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Random wallpaper changer for ROX-Filer

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 01:14
by Bruce B
Looking over another HOWTO topic on randomly
changing wallpapers, I didn't see where it made
use of ROX-Filer's ability to change wallpapers.

So, I came up with . . .

Random wallpaper changer
for use with ROX-Filer
version .02 by Bruce B January 10, 2009

Name rwall stands for Rox or random, open for
suggestions for a better name.


Who is this for?

People with lots of wallpapers
Lazy people with lots of wallpapers?



* Randomly picks and displays wallpapers from your

* Changes wallpapers at user defined intervals

* Does not copy, rename or move any files

* Seamless operation, no flickers or refreshing when
changing backgrounds

* Manages up to 1000 jpeg files in the user defined



Don't get too attached to this version, because I'm working
on another version with more features.


To install

Download to any directory, a temporary directory
would be best. Run these commands on the command line:


Optionally remove



The installer installs theses files:



About the files:

.rwallrc : user configuration, to set the jpg
directory and delay interval

rwall : the brains which instructs the engine

rwall_bg : the engine which does the work

bg_clear.png : image for clearing the background

bg_nl : gnu coreutils (original name = nl)

bg_sleep : gnucoreutils (original name = sleep)

bg_nl and bg_sleep from sysrescue cd

Puppy Linux doesn't have nl

Sleep has been renamed because the stop portion of this
program will stop it and I don't want to inadvertently
stop another "sleep" which may be running.


Getting started

run rwall to view basic options

run rwall edit to setup your configuration file

you will want to enter the path of your jpg collection,
also the interval for randomly changing wall papers


Disclaimer: If you have ugly wallpapers it's not my

Also, if you get weird results the problem is probably
in the ~/.rwallrc file.

Later I can add lots of error checking, but for now
you must fill out the directory of your jpeg files

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 01:54
by Bruce B
This is the code for the "brains" rwall.

Code: Select all

# filename rwall

BASEFN=`basename $0`


    RUNS=`pidof ${BASEFN}_bg`
    if [ "$RUNS" != "" ] ; then



    if [ "$RUNS" = "no" ] ; then
        echo -e "\033[31;1m Run status: ${BASEFN}_bg NOT running\033[0m"
    elif [ "$RUNS" = "yes" ] ; then
        echo -e "\033[31;1m Run status: ${BASEFN}_bg IS running\033[0m"


    for i in  ${BASEFN}_bg bg_sleep  ${BASEFN}_bg bg_sleep
        KPID=`pidof $i`
        [ "$KPID" != "" ] && kill -s 15 $KPID >/dev/null

    for i in ${BASEFN}_bg bg_sleep
        KPID=`pidof $i`
        [ "$KPID" != "" ] && killall $i
    [ -f /dev/shm/jpglist ] && rm /dev/shm/jpglist
    [ -f /tmp/jpglist ] && rm /tmp/jpglist



    RUNNING=`pidof ${BASEFN}_bg`
    if [ "$RUNNING" != "" ] ; then
        echo -n -e "\033[31;1m Run Status: ${BASEFN}_bg"
        echo -e " was already running\033[0m"
        echo -e "\033[31;1m Run Status: ${BASEFN}_bg started\033[0m"
        ${BASEFN}_bg &



    ${BASEFN}_bg clear


help_rox_bg() {

printf "
Usage examples for \"$BASEFN\"

  $BASEFN             : displays run status
  $BASEFN clear       : clears background to ROX-Filer default color
  $BASEFN edit        : to edit personal preferences file
  $BASEFN start       : starts random wallpaper displays
  $BASEFN stop        : stops at current wallpaper ; also stops program






    echo " Usage: $BASEFN < clear | edit | start | stop | --help >"


case $1 in

    clear)        clear_wallpaper                                   ;;
     edit)        edit_rox_bg                                       ;;
     stop)        stop_rox_bg ; run_status ; display_status         ;;
    start)        start_rox_bg                                      ;;
       -h)        help_rox_bg                                       ;;
   --help)        help_rox_bg                                       ;;
        *)        run_status ; display_status ; short_help


Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 02:02
by Bruce B
Code for rwall_bg, the engine, so to speak, which stays resident, handling the wallpaper changes.

Once a few tasks are accomplished, the while loop is what mainly manages things.

Code: Select all

# filename rwall_bg

BASEDIR=`dirname $0`

if [ "$1" = "clear" ] ; then
    set_bg ${BASEDIR}/bg_clear.png >/dev/null

BASEFN=`basename $0 | sed "s/_bg//g"`

JPGDIR=`grep ^JPGDIR= ~/.${BASEFN}rc | sed "s/\"/ /g" | cut -d " " -f 2`
INTERVAL=`grep ^INTERVAL= ~/.${BASEFN}rc | sed "s/\"/ /g" | cut -d " " -f 2`

grep /dev/shm /proc/mounts>/dev/null && LISTDIR=/dev/shm


rox --RPC << EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<env:Body xmlns="">



    while read f
        echo $f


ls -1 ${JPGDIR}/*.jpg >${LISTDIR}/jpglist~
<${LISTDIR}/jpglist~  bg_nl -n ln | one_space>${LISTDIR}/jpglist
TOTAL=`grep -c . ${LISTDIR}/jpglist`
[ -f ${LISTDIR}/jpglist~ ] && rm ${LISTDIR}/jpglist~

while :
    let NUM=${RANDOM}%1000+1
    if [ "$NUM" -le "$TOTAL" ] ; then
        BACKGROUND=`grep "$NUM " ${LISTDIR}/jpglist | cut -d " " -f 2`
        set_bg $BACKGROUND
        bg_sleep $INTERVAL

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 02:05
by Bruce B
The only file which needs editing and it does need it by the users. File is ~/.rwallrc

The function to open ~/.rwallrc in the default editor is included in rwall

Otherwise is this understandable enough? Does it need to be more clear?

Code: Select all

# Important: maintain quoting in your variable data
# You can save old data with # comments as in examples below
#JPGDIR="/initrd/mnt/dev_save/jpg_in" # don't use trailing backslashes
#INTERVAL="5000" # in seconds, integers only are allowed

JPGDIR="/usr/share/backgrounds" # don't use trailing backslashes
INTERVAL="60" # in seconds, integers only are allowed

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 13:43
by CatDude
Hello Bruce

I thought i would give this a try.
It seems to work OK, but
if one is running wbar, as i am (i run it invisable, just in case you are wondering where the icons are)
there is a rectangle where the wbar sits, and it requires a right click on the wbar to correct things. (see: wbarprob.png)

Also if your wallpaper images are of different sizes, it would be nice if they could be Stretched to fit. (see: badfit.png)

My desktop is running at: 1280x960
The image being displayed in: wbarprob.png is 1280x960
The image being displayed in: badfit.png is 1024x768
Bruce B wrote: Don't get too attached to this version, because I'm working
on another version with more features.
Maybe you are already looking at the issues i speak of, in this new version,
if not, then maybe you could. :wink: :wink:


Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 15:48
by Bruce B

Thanks for the feedback. Stretched is one of ROX's SOAP options. I don't know how it is spelled, maybe I can find out or trial and error.

Notice center is spelled Centre

Stretching would be good, but a couple, just a couple mind you, of my backgrounds are scantly clothed ladies. Stretching a nicely rounded lady, makes her not so nicely rounded.

I noticed on one of your pics, you have ROX-Filer's default background color of gray. You can set this color to a more attractive color and the centered images will look better.

There certainly could be a .rwallrc option for centered or stretched. After I learn how ROX-Filer SOAP script wants stretch spelled, I'll add that option.

If you learn, let me know.

Today's update, Lord willing, will be a taskbar controlled icon to make running it more simple for some. It's made, tested and works good. Just need to write up the documentation and post it.

1st click - starts the background displaying
2nd click - stops at the current image
3rd click - clears the backdrop to ROX user defined color, or the default if the user didn't define one.

And round you go. Very simple, fast moving and practical, IMO.


Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 15:54
by CatDude
Hello Bruce B

Sorry but i could not resist having a hack at your code. (please forgive me)

I managed to sort out both of the issues i pointed out above.

First of all, i installed:
as provided by: 01micko here

Then i changed your rwall_bg
to look like this:

Code: Select all

# filename rwall_bg

BASEDIR=`dirname $0`

if [ "$1" = "clear" ] ; then
    set_bg ${BASEDIR}/bg_clear.png >/dev/null

BASEFN=`basename $0 | sed "s/_bg//g"`

JPGDIR=`grep ^JPGDIR= ~/.${BASEFN}rc | sed "s/\"/ /g" | cut -d " " -f 2`
INTERVAL=`grep ^INTERVAL= ~/.${BASEFN}rc | sed "s/\"/ /g" | cut -d " " -f 2`

grep /dev/shm /proc/mounts>/dev/null && LISTDIR=/dev/shm

#####  the following line was added by CatDude. (Taken from: /usr/local/apps/System/Wallpaper/set_bg)
MODE="`cat $HOME/.config/tmp/backgroundmode`"

#####  Also i changed: <Style>Centre</Style> to <Style>$MODE</Style>
rox --RPC << EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<env:Body xmlns="">



    while read f
        echo $f


ls -1 ${JPGDIR}/*.jpg >${LISTDIR}/jpglist~
<${LISTDIR}/jpglist~  bg_nl -n ln | one_space>${LISTDIR}/jpglist
TOTAL=`grep -c . ${LISTDIR}/jpglist`
[ -f ${LISTDIR}/jpglist~ ] && rm ${LISTDIR}/jpglist~

while :
    let NUM=${RANDOM}%1000+1
    if [ "$NUM" -le "$TOTAL" ] ; then
        BACKGROUND=`grep "$NUM " ${LISTDIR}/jpglist | cut -d " " -f 2`
        set_bg $BACKGROUND
        #####  the following 3 lines were added by CatDude.
		xevent -a 280 860	#number of pixels for cursor to deviate right and down
		sleep 0.2 ; xevent -b 3 	#simulated right mouse click
		sleep 0.1 ; xevent -a 280 860
		bg_sleep $INTERVAL
The position i used for the xevent,
was arrived at by taking a screenshot of the desktop (showing the rectangle where wbar should be)
then moving the cursor over the screenshot to the top lefthand corner of the rectangle,
and making a note of the position. (Very crude, but only needs doing once)

Anyway, i am sure someone with your abilities can do a better job of it.


Posted: Mon 12 Jan 2009, 00:06
by bugman
outstanding work!

[lazy alien]

Posted: Mon 12 Jan 2009, 04:08
by Bruce B

Thanks, I'll work on adding modes for version 03.

@Aliens et al

Attached is version 02 taskbar controller, single click options:
  • start bg
    stop bg with current bg
    clear bg
Installation instructions:

Download to temporary directory




It's mostly automated, but you will have to copy and paste one line.

Posted: Mon 12 Jan 2009, 12:46
by Bruce B
There is a problem when 'rwall' encounters a file name with spaces. If you have pictures with spaces in the file name, let me know and I'll upload the fix for you.

You can also remove the spaces. I wrote a utility to do this. As follows:

Code: Select all


FNAME=`basename $0`
printf "
 Welcome to $FNAME

 Utility purpose is to replace spaces with underscores
 on files with .jpg extension.

 In order to avoid any unintentional or unwanted file
 renaming, it works only on .jpg files and only in
 the current directory.

 To use, type: $FNAME -go


    while read f
        x=`echo $f | sed "s/ /_/g"`
           if [ "$f" != "$x" ] ; then
           echo mv \"$f\" $x>>

if [ "$1" = "-go" ] ; then

    echo "#!/bin/bash">

    ls -1 $PWD/*.jpg | fix_lines

    chmod 755
    echo Done



In install, download, then


(places jpg-removespaces script in /root/my-applications/bin)

If you want to remove the zip package:


Anyone want a utility to convert File_Name.jpg to lowercase?

Posted: Mon 12 Jan 2009, 13:27
by Bruce B
For selecting backgrounds manually from big collections, I've found GQview is excellent.

Find a background you like then use the menu or keyboard to set the background.


I've attached two files to allow you do to this with ROX-Filer


To install files

The standard procedure, download, unzip, then;



To setup GQview; Edit -> Preferences -> Editors tab

There are two columns

Code: Select all

Menu Name           Command Line
ROX-Filer Centre    gqview_center %f
ROX-Filer Stretch   gqview_stretch %f
See picture for how it looks when setup

Download package is attached


Posted: Mon 12 Jan 2009, 13:39
by bugman
i just put a little

Code: Select all

cd /root/my-applications/bin
./rwall start
in my startup folder

and i am good to go . . .

Posted: Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:44
by HairyWill
Bruce B wrote:For selecting backgrounds manually from big collections, I've found GQview is excellent.

Find a background you like then use the menu or keyboard to set the background.
roxrightclicks can now be used to set an image as the desktop background directly from a roxfiler window. You need at least wallpaper-0.5.1.
Here is a screenshot in spanish

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 00:55
by Bruce B
Cool stuff Will.

Sort of wish people would take the time to explore the potential of our light weight ROX desktop and file manager and JWM, before thinking they need a heavy weight.

Version 4.x JWM looks great as is, but with more work, it is very configurable to a variety of tastes. I'd take the JWM / ROX-Filer / Midnight Commander combination any day over what the proprietor thinks he has to offer. Actually, over a lot of FOSS desktop / filemanger combinations.

Now being American, I'm proud to have a second language, which is C, no just kidding, it's Spanish. This brings me to the question: Where's the screenshot?


Plus - I'm busy at work making version 03, it should be really great. I'm particularly pleased about how ROX-Filer changes backgrounds without so much as a flicker.

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 16:55
by toomuchcomputertime
Thanks, I am trying to figure out how to make it fixwidgets (pwidgets) after changing the background?

Thanks. Also, I saw Catdude working with wbar, which I also use.


Posted: Wed 22 Sep 2010, 19:11
by walter90
Is there a way you could tweak the script so we could choose a sequential wallpaper rotation? Say number our walls and have them display in that order?

Other than that I am very happy with this! :D

Posted: Sat 24 Aug 2013, 23:41
by oldyeller
Hi Bruce,

I have enjoyed using this, So I hope you don't mind that I did gui for this, it is very basic and probably could use some improvements to it.

Directory is inaccessible

Posted: Thu 29 Jun 2017, 18:38
by rocker1440
Hello, new to whole linux stuff.
Had a old laptop so installed puppy linux without failing somehow,
First package I got was rwall and I installed it from the urxvt(command thing)
when I type "rwall start" it says : #ls cannot access <directory> no such file or directory.

Help me please.

Edit: the version is slacko .6.3.0

Posted: Fri 30 Jun 2017, 18:17
by souleau
Let's first check if rwall is in ~/my-applications/bin/

So go to the ROX-filer File Manager, and once the window listing the folders in ~ opens, click on the my-applications folder, then click on the bin folder and check if rwall is present.

If it is, I want you to do the following. Right-click in the Rox window, an option menu opens. In that option menu, go to -Window-, then scroll down to where it says -Terminal Here-.
This opens urxvt in the ~/my-applications/bin folder, so we're pretty sure it will find rwall now.

Now type "rwall start" and see what happens.

Report result if succesful or if you get an error message.

Posted: Sun 21 Jan 2018, 02:45
by TwoPuppies
toomuchcomputertime wrote:Thanks, I am trying to figure out how to make it fixwidgets (pwidgets) after changing the background?
I know this is a really old post, but I was wondering how to do this too. The solution seems to be to insert fixwidgets between the 3rd and 4th last lines of the rwall_bg script, like this...

Code: Select all

while :
    let NUM=${RANDOM}%1000+1
    if [ "$NUM" -le "$TOTAL" ] ; then
        BACKGROUND=`grep "$NUM " ${LISTDIR}/jpglist | cut -d " " -f 2`
        set_bg $BACKGROUND
        bg_sleep $INTERVAL