a playlist called all.m3u. You can then use mpc load all


Code: Select all

find /mnt/sda4/ogg | grep .ogg > all.m3u
cp all.m3u /var/lib/mpd/playlists/all.m3u
This is a script I put into /root/Startup. I named it startmpd
(I could only get mpc to start by repeating the mpc play command in the script.)


Code: Select all


sleep 2
mpc load all
sleep 2
mpc random on
sleep 2
mpc repeat on
sleep 2
mpc play
sleep 2
mpc play
sleep 2
mpc play
sleep 2
rxvt -g 110x38 -e ncmpc -c
I also have the following in /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

Code: Select all

export MPD_PORT=8001
export MPD_HOST=localhost
After I add songs to my directory (/mnt/sda4/ogg), I run this script:

Code: Select all

mpd --create-db
mpc update
cd /mnt/sda4/ogg
mpc load all

Problem with gmpc version 17 in puppy

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 19:35
by qcjn
ok, first i m using puppy 4.1

i've installed the gmpc v.17 from the pet, and it had some bugs.

installed ncmpc, worked perfectly.

intalled gmpc 13 from deb, was working. Old but working.

So since it worked from deb, might as well install gmpc version 17 from deb, with all the dependencies. Same problem as the .pet

didn't know how to uninstall it, so reinstall the pet and uninstall with package manager, like i did the first time. it worked.

reinstall deb gmpc v 13. it doesn't work. Command bash not found

So now i don't know what to do ??

Installing deb= download to / and extract to / with xarchive.

other thing

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 19:36
by qcjn
ncmpc still works perfectly.

Posted: Thu 12 Mar 2009, 06:44
by dejan555
Looks like we made a pretty mess there qcjn,
Installing deb= download to / and extract to / with xarchive.
You don't have to download to /, you can download wherever you want, it's important to extract to / ;)

dejan555 Found another mpd client

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2009, 22:27
by qcjn
This one is called glurp...It works good

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2009, 09:30
by aragon
hi qcjn,

to your problems with the 0.17 Version:

newer versions of gmpc need more actual versions of gtk and glib (to compile) than puppy has. as taavi mentioned, the seems to work stable, but the add-ons won't.

you could also look at this post:

i think gmpc 0.15.1 was the latest version that could be compiled is puppy. so this one would be fine.


Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2009, 22:16
by dejan555
mpd 0.14
glurp 0.11.6
icecast2 2.3.2
+ dependencies,
all in one pet! 5.68 MB
Get it here

Thanks to qcjn for help with mpd & icecast configuration!

First run:

Open /etc/mpd.conf in geany
Edit your music folder path

Open terminal, type:

Code: Select all

# mpd --create-db
# mpd
# glurp &
# echo > /root/spot/access.log
# echo > /root/spot/error.log
# chmod -R 777 /root/spot/
# su spot
# cd ~
# icecast2 -c icecast.xml &
# exit
# exit
You can open browser and point it to localhost:8000 to see if it works
every new run:

Code: Select all

# mpd
# glurp &
# su spot
# cd ~
# icecast2 -c icecast.xml &
# exit
# exit
Tested on 4.1 LiveCD

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2009, 19:18
by dejan555
Here's MPD 0.15.1 pet, this mpd version has built-in httpd server which means you don't need icecast to stream out!
Example configuration file is in /usr/share/doc/mpd/ copy it to /etc/mpd.conf and configure before running mpd

Download: 139 KB

ncmpcpp 0.3.5 CLI client: 247 KB

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2009, 19:47
by aragon
dejan555 wrote:Here's MPD 0.15.1 pet, this mpd version has built-in httpd server which means you don't need icecast to stream out!
very interesting news!

did you no/test if it able to play local and stream to http at the same time (as before with icecast)?
i use this setup to have music in different rooms or inside/outside on parties. mpd laptop is connected to hifi and streams parallel to my noxon2. allways works nice...


Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2009, 20:17
by dejan555
Yes you can do so, I did run it and qcjn tried to connect while it was playing but my connection upload rate is bad for streaming out so it resulted with lots of buffering for him but yes it runs same as with icecast, you can controll it locally with some client and stream out in same time. Just uncomment http builtin plugin section in configuration file and try!

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2009, 20:47
by aragon
thanks for the quick answer, will test it out soon.


Posted: Fri 07 Aug 2009, 19:31
by aragon
ok confirmed to work (but testing with the same music from laptop and from hifi with a delay of some seconds is more :? ).

the 'external' upnp-client semms to take a process with 27% cpu on my dualcore. what's no problem on this one, but my streaming-engine is an older one. so i will compare usage with mpd+icecast with this version.

but this is a long missed feature of mpd, it's getting better and better...


mpd 0.15.2 i486 as pet with shout output

Posted: Wed 19 Aug 2009, 17:56
by qcjn
here is the mpd 0.15.2

Posted: Wed 19 Aug 2009, 19:40
by aragon
althought i didn't know why you use another libshout as i pm'ed and you don't use the libsamplerate from official-repos ;-)
i'm enjoying radio qcjn atm. i ran across the link at dejans site. very nice stream. do you run it on puppy or on another system?
