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Artie's 4.1.1 setup and tips

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:04
by Artie
Up through the years I have tried out many versions of Puppy. Along the way I have picked up a few useful hints and tips and I discover new things every day. I was wondering if anyone would be interested if I tried to describe my setup and new discoveries here in this thread so that others might pick up some solution to setup and configuration problems they might have. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. My 4.1.1 is installed on a USB stick. For people with hard disk installs some of these procedures might be different.

My Puppy 4.1.1 install procedure on blank pendrive:

Put 4.1.1 iso disk in cd drive
Reboot PC boot from cd drive
ps/2 mouse->OK->no qwerty (Norway)->OK->Xorg->1024x768x24->OK
Insert pendrive in USB port await icon
Mark USB drive->OKAY->Mark partition->Delete->Mark partition->Apply->Apply->Close
Mark partition->New->Filesystem: ext3->Add->Mark partition->Apply->Apply->Close
Mark partition->Rightclick->Manage flags->Mark boot->Close->Close GParted
Menu->Setup->Puppy universal installer->Flash drive->OK->Mark drive->OK
Install Puppy to sdb1->CONTINUE->OK->CD->OK->Mark mbr.bin->OK->ENTER->y->ENTER->y->ENTER->Finished->ENTER
Remove CD->Menu->Shutdown->Reboot->SAVE TO FILE->OK->Choose pendrive->OK->OK->NORMAL->8 1.25GB->OK->YES, SAVE

Menu->Setup->Linux-Firewall Wizard->automagic

Global Font Size
Menu->Desktop->Set global font size
My screen resolution is 1024x768 and I use font size 84

Menu->Setup->ALSA sound Wizard

I have a standard wired router so I do
Menu->Setup->Network Wizard->eth0->Auto DHCP->Yes->Done

Then I go to Menu->Desktop->Chooselocale and put in nb_NO as I am in Norway

Change the clock format from 12 hour to 24 hour
Open /root/.jwmrc-tray in a text editor
Delete the line <Clock>minixcal</Clock> and put in the line <Clock format="%H:%M:%S">minixcal</Clock> instead.
If you don't want the seconds put in <Clock format="%R">minixcal</Clock> instead. ... 32&t=28916

First I make a .fonts directory under root
Then I download the dejavu fonts from and extract them into the .fonts directory
Then I download the liberation fonts .pet from

Updating Geany, the text editor behind the edit icon on the desktop
The Geany version in 4.1.1 is 0.12. To update to 0.15 go to and download. Then install as per instructions. To have the edit icon open 0.15 go to Menu->Filesystem->ROX-Filer->/usr/local/bin->rightclick defaulttexteditor icon->Open As Text->Replace "geany" with "/usr/local/bin/geany" and save. Check out if more info is needed.

OpenOffice 3 USB stick install ... 54&t=34325
The OpenOffice-3.0 file is an .sfs file. Download this file into the same folder you have the pup_save.2fs file. If you don't know where that is go to Menu->Filesystem->Pfind file finder. Write pup_save.2fs and search. Pfind will show you the path.
Then go to console and write md5sum /path to/OpenOffice-3.0.sfs
Compare the number you get to the number 2f8d4e99805a8f929d664c6f60a9d2f9. If it's the same number you're ok. If not, download the file again.
Go to Menu->System->BootManager configure bootup->Choose which extra SFS files to load at bootup. Mark OpenOffice-3.0.sfs and push Add. Make sure that "Ignore above user selection, load all with '_411' in filename" is not ticked. OK and Quit. Reboot.

OpenOffice3 sfs HD install
Further down this thread KC1DI and vanchutr have described an easy way to use an sfs file in an HD install. I haven't tried it myself so I can't write out the instructions in detail here. If anyone tries it out please write back how it went and exactly what you did. Remember it has to be on a full! HD install.

Firefox 3.03 with Java and Flash sfs file ... 59&t=31739
To install follow the instructions for the OpenOffice .sfs file. The only difference is the md5sum and the file name.
Remember to go to Firefox->Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Update->Tick the boxes you want and/or go to Help->Check for Updates...
Go to /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop and drag icon to desktop
If you think the Firefox icon stands out from the other icons you can go to Menu->Desktop->Desktop icon switcher and choose Original
If you would like the browse icon to open Firefox instead of SeaMonkey go to /usr/local/binary and rightclick on defaultbrowser. File 'defaultbrowser'->Open As Text. Simply replace the word "mozstart" with the word "firefox" and save.

Firefox 3.03 with Java and Flash .pets
If you for some reason can't or won't use an sfs file go to ... 46&t=30434

Opera ... 87&t=26564
For autoscroll go to ... /index.dml and press the Extended Center Mousebutton Action link. Set to zero and save.
Go to /usr/share/applications/opera.desktop and drag icon to desktop
If you think the Opera icon stands out from the other icons you can go to Menu->Desktop->Desktop icon switcher and choose Original
If you would like the browse icon to open Opera instead of SeaMonkey go to /usr/local/binary and rightclick on defaultbrowser. File 'defaultbrowser'->Open As Text. Simply replace the word "mozstart" with the word "opera" and save.

Seamonkey autoscroll
Goto about:config
To change entries just doubleclick on the line
browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick set entry to false
middlemouse.contentLoadURL set entry to false
middlemouse.openNewWindow set entry to false
middlemouse.paste set entry to true
middlemouse.scrollbarPosition set entry to false
Filter: scroll
general.autoScroll set entry to true
general.smoothScroll set entry to true

If Seamonkey can't compose and send in Hotmail
Goto about:config
Filter: general.useragent.extra.Seamonkey
Doubleclick the line and write "Firefox/2.0 really Seamonkey/1.1.11" in the new window

USB specific
At regular intervals you will notice "Saving RAM to 'pup_save' file..." on top of the screen. A USB stick has a limited number of read and write cycles before it goes bad. My Kingston 4GB DataTraveler is certified for 100 000 cycles. Yours may be capable of less. In the Menu->System->Puppy Event Manager->Save Session you can specify intervals between saves. If you are continuously writing or modifying use shorter intervals. If the pc is idle for hours at a time and your activity come in bursts use long intervals and the save icon to prolong the life of the USB stick.

I will keep on editing and adding to this post as I discover new things of interest. If anything is unclear, confusing or not detailed enough from a new users point of view please give me a hint and I'll elaborate.

Thanks to DaveS, Sit Heel Speak, `f00, puppyluvr, jstevans and KC1DI for kind words and constructive input. :-)

I have tried most of the tips myself but please don't hold me responsible if something unfortunate should happen to your system when trying them out. If so, please PM me so I can edit the post.


Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2008, 12:27
by Artie
This is just a short note to say I have finished the primary post foundation. From now on I'll be adding significant new additions and revisions in new posts and also incorporating them in the primary post. Thanks for any suggestions and comments.


Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2008, 17:17
by DaveS
To change the default apps that Puppy uses to open files, edit the 'default' series of scripts at /usr/local/bin
Ok to post this?

Posted: Wed 26 Nov 2008, 12:01
by Artie
Thanks for the suggestion. I have never changed defaults. Could you please write out the procedure in more detail so I can try it out and put it in the main post? Thanks!


Posted: Wed 26 Nov 2008, 19:40
by DaveS
Artie wrote:Thanks for the suggestion. I have never changed defaults. Could you please write out the procedure in more detail so I can try it out and put it in the main post? Thanks!

Sure thing. Here is an example for the Default Word Processor, which I think is Abiword............
1)Search for the script, which is called defaultwordprocessor, all one word. the search will take you to /usr/local/bin defaultwordprocessor
2)Right click on the script, and from the options that pop up, select 'open as text'
3)This will load the text into your text editor, and you can change it to whatever you want.
4)Save and exit

Here is the command on my system that changes it to Open Office Writer

Code: Select all

exec /opt/openoffice.org2.4/program/swriter "$@"
You will find all the 'default' series scripts there, and can change them as you want.

Posted: Thu 27 Nov 2008, 13:05
by Artie
Thanks very much for this simple explanation! :-) I have put it into the browser segments since it only seems natural that if you download a different browser you might also want to make it your default.


Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 10:48
by KC1DI
Artie wrote:Thanks very much for this simple explanation! :-) I have put it into the browser segments since it only seems natural that if you download a different browser you might also want to make it your default.

Hi Artie ,
Thanks for the nice write up.

You may want to think of writing it up as a how to and posting it in the How to solution section , it would be easier to find and long lasting on the Forum.
Just a thought. but thanks for the nice write up

Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 13:38
by jstevans
Hello Artie,

I am writing in response to your kind comment in my post at ... 434#253434

Your posting is a good collection of "need to know" items, I appreciate you posting this. You asked for comments so I will go through each of your areas and try them out. I'll offer comments they come to mind.

My system is an HD install using "full" rather than "frugal."

The first few worked perfectly, very clear and easy to follow.

The "updating Geany" one left me puzzled because, as a newbie, I have no idea what Geany is. After looking through Puppy's main menu I figured out it is the text editor. I will do that later, I don't need it right now.

I do want Firefox 3 so I tried that. It says I should "download this file into the same folder you have the pup_save.2fs file." I searched, using Pfind as instructed, and find no pup_save.2fs file on my system (which is, as noted above, an HD install using "full" rather than "frugal."

So now I am stuck. I look forward to your reply.


PS: I am also having a problem with Puppy not remembering my network setup after a reboot. Perhaps you could address that?

PPS: I am very grateful for your assistance. I am finding Puppy to be a superb download and look forward to resolving the few issues I have with it.

Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 14:58
by jstevans
One additional thought - a brief tutorial on how to configure networking from within Puppy would be extremely (!) helpful.

1. How to make the Puppy PC visible to the Windows machines on my workgroup
2. How to enable Puppy to see the Windows machines on the workgroup
3. How to make certain those settings and then re-used for each reboot

I would also suggest a separate posting on how to configure wireless which should address setting up security (WEP, WPA, WPA2, etc.)


Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 15:33
by DaveS
Jay, which Puppy do you have? For me, 4.0 would not remember network settings between boots, but 4.1 fixed this.

Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 15:39
by Artie
Hi Artie ,
Thanks for the nice write up.
You're welcome! :-)
You may want to think of writing it up as a how to and posting it in the How to solution section , it would be easier to find and long lasting on the Forum.
I'll think about that! :-) I'll just refine it a bit better first.

Jay: I have never actually installed Puppy on the HD. I have always run from CD or memory stick.

I have edited the post to explain what and where Geany is.

I googled for the lack of pup_save.2fs file and found ... ullinstall which should explain it. However, googling for an explanation how to install an sfs file on a HD install just got me a headache. I found some solutions but they were so intricate I didn't understand them. Could someone please help us? In the meantime try ... 46&t=30434

I also need some help with the network problem. I have never had it, possibly because I have a standard wired router that's always on.

Good luck!


Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 15:43
by Artie
Jay: A networking tutorial would be helpful but that's way! over my head. Maybe someone else can write one or know where one can be found?


Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 19:22
by KC1DI
Artie wrote:

I googled for the lack of pup_save.2fs file and found ... ullinstall which should explain it. However, googling for an explanation how to install an sfs file on a HD install just got me a headache. I found some solutions but they were so intricate I didn't understand them. Could someone please help us? In the meantime try ... 46&t=30434
Hi agian Artie,

will try to explan what I do here with .sfs files in a HD install.

All that is really needed is to copy the .sfs file to the mnt/home directory once there click on the .sfs file you should get a message that it's being mounted or something like that and a new directory window will open. copy the opt folder out of this directory by draging it to the usr/local folder. now when you boot it will be mounted automatically and you can drag the exicute file (in the case of Openoffice I drag the Staroffice.bin file to the desktop.) from urs/local/opt to the desktop so you can start the program from there. this proceedure works well with OpenOffice 3.0 and Acrobat reader. I'm sure it will with others also. There may be easier way to do it so others may chime in on that. But it has worked here for me.


Posted: Mon 01 Dec 2008, 17:46
by Artie
Thanks for the instructions. :-) I have made a reference to them in the original post.


Posted: Mon 01 Dec 2008, 19:03
by jrb
Enabling Puppy to see a shared Windows machine is quite easy. Open Pnethood from the network menu. It will scan your network for network shares. Enter the username and password for the Windows machine, click connect for the partition you want, click show and a ROX window opens showing that partition.

Seeing your Puppy machine from a windows machine is a bit more problematic but doable. Take a look at: ... c9033c5e79
Use PcurlFTPd from the network menu. Setup your puppy machine as a server password required. On your windows machine open up a browser (firefox, opera, ie) and go to ftp:\\ (puppy machines IP address) It will ask who you are. I have been adding a user to my puppy machine whose home directory is /mnt.

Code: Select all

adduser -h /mnt username
. When I tell windows this is who I am it shows me all the mounted drives on my puppy machine. I can access and download from them.

Posted: Sun 21 Dec 2008, 17:39
by Artie
I see some have problems installing to a USB pendrive so I have written up the installation procedure that works for me in the hopes that it might be of help.


Posted: Mon 22 Dec 2008, 23:48
by vanchutr
There are many "independent apps with full lib". It means: They can be installed in "optional directory".
For ex: I want to Open Office 3 runs on my Puppy 4.12 full install (on HDD)
1. Mount OOxxx?sfs
2. Copy all contents of Open Office to /usr/local. You will have to directories named "/usr/local/openoffice" and "/usr/localorgopenoffice.org3"
3. Make these symlinks:
ln -s /usr/local/openoffice.org3/program/Open*.desktop /usr/share/applications
ln -s /usr/local/openoffice.org3/program/soffice /usr/local/bin
ln -s /usr/local/openoffice.org3/program/swriter /usr/local/bin
ln -s /usr/local/openoffice.org3/program/simpress /usr/local/bin
ln -s /usr/local/openoffice.org3/program/scalc /usr/local/bin
ln -s /usr/local/openoffice.org3/program/sdraw /usr/local/bin
4. Check out (You can click on *.desktop file or open rxvt and type swriter ...)

This tips will be useful? Please add your comments. TK

Posted: Thu 25 Dec 2008, 15:46
by Artie
Thanks vanchutr I have mentioned your alias in the main post so people interested in installing OpenOffice on HDD can try your procedure.


Posted: Sat 03 Jan 2009, 19:26
by tasmod
Thanks Artie for the useful info.

A big thanks to KC1DI as I've struggled with the mounting of Songbird.sfs for some time. The tip works.

One thing worth mentioning, if you use songbird and your music is on a diffrent partition, don't forget to mount it before trying playing tracks.
Guess how I know?



usb pen and multiboot

Posted: Mon 05 Jan 2009, 03:27
by vanchutr
May be this is the easy and true way to make your usb pen bootable linux, dos ...

1. What do you need?
a.) winxp installed
b.) syslinux-3.72 -> google and download -> exctract this pack -> You will see this directory "win32"
c.) hp_usbfw.exe -> google and download (This is a HP_Utilitiy to format USB pen)

2. How to do - step by step

a. (e.g) Your USB pen named "f:" under WinXP

b. Use hp_usbfw.exe to format USB in Fat 32 format

c. Enter win32 directory and use this command: syslinux.exe -s f:
(Be caryfull !!! Note f: is the name of your USB pen)

d. After these steps you will see a file named "ldlinux.sys" on f: (your USB pen)

e. Create a new file, called syslinux.cfg, on the root of f: (same place with ldlinux.sys). The contents of syslinux.cfg cited as follow:

Code: Select all



SAY 1=Linux; 2=DSL; 3=Hiren 9.6; 4=DOS Full; 5=MiPup; 6=TinyISO; 7=Woof2; 8=Pup 302 


#DISPLAY Menu.txt

label 1

kernel /411/vmlinuz 

append initrd=/411/initrd.gz root=/dev/ram0 /pfix=ram PHOME=sda0

label 2
# Damn  Small Linux

kernel /dsl/linux24

append ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=normal initrd=/dsl/minirt24.gz nomce noapic quiet BOOT_IMAGE=KNOPPIX

label 3

#title Emulate Hiren boot cd

kernel /dos.bss

label 4

#title DOS Full - Support CD

kernel /dos/memdisk

append initrd=/dos/bootimg.bin

label 5

kernel /mipup/vmlinuz 

append initrd=/mipup/initrd.gz root=/dev/ram0 /pfix=ram PHOME=sda0

label 6

kernel /tinyiso/bzImage 

append initrd=/tinyiso/tinycore.gz root=/dev/ram0 /pfix=ram PHOME=sda0

label 7

kernel /woof2/vmlinuz 

append initrd=/woof2/initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash

label 8

kernel /302/vmlinuz 

append initrd=/302/initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash

f.) Create the directory appropriate to your request. For example: I want to use Puppy 4.1.1, then I create a directory named 411 and copy these (3) files vmlinuz, initrd.gz, pup_411.sfs into 411 directory. (See item "label 1" in syslinux.cfg)

g.) Repeat step e) for other distro ...

h.) Now boot from your USB pen to check out

Any comments? Please post your comments on this forum. TK