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Frozen Bubbles game only works in some Puppies

Posted: Tue 20 Jan 2009, 17:02
by glassfet
One of my favorite Puppy games is "Frozen Bubbles". It does not seem to consistently install however. Often it will download, install and... thats it. Selecting the menu item results in nothing on some versions of Puppy. It seems to be dependent on the PUPlet. It works fine in Tiger 1.6 and some versions of flexxPUP. Yes, I know about having to restart the Window Manager. I'm pretty sure the answer is simple. Has anyone tried 'Bubbles or perhaps can point me in the right direction on how to fix this? TX.

Posted: Tue 20 Jan 2009, 21:36
by muggins
It might be clearer why Fbubbles isn't working if you try running it in a console, (Menu->Utility->Rxvt), by entering the Fbubbles executable name, then posting back any errors.

Unfortunately I've no idea of the actual executable's name, but if you look in the Fbubble .desktop file, in /usr/share/applications directory, it will have a line exec=..., where ... is the actual executable file.

Going on, most problems relate to whether you've installed the necessary SDL library files, or perhaps perl configuration problems.

Posted: Wed 21 Jan 2009, 00:02
by 8-bit
Well, I visited the Frozen Bubble web site and found on reading some information on it, that it will NOT work with newer versions of Perl.
So I did some checking in Puppy and guess what? After Puppy 3.01, Perl version got updated.
So it is a matter of using an older version of Puppy if you want to run Frozen Bubble.

Posted: Thu 22 Jan 2009, 17:21
by Bruce B
Is this what you are looking for? It's not too hard to bring over from 3.01 to 4.00

If so, need a little how to?

Posted: Thu 29 Jan 2009, 01:58
by Minnesota
Bruce B:

Would you please post the instructions for moving bubbles to 4.x series. I tried going to the repository and it said it loaded but it did not run.


Greg :D

Posted: Thu 29 Jan 2009, 08:16
by Bruce B

My way takes longer the first time around. On subsequent installs it's very fast, because I don't get the files mixed in with Puppy files.

1) Boot 3.01 with pfix=ram, make a copy of the directories and files to a Linux file system. This will serve as a 3.01 repository (this is sort of optional, because the file discovery seems complete in this case)

2) Make /opt/bin and add it to the path ( line 1 in /etc/profile )

3) Make /opt/lib, add it to the library path ( line 2 in /etc/profile)

4) Put bubbles.tcl in /opt/bin

5) Put and in /opt/lib

6) Attach two directories to /opt/lib: tcl8.5/ and tk8.5/

7) That seems all there is to it, I'll leave you to work out menu or desktop items.


Thanks, but lots of questions

Posted: Thu 29 Jan 2009, 19:30
by Minnesota
First of all thanks... I am more or less a newbie with Linux.. been in this business for forty years...and learning Linux I have a lot of questions on what you wrote...

By the way do you know how to reply with the original message in the window?

My way takes longer the first time around. On subsequent installs it's very fast, because I don't get the files mixed in with Puppy files.
OK..not an issue.

1) Boot 3.01 with pfix=ram, make a copy of the directories and files to a Linux file system. This will serve as a 3.01 repository (this is sort of optional, because the file discovery seems complete in this case)

Assume boot from CD live qualifies,
I also assume files bubbles.tcl and ibtcl8.5 and etc are in 3.1
and simply can be saved to a memory stick?

2) Make /opt/bin and add it to the path ( line 1 in /etc/profile )
Assume this is on 4.x system, in my case a bootable memory stick?

Does /opt/bin exist or are we creating a new directory? In ROOT? Using file manager or terminal window??

3) Make /opt/lib, add it to the library path ( line 2 in /etc/profile)

??? Are we making a different directory or library or simply a line in profile??? Or are these two different thigns?

4) Put bubbles.tcl in /opt/bin

5) Put and in /opt/lib
are these older libraries for Perl?

6) Attach two directories to /opt/lib: tcl8.5/ and tk8.5/

Assume /opt/lib: is a how do you attach? Two directories?

7) That seems all there is to it, I'll leave you to work out menu or desktop items.
Can I assume you can simply drag the bubbles.tcl to the desktop to execute?

Thanks again for your help, life is a continuing learning experience.


Posted: Fri 30 Jan 2009, 02:38
by Bruce B

* nothing to do with pearl

* saving to memory stick has to do with filesystem, if not linux, important attributes get lost

* you don't have to make a repository anyway, only if you want

* if you choose to use /opt/bin and /opt/lib, you have to make the directories AND add them to the /etc/profile's paths, first two lines

* linux has a 'search path' for executable files and one for the lib files, it doesn't look all over for these various types of files, just where they are specified

* 'attaching' the two directories is my poor grammar, better said 'copy those two directories to /opt/lib as subdirectories'

* I'll leave the running up to you. there are many ways, and 3.01 almost certainly has a .desktop file you can copy over for menu item, it has more icons, lots of stuff that 4.xx doesn't have.


Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2011, 07:09
by Lobster
Direct link to swf (flash version) of bubble game ... hooter.swf

One of the ways I know flash is not working is when this slows down for no reason . . .

"Bubbles" in "Quirky Linux 1.4" ! only script

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2011, 03:41
by postfs1

Code: Select all

cd /room ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Bubbles--Game/Fedora-11_files/tk-8.5.6-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "805a269736d031136b116ff6773eb996  tk-8.5.6-4.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i tk-8.5.6-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/tk-8.5.6-4.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Bubbles--Game/Fedora-11_files/tcl-8.5.6-6.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "78c01338185a77799a72669ed48dd997  tcl-8.5.6-6.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i tcl-8.5.6-6.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/tcl-8.5.6-6.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/Bubbles--Game/PET_files/ ;
if [ ! `echo -e "002a1b0b4135085d39db90b1539c2a4f" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/ ;
rm /room/ ;
fixmenus ;
xmessage "-=Bubbles=- game has been installed." `jwm -display :0.0 -restart` ;
rox --pinboard=/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;

Edit: 2011, dec 10.
Permissions for were changed as shown:

Code: Select all

cd /place_where_Install_Bubbles--sr0.sh_is_located ; chmod u+x
A script's content can be copied into text editor by means of <Quote> mode.

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2011, 04:54
by 8-bit
I think there are two or three different games talked about here.
The original was Frozen Bubble that has some characters on the screen that control a shooter.
The second is bubbles that requires the tcl libraries to run and came with earlier versions of Puppy.
The third is Bubble Shooter that is on the Abolishenist (Spelling?) web site.

In answer to the first game as to getting it to run, the last version of puppy I got it to work on was Puppy 3.01.

In conclusion, I think having it run depends on the version of Puppy you are running.

I think Puppy 3.01 was slackware based as is Slacko. So it might be worth a shot to try the game on Slacko.
But again, the version of Perl might be too late to support it.
All I could say is try it.

Re: Thanks, but lots of questions

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2011, 18:33
by wildirish
Minnesota wrote:By the way do you know how to reply with the original message in the window?
In the upper-right portion of a person's post, there's a little button that says Quote. Click on that, and you'll be able to quote someone's post, as I've done with yours. :)

Posted: Tue 30 Jul 2013, 09:05
by ardvark
Hi all...

Fast forwarding a bit, here is the error message I get when I try to run Frozen Bubble in Precise Puppy 5.6.1...

Code: Select all

# frozen-bubble
Can't locate Math/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/games/frozen-bubble line 55.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/games/frozen-bubble line 55.
I'm guessing this has to do with the Perl version issue mentioned above. Is there any way to fix this easily by getting the proper dependencies?


Posted: Tue 30 Jul 2013, 11:49
by Semme
Your version of FB? Perl via the devx?

Posted: Tue 30 Jul 2013, 18:23
by ardvark
Semme wrote:Your version of FB? Perl via the devx?

FB is version 2.2.0, I'm not sure about Perl. If I remember correctly, the package manager also downloaded some dependencies but I don't remember what they were. :(


Posted: Tue 30 Jul 2013, 19:25
by Semme
If Perl was installed through PPM, remove it with any and all associated pkgs in favor of this 139mb devx.

Posted: Wed 31 Jul 2013, 02:16
by ardvark
Semme wrote:If Perl was installed through PPM, remove it with any and all associated pkgs in favor of this 139mb devx.

Thank you! I will try this on a new install, though, I've already put a lot into the current one and am not really enthused about potentially messing it up just for one game. :)


Posted: Fri 21 Feb 2014, 06:02
by ardvark
Semme wrote:If Perl was installed through PPM, remove it with any and all associated pkgs in favor of this 139mb devx.
Hi Semme...

The link is broken, is there another one by any chance?


Posted: Fri 21 Feb 2014, 10:44
by ally

Posted: Fri 21 Feb 2014, 17:27
by 666philb
frozen bubble.sfs for precise puppy only 22mb

you'll also need the devx installed. 'ally' has posted a link in the post above ^^^