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The Pound - GUI pet browser

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 02:32
by technosaurus
A lot of people have been asking for a gui pet manager so here it is


The Pound is a GUI front end to download / install pet packages from any location.

It is currently only working properly on jwm (i designed it on 4.1.1) but still need testers to verify it works from the .pet

I have a few packages up already, but the site is down for the time being so only my Standalone Flash Player works

I will add more packages once someone verifies that it works.

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 04:23
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Love to test it, Where can I get it...??

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 05:31
by technosaurus
Sorry about that - forgot to click on the "add attachment" button

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 05:59
by technosaurus
I am slowly building the repo, but since the site is down I may postpone a bit so that I can get the web desktop back up

In the meantime if you want a package added for testing just create a .desktop file called Install_yourpackagename.desktop and send it to me

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=defaultbrowser http://(url of your pet)

* In place of the * put its category from the menu - options include:

btw if its proximity to the Menu is too close let me know - I can edit the /root/.jwmrc-tray to move it over for the next update

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:20
by HairyWill
This is a clever idea.
What advantages do you think that it has over enabling the default package manager to work with different repositories?
Will you be doing any vetting / QA / security checks on the pet links that people provide?

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:07
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
You didnt make it register with Petget if someone wants to uninstall it..
Neat idea tho...maybe you could link it with petch? That way its a known set of repositories..

Here is a .desktop to install XScreensavers..
Until Caneris troubles are sorted out, it links to the file on Badongo..

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:42
by technosaurus
You didnt make it register with Petget if someone wants to uninstall it..
This was intentional - it replaces the jwm menu generator so if you uninstalled it fixmenus would no longer work. I plan to make a .pet uninstaller soon that will put it back to original state....There is a possibility to package it with an uninstall script though

What advantages do you think that it has over enabling the default package manager to work with different repositories?
Will you be doing any vetting / QA / security checks on the pet links that people provide?
For one thing anyone new to Puppy should be able to figure it out.
Currently I am only planning to include .pets from trusted packagers unless I check it out or package it myself either myself or via feed back in the forums (I am more than willing to share the burden though).

A while back I created a howto in the forums for creating a .pet from source called Pet Packaging 100, 101...Packages at the 101 standard will replace the ones at the 100 standard as they become available to avoid confusion about which package to install. (For instance I chose to include FirePup instead of older versions of Firefox)

Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2008, 16:16
by technosaurus
For those of you who don't already know, I maintain the Puppy Web Desktop. Recently I had to shut it down due to the AntiVirus2009 bot taking it over. My latest backup was somewhat outdated so I am going to do a complete redesign of the web desktop and incorporate some concepts of "The Pound" into it. This seems to be a better solution since downloading .pets requires web access anyways and it is easier for me to maintain a single web page. In the end it will have the same functionality (although not as integrated to the desktop) The end result is that The Pound will be the Ubuntu equivalent of the Install/Remove (only complete GUI packages) and the Puppy Web Desktop will have more like the equivalent of Synaptic (all .pet packages including libraries and other dependencies)