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We can do better than this...........

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 02:33
by puppyluvr
:( ,

Over 5000 people got no response at all...
Thats terrible......This is an important area...
Puppy`s are supposed to be friendly....
I only respond to the ones I can help, hoping that by leaving the rest unanswered, they will be found easier...

Maybe unanswered posts should be made sticky in their respective threads, or something...IDK, but this isnt cool..
I`d like to think we have,
The friendliest forum in Linux....
I can think of 5000 people who might disagree....

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 04:05
How did you come up with this? I have never had a post that went unanswered. Sometimes the answer is found in a different thread in a different section of the forum. I know that may seem contradictory to your findings, but that has been my experience.

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 04:38
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Its a screenshot of the "view unanswered posts" link on the right side of the "Forum index" page...

It grows by about 10/20 a day...

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 06:49
by technosaurus
I try to answer posts that I can but I only answer it in one of their posts. Many people post the same question in several sections several times. When I notice this I ask them to post a link to the one I respond to in a PM and to annotate it with [solved]
Many of these PMs get unanswered so I assume they were just distro-hopping and moved on (hopefully temporarily)
Other posts are just hey look at this - no response necessary.
Sometimes people just have an obscure (usually hardware specific) problem that I just have no clue how to help them.
And still other posts are from AJ (aka AlienJeff)- j/k AJ

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 07:53
by Lobster
Over 5000 people got no response at all...
Thanks to John Murga and Flash, the forum is diverse and dynamic.
Spammers, trolls and those posting incomprehensibly, are often ignored.
Some may be posting in other languages with limited help available.

It is worth remembering that some people are new, 'Linux bewildered' or disabled by infirmity, using Windows, or as in my case, lack of neurons.

Be kind. Be patient. Answer the same questions again.
I am here because of the extensive help from Barry and GuestToo and others who treated me with respect and kindness.

Could we do more as Jay (puppyluvr) suggests?
Always. :idea:

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 08:12
by 01micko
Maybe there could be a sticky in the beginners section named 'first post' or some such. Certain rules could be outlined but a guarantee given that the post will be answered. Might save some clutter.

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:52
by koolie
I can think of 5000 people who might disagree....
Give them all a refund, I say, and a free 12-month subscription to the forum.
Cost be damned.

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:32
by Flash
The forum has a "trash can" where spam and other undesirable posts are put rather than deleting them. I'm guessing most of the unanswered posts will be found there.

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:31
by Béèm
I have the same feeling, altho I won't say 5000, that more and more posts are unanswered. Very often the more technical ones.
And I am afraid the people who have the knowledge to answer are busy with other (maybe personal) thing, or too busy discussing the 4.2 or 5.0 or developing other nice stuff.

Those who answer regularly maybe able to do so up to a certain point and then I see nobody more knowledgeable is taking over.

Well what happens here it the lack of organization. Everybody is willing and is trying to help but the technical knowledge is very variable, some questions remain unanswered.

Another point is, that I don't know if there are people in development analyzing the post to see which subjects comes around frequently in order to adapt the product. I know the bug threads are looked upon, but I don't think it's done for the other forums.

A last point which affects the quality of the support is the working of the forum. If one tries to answer as quickly as possible and you have to sit for minutes looking at your screen before there is an answer back, it's deterring.
I made several remarks already, but these posts stay unanswered as well.

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:23
by bugman
2,836 of those are by shroomy bee

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:16
by puppyluvr
2,836 of those are by shroomy bee

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:16
by alienjeff

That still leaves a lot of, ahem ... other unanswered posts. :wink:

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 22:42
by Fossil
Ghosts in the machine? :wink:

Posted: Thu 20 Nov 2008, 18:25
by Aitch
One has to also account for the 'information only' type announcements, which need no answer


& the jokes

nice one, Chris :lol:


& 'Solved'

Nice tip, disciple

so maybe not so many problems, but I agree with Jay, in principle, though reversing the search gives a bit of insight, too ... start=5100

The first 3 are BarryK c2005

Bugman, I shouldn't laugh but..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Couldn't find any ghosts though, Fossil, perhaps a seance? :wink:

Aitch :)

Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 22:34
by jrb
Some of those unanswered posts are mine, 2 or 3. They are technical questions and I assumed nobody had a solution. (approaching perfection, but still not perfect)

The questions that have been answered have been done so with enthusiasm and expertise (10 out of 10)

Thanks puppyluvr for pointing out that "View unanswered posts" link. I try to respond to posts where I have something to offer. Checking this link will make it that much easier to return something to the community.

Thanks again to anyone who has given help to me or anyone else. Its nice to know there are good people out there.

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 00:05
by linuxcbon
Many questions can be answered by googling.
Many questions are not precise enough.
Many questions have no solution.

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 09:25
by 01micko
Many questions can be answered by googling.
Many questions are not precise enough.
Many questions have no solution.
1. Many but not all.
2. Do you mean 'precise' or 'accurate'?
3. Every question has an answer.

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:33
by bugman
01micko wrote:
Many questions can be answered by googling.
Many questions are not precise enough.
Many questions have no solution.
1. Many but not all.
2. Do you mean 'precise' or 'accurate'?
3. Every question has an answer.
1 - i have found answers within this very forum more quickly through google than by visiting here first

2 - 'precise' is better for questions, 'accurate' would describe bad answers [usually from bugman]

3 - every question may have an answer, but that answer may not in fact be a solution

Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2008, 06:21
by 01micko
bugman wrote:
01micko wrote:
Many questions can be answered by googling.
Many questions are not precise enough.
Many questions have no solution.
1. Many but not all.
2. Do you mean 'precise' or 'accurate'?
3. Every question has an answer.
1 - i have found answers within this very forum more quickly through google than by visiting here first

2 - 'precise' is better for questions, 'accurate' would describe bad answers [usually from bugman]

3 - every question may have an answer, but that answer may not in fact be a solution
Ok, we can run in circles all day if we want, but I think the original post by puppylvr has a point, and in my opinion that point is about attitude, (i.e. a good attitude toward new users of puppy). Shoot me down by all means, I don't have too many answers or solutions. However I may be able (and you too) to offer some positive input. :wink:

EDIT: Bugman, you are right about google search, it is a better search engine for this forum than the forum search.

Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:49
by bugman
01micko wrote:Ok, we can run in circles all day if we want, but I think the original post by puppylvr has a point, and in my opinion that point is about attitude, (i.e. a good attitude toward new users of puppy). Shoot me down by all means, I don't have too many answers or solutions. However I may be able (and you too) to offer some positive input. :wink:

EDIT: Bugman, you are right about google search, it is a better search engine for this forum than the forum search.
usually my contribution is along the lines of 'that doesn't work for ME either!'

i have not done any programming of any kind since the mid 1980s, and that on an apple ii+, and i am thoroughly lost here, which is fine as i am thoroughly lost everywhere


when i have looked at forums [when extant] for other linuxes, i am shocked--shocked by how OUTSTANDING the level of friendly support is here at the puppy forum

there may be one or two better, ubuntu seems fulla eager beavers, but try asking a few newbie questions at dsl, or arch, or [take your pick]

note too that puppy is a VERY popular distro, i have never seen it slip below the teens at distrowatch, with no leader, no staff, no money

just a lot of well-meaning individuals with widely varying personalities and preferences, thrown together in a virtual liferaft, throwing rope whenever they hear a whimper from the crowded, icy waters

[sorry, it's early and my brain is still dreaming]

personally i think this forum does pretty well, all things considered, and i am reinforced in this delusion every single time i ask some stupid question about some ancient piece of obscure and barely functioning peripheral hardware