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TEENpup 2009 Legacy coming soon

Posted: Sat 21 Feb 2009, 13:37
by john biles
Hello Everyone,
I've been slowly working away on what I want the next TEENpup to become.
I've also been thinking about who my target users are and will be in the future.
With this in mind, I have decided to aim TEENpup at PC User's who want a modern looking OS that includes a large range of hopefully useful Applications (Including Open Office 3) but are stuck with Pentium III circular PC's.

So I see the future for TEENpup being installed on Pentium III PC's giving them a second life and not ending up in a Dumpster / Rubbish Bin as land fill.

Hence the Name "TEENpup 2009 Legacy"

Again this release in still based on Puppy Linux 2.14

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 03:29
by issarad
Thanks for the info, John! :D

My 733mhz Gateway tower can hardly wait to try it out.

wish list for Teenpup 2009 regacy

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 05:52
by puppyiso
Here are my suggestions and wish list for the new Teenpup.
I would be happy if you take them into your consideration for developing the new one.

Teenpup is the first puppy able to show me Korean webpages. I still keep 2 CD(one for 2GB notebook and the other for P4)s near
my computer incase I need to read Korean webpages.

Nevertheless, I cant type in Korean letters and I am no programmer. I really want the new version include scim or skim something enables korean letter input.

Also, with so many apps, I still wish that there are 3d apps such as wings 3D or K3D.
Wine works fine with wings 3D but not with K3D

Those 2 things are my wish list. Since you are making a new version, I would like you to consider.

The global economic crisis hit Korea real hard, many people have to keep their old computers. I hope your new version is available to Korean folks and 3D students whoare having difficulty to run memory hugging 3DS Max 2009.


Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 17:12
by M.Gregg
Hello John,

Could you please keep ;
K3b, and replace Audacity with the one in this link:

Also could you please check playback on kscd one channel was faulty on my download on wav playback!

Opera if fire fox is still crashing
Open office 3

Keep up the good work !


Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 23:07
by john biles
Hello M.Gregg,
I think K3B would be the last app I'd ever remove from TEENpup LOL!

I will update Audacity to 1.3.2 beta in the next release. (Is this the one you mean?)

Open Office 3 is already in the test versions of TEENpup.

Firefox the very last version of the 2 series is already in the testing versions of TEENpup (Series 3 Firefox won't run due to the older base libs in TEENpup at present)

Flash 10 beta works fine but the final release version of Flash 10 doesn't work in TEENpup again due to base libs

Java is now 1.6.11b3

Due to Open Office and other Apps the final iso will be 700Mb's max in size to be able to fit onto a CD for older PC's with a CD Drive only.

Hello puppyiso, I'm looking into more support for asian fonts, but it looks like the required fonts are 10-30mb's in size which may poss a problem, but will see what I can do.

As for K3D I've experimented with it and its dependencies in the past and they add up to somewhere in the region of 30-60Mb's which again is too large to include in the next release of TEENpup, sorry!

Lastly a lot has gone on under the skin so to speak with update / changes to different files and libs to improve TEENpup as much as is possible. Some apps have been replaced with hopefully more useful ones.

Many experiments have been tried, some worked and will be included in the next release, some didn't. Basically many 100's of hours have been spent in the last year on what will become the next TEENpup release.

I hope to have it out very soon. :D :D :D

Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:21
by Ray MK

Am looking forward to this - TP2008 was one of the puppy's that was responsible for my
choosing to wipe XP on both of my laptops and use Puppy on all my older Pc's.

The space saved has been used to run multi-boot puppy's. Much better. And more fun.

Two small thoughts (not capable of bigger ones)

1) Could you put a battery indicator in the tray for laptop users - very useful generally
2) Opera10 beta or otherwise - is a very fast and nice to use browser - would it work?

Many thanks for all your efforts in making TeenPup.

Very best regards - Ray

Teen Pup

Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 20:11
by M.Gregg
Hello John,

Yes Audacity 1.3.2 beta.
A shortcut to partview would also be good.
Kcalc seems to work well.
Vuze I like the frog.LOL


Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 20:59
by nic2109
As usual Opera is getting lots of votes, but it's worth looking at the version of SeaMonkey that ttuuxxx has developed for Puppy 4.2 as it is both small and fast. The mail client has been removed (and Claws Mail added instead) but Composer has been retained. The two together are significantly smaller than Firefox and Opera and earlier SeaMonkeys found in Puppy so might leave space for something else.

Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 22:32
by john biles
Hello puppyiso,
I have added support for Chinese, Japanese and Korean Fonts in TEENpup at the expense of 3 new games I was adding.

At the moment Firefox will be in TEENpup and not Opera.
I Will think about it......

Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2009, 08:42
by Sage
Reconsider? Opera10alpha has been around since Dec08 with few substantial issues arising. Frankly, it's as good as most other folks' betaRC99 s and certainly bleeding edge. Nothing else comes close.

Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2009, 12:59
by john biles
Hello Sage,
I already have the latest version of Opera installed for testing and I started it up again and it started to lockup and I remembered why I stopped experimenting with it. Opera 9.50 worked fine in testing???

Sage what version of Puppy do you run Opera 10 on?

Any ideas why it would lock up?

Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2009, 13:28
by Sage
Apart from MU's NewYearsPup (midi & mini), mainly on Debian5, Vector6, F10, PCL, Sidux, maybe one or two others. For me, it has been difficult to install on some distros, but that's because I don't really know what I'm about and/or I chose the wrong version, eg shared instead of static, gcc4 instead of 3 and all that kind of minutia. In some cases, it'll only run from a console, but, again, probably a large dose of finger trouble. Hey, ho. But when it's running it's amazing. Bet wow/MU know the answers?!

Re: TEENpup 2009 Legacy coming soon

Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2009, 15:52
by Colonel Panic
john biles wrote:Hello Everyone,
I've been slowly working away on what I want the next TEENpup to become.
I've also been thinking about who my target users are and will be in the future.
With this in mind, I have decided to aim TEENpup at PC User's who want a modern looking OS that includes a large range of hopefully useful Applications (Including Open Office 3) but are stuck with Pentium III circular PC's.

So I see the future for TEENpup being installed on Pentium III PC's giving them a second life and not ending up in a Dumpster / Rubbish Bin as land fill.

Hence the Name "TEENpup 2009 Legacy"

Again this release in still based on Puppy Linux 2.14
Looks great. Will it work in 256 MB of RAM though (don't worry, I'm asking everyone who's working on a Pup this question) as that's all I have?

Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2009, 22:56
by john biles
Hello Colonel Panic,
One of my test PC's is a 800 MHZ Pentium III with 128Mb's of ram and it's usable, not to bad at all.

Hello Sage,
I will experiment more with Opera.

Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2009, 23:09
by MU
I usually use the Opera download as slackware tar.gz with shared libraries.
Maybe other versions run less good in Puppy.
So "QT 3" is required in addition. (/usr/lib/qt-3.3.8). I use qt-3.3.8b from Slackware, but Puppys version should be fine, too. I just used "b" because it was required by a different package a while ago in Muppy.

In case of problems be certain, that flash is not activated.
Flash can cause seldom crashes of Opera.

Posted: Wed 25 Feb 2009, 06:02
by Sage
Opera10alpha is a bit different, Mark!

Posted: Wed 25 Feb 2009, 19:09
by Colonel Panic
john biles wrote:Hello Colonel Panic,
One of my test PC's is a 800 MHZ Pentium III with 128Mb's of ram and it's usable, not to bad at all.
Sounds great! 2.17 is still a very usable Puppy IMO and a good base to build a derivative (is that the same as "puplet?") on. Good luck with your efforts.

Posted: Wed 25 Feb 2009, 22:44
by john biles
Hello Sage,
OK I ran tests with Opera 9.50, 9.63 and 10 Alpha.
They all complained about the Flash 10beta plugin and wouldn't display Youtube video's without problems. Opera 9.63 and 10 Alpha would begin loaded a page containing asian fonts then as the page was about to finish loading it would just blank out? Opera 9.50 would finish displaying these pages.

Also when trying the Java Test page Opera 9.63 and 10 Alpha would freeze up and the only way to close Opera would be to "Kill" it.

So at the moment I won't be including Opera in TEENpup.

It is a shame as I like Opera but I need something more stable with my system's setup. I know it's not Opera's fault.

Posted: Mon 30 Mar 2009, 21:03
by linuxsansdisquedur
and about wine inside :?: