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evilwm Window Manager

Posted: Wed 07 Jan 2009, 12:31
by aragon
version: 1.1.0
A minimalist window manager for the X Window System.

'Minimalist' here doesn't mean it's too bare to be usable - it just means it omits a lot of the stuff that make other window managers unusable. Here is a list of features:

* No window decorations apart from a simple 1 pixel border.
* No icons.
* Good keyboard control, including repositioning and maximise toggles.
* Solid window drags (optional - may be slow on old machines).
* Snap-to-border support (command line option).
* Virtual desktops (compile time option).
* Small binary size (even with everything turned on).
Works with rox-desktop and panels (tested with fbpanel=>showdesktop does not work).

To start, logout and type

Code: Select all

xwin evilwm
Compiled and tested in 4.3.1.

Help file is at /usr/share/doc/evilwm and online at


Posted: Fri 01 Jul 2011, 04:03
by harii4
Whats the difference between EvilWM and BadWM?

Some of the BadWM add-ons look very useful.

BadBar & BadBar2 = replacement for yeahlaunch?
BadMenu = replacement for 9menu?

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 06:50
by aragon
harii4 wrote:Whats the difference between EvilWM and BadWM?
sorry, don't know...
harii4 wrote: Some of the BadWM add-ons look very useful.

BadBar & BadBar2 = replacement for yeahlaunch?
BadMenu = replacement for 9menu?
i've tried to compile BadBar2, but it gives errors, sorry


Posted: Wed 06 Jul 2011, 02:06
by harii4
i've tried to compile BadBar2, but it gives errors, sorry
Thank you for trying. :D


So far - really like YeahWM but will try EvilWM, TinyWM and BadWM.

Posted: Sun 10 Jul 2011, 19:33
by harii4
This looks cool:
evilwm launcher patch

This Patch adds lots of key bindings:

Posted: Sun 10 Jul 2011, 19:34
by harii4
Oops - extra post again? :oops:

Posted: Thu 14 Jul 2011, 01:10
by harii4
Was going to make an evilwm how-to but - too many good ones are out there. :)
Nice how-to here:
and here:

someone has an evilwm forum - no one uses it :(

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2011, 22:37
by harii4
evilwm random wallpaper with either feh or xv

this little script below which gets daemonized by .xinitrc at login:

Code: Select all


while :;do
    files=(/path/to/*.jpg /path/to/*.jpeg /path/to/*.png /path/to/*.gif)
    #/usr/bin/xv -quit -root -rmode 5 $randomfile
    #/usr/bin/feh --bg-center $randomfile
    sleep 60
[quote]only things you have to change are the “path to’s

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2011, 15:24
by `f00
Recently tried evilwm-1.0.0 in q142..

Indeed evilwm is very minimal. The binary only uses .2% of my 512 RAM (htop) but this is somewhat offset by convenience extras (like wbar or a panel/menu) that are not quite so essential in most other light wms. Iconify doesn't work in standard evilwm (this takes some getting used to!) .. perhaps MaxieZ's patch. Virtual desktops are different as well (keybd-switch only and pagers may not display current desktop as expected).

lxpanel may be preferred to fbpanel (some issues with fbpanel's autohide, plus lxpanel's menu/run gives a nice multi-choice in a simple ui) - some plugins like pager, desk#, 'taskbar' and wincmd are fairly useless as-is (a custom profile helps to trim). aemenu and aepanel-gtk¹ work well (this panel even has some functionality as a kind of client/window list, displaying titlebar text and status markers like * not visible in evilwm's minimal decor and using parentheses to denote windows not on current desktop).

Even tried the more recent evilwm-1.1.0, but make failed :( in my environment - was quite interested to see how the improved EWMH would relate (as well as getting rid of the soliddrag, pretty annoying to have that as default rather than a lighter outline-type).

¹ had these already as part of wmx-7 wm (aemenu is super easy to edit), dmenu could be yet another option for those so inclined.

Posted: Sat 08 Oct 2011, 05:38
by harii4
I no longer use an menu/panel but use an launcher and/or pupapp,pupcontrol and pupshutdown.
rox /usr/share/applications is my menu now set in an launcher.
Appstarter -
yeahlauncher - very light -
tablauncher - text mode
or gkrellmlauncher -

Found no pager works yet :(
but i use EvilWM 100% all the time now. :D

Posted: Sat 08 Oct 2011, 05:53
by harii4

Code: Select all

# evilwm --help
usage: evilwm [-display display] [-term termprog] [-fn fontname]
              [-fg foreground] [-fc fixed] [-bg background] [-bw borderwidth]
              [-mask1 modifiers] [-mask2 modifiers] [-altmask modifiers]
              [-snap num] [-app name/class] [-g geometry] [-v vdesk] [-s]
              [-nosoliddrag] [-V]
getting rid of the soliddrag, pretty annoying to have that as default rather than a lighter outline-type.
Did the -nosoliddrag not work or meaning having it as an default setting?

Posted: Sat 08 Oct 2011, 07:33
by aragon
If i remember right, i have the actual version as a pet. I'll search this weekend.


Posted: Sat 08 Oct 2011, 20:38
by aragon
uploaded actual version to first post.
