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linux baseball simulation

Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009, 21:10
by bugman
netstats baseball is a not-quite-like-strat-o-matic simulator

but it runs in linux, and runs in puppy [at least in 4.12]

i successfully compiled it but am way too lame to make a pet :oops:

you can get it here

and here

note that the developers state that they've had problems compiling with gcc versions 4.1.3 and 4.2.1, devx_412 uses 4.2.2 which worked okay for me

Re: linux baseball simulation

Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009, 22:12
by WhoDo
bugman wrote:i successfully compiled it but am way too lame to make a pet :oops:
Nah, not "lame" bugman; just a little "short" in the gnostic department.

Creating dotpets is easy when you know how.

1. Create a directory with the name of your application as its name - I usually create these in the /root directory so I can quickly return to them without searching.

2. Inside that directory create the whole file system structure your application uses - /usr, /root, /usr/share/applications, /usr/sbin, whatever.

3. Use dir2pet from a terminal to convert the directory to a dotpet file

Code: Select all

dir2pet mydir
and a file called will result.

OR ... if your tarball is already formatted that way, use tgz2pet to convert it from the CLI.

Code: Select all

tgz2pet myapp.tar.gz
Hope that helps

Re: linux baseball simulation

Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009, 22:18
by bugman
WhoDo wrote:2. Inside that directory create the whole file system structure your application uses - /usr, /root, /usr/share/applications, /usr/sbin, whatever.
by this do you mean that i should copy all the files over? the install scattered stuff everywhere, is there a log?
WhoDo wrote:OR ... if your tarball is already formatted that way, use tgz2pet to convert it from the CLI.
does that work for a tarball that needs to be compiled?

EDIT to say i think i have got it, i have made either a pet or a 22mb mess, added a startup script and a menu entry and modified the install notes into a read me that is pet-specific, and will upload it for intrepid testers when i have the available time, probably tomorrow morning

Posted: Sun 08 Feb 2009, 04:08
by trapster
What I usually do when compiling...
Before make install, create a directory with the program name (and version), ie. /root/test/email-3.1.2.

Then do make install DESTDIR=/root/test/email-3.1.2

This will install the files to that location.
A good idea is to "strip" the "executable" file which is usually found in /root/test/email-3.1.2/usr/bin or /root/test/email-3.1.2/usr/local/bin or wherevever.
change to that directory and do strip email.
Then make the .pet
From inside /root/test do dir2pet email-3.1.2

Install the program with the pet. It makes it much easier to remove the file if you ever decide.

Posted: Sun 08 Feb 2009, 13:27
by bugman

thanks for the tip, too late for the code way, but i might move all the installed files out of path's way, and install the pet to see if it works

not sure why i didn't think of that myself, fear kills the soul?

bugman [feeling especially buggy this morning]

edit - got a good pet, now i can't access my friend's ftp server to upload it, guessing a 22mb pet not welcome as an attachment, some day this will all be over with . . .

Posted: Fri 13 Feb 2009, 00:37
by bugman
well, i have not uploaded the damn thing anywhere yet

on the other hand, no one's asked me about it

so i think it might not be much in demand?

no problem, the app is still early in development and feature-shy and a little buggy, but i might try and help the guy with it [if i can] as i miss strat-o-matic on occasion

i tried making pets of some other things--minbar, a muslim prayer reminder, plus another app [name forgotten] that did the same--also zekr, a koran study tool

sadly they are gnome and kde applets, and dependencies were killing me

[no, i am not a muslim, i just thought they'd be helpful, and no one else has done them as far as i know]

zekr installation

Posted: Wed 26 Aug 2009, 23:43
by smil99
Hi bugman,
Just found your post when I searched for zekr.
Well, I tried installing from a deb and I got the following error after the gui attempted to start:
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -2147221164
org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.error(Unknown Source)
org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.create(Unknown Source)
org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.<init>(Unknown Source)
Do you have any clue as to how to resolve this? Alternatively, if you already made a working pet, would you mind making it available for me?
