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I want to make a TTF font

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 21:19
by zigbert
The idea came today:

I worked on Pwidgets, and installed the fourth font to make new widgets with conky. 2 of the fonts are either uncomplete (for my need), or rather big because they contain symbols I don't need.

If I could build my own Puppy_dingbats.TTF it could contain exactly what Pwidgets uses.
- Numbers and the chars 'amp' for the digital clock
- The Puppy logo
- Weather icons
- Some doggy cartoons

This would keep Pwidgets as a minimal package, but still be rather powerful (in the way eyecandy can be powerful :) )

How can I put together one *.TTF file, grabbing from other files. Pluss add symbols I can't find elsewhere?



Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 23:29
by sintot

Posted: Fri 21 Nov 2008, 17:24
by zigbert

I tried it briefly, and got some errors. I put this experiment on hold until I get some more sparetime. Let's hope things gets slower for the Christmas.
