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How to Connect Nokia Phones to Puppy

Posted: Fri 07 Nov 2008, 19:18
by paulski
The last time I tried to try something with my Nokia phone I realized a lack of a "starting point" threads on using Nokias with puppy.
This thread aims to pool the knowledge from many "I need help with my model 1234 nokia" threads.
..and hopefully provide a starting point for beginners and experts alike
trying to do stuff with Nokias and Puppy together.

I am no expert -but hopefully enough Nokia-Puppy users will jump on the bandwagon and add corrections and experience to this thread and make the whole process a little less confusing for newbies.

First the principles

1. Serial Cable
This is for older phones and perhaps the least problematic.
Usually no special drivers are needed- the hard work is in getting
the software setup right to read the correct serial "tty" port (i.e. gnokii's .gnokiirc file).

2. USB cables
Older phones using DKU5 cables often are really a usb to serial cable in
You may have to find out the converter chip type built into the cable and
activate it at the modprobe level

Example - For a third party DKU5 cable using an Ark3116 chip

Code: Select all

modprobe usbserial vendor=0×6547 product=0×0232
modprobe ark3116
Note: when using Gnokii the .gnokkirc configuration file will need this in it:

Code: Select all

port = /dev/ttyUSB0
Newer USB cables may be a lot easier. I haven't tried it but I need some feedback to prove it.

3. Infrared
I haven't tried this but I think it is a little problematic

4. Bluetooth

Note: 13-March 2010
The bluetooth method needs to be updated as it appears the hci-usb module is not in Puppy 4.31 and higher.
This link is sort of the new cutting edge for puppy and bluetooth ... =126886675
What follows is the old stuff which may still be useful

Either built in or usb dongle bluetooth is possible.
There are some perculiar tricks.
This thread should get you going..

In essence get your bluetooth working and communicating with the phone before you try any programs.
Using a startup script helps. In the above mentioned thread I have two Xdialog based scripts that may get you going.

Once you have installed the .pets for BlueZ, Dbus and Obex (you can find them in the thread above), then the following script could work. I've commented it for understanding:

Code: Select all

rm /var/run/dbus/ #delete the lockout for dbus if it was left behind from a bad shutdown
dbus-daemon --system #start the dbus system
hcid  #start the hci stuff
modprobe rfcomm #get the rfcomm bit going
modprobe hci-usb #need this as I have a usb bluetooth adapter
hciconfig hci0 up  #wake it up
hciconfig # not sure but you need this line somehow
passkey-agent --default 123 &  #allow a 123 password  to connect with the phone
Then you can either start an rfcomm connection to allow use of programs like Gnokii and access phone specific stuff like sms or contacts:

Code: Select all

hcitool cc 00:15:2A:20:7E:41 # replace the numbers with your phone's MAC - use hcitool scan to find it
echo Check your phone now and acknowledge link
rfcomm connect 0 00:15:2A:20:7E:41 1 #connect to chn1 makeport /dev/rfcomm0 - usual for Nokias
Or use Obex to mount an Obex file system and then view it with Rox - great for simple copying of photos, music, etc.

Code: Select all

obexftp -b 00:15:2A:20:7E:41 -l #replace the number with your phone's MAC
obexfs -b 00:15:2A:20:7E:41 -B 10 /mnt/bluetooth #again, replace the MAC - the 10 is the channel number - most Nokias use 10 for obex
rox /mnt/bluetooth/ # open up the folder and have a look
As far as I know there is no Linux version of Nokia PC Suite. Fortunately there are programs that do some of the tasks of it and in many cases much much faster than PC Suite in Winblows.

Gnokii and Xgnokii are my favourites and puppy friendly
While an older version as a .pup exists at, a more recent version is available from slackware ... 86-1sl.tgz
Convert it to a .pet using:

Code: Select all

tgz2pet gnokii-0.6.27-i486-1sl.tgz 
It needs a few extra libraries - use the same trick ... 86-1sl.tgz
I orignially used this library - but the link is now dead ... 6-1mch.tgz
Aarf suggested this link ... 6-1mch.tgz

With Gnokii you can send sms, copy and export sms, work your calendar and contacts.
Note - as far as I can try it has difficulties uploading contacts with more than one number per name to the phone
The hardest part is the configuration script .gnokiirc that lives in your root folder.
The homepage for gnokii is quite good, and heaps of threads for other distros usually help.
Best to try and find an example script for you phone from the above site or google it, make small modifications
and then test if it works with

Code: Select all

gnokii --identify
If you get good feedback then you are ready for other features of xgnokii or gnokii
Note: The xgnokki icons may not show up in your menus on all versions of puppy.
Make sure xgnokii.desktop is in usr/share/applications and when you open it with a text editor and check if it has a valid category like "calendar".

Also through my experience Xgnokii is great, but for real power use use gnokii at the command line

Wammu is the gui frontend for gammu.
I have compiled both and made a .pet - but still need someone to host it
- It needs wx-python and the entire picture is a little mb heavy for me
It looks good, more along the PC suite lines but it is actually quite buggy.
I would recommend either waiting till it gets better or use it and help the developers with lots of good error

Similar to gnokii, get gammu configured at the command line before using wammu. Wammu's inbuilt autoconfiguration is unreliable, but if the .gammurc file works for your phone, wammu will notice it.

Gammu has its own configuration utility to make it easier. (check the website for the command)

To test your configuration:

Code: Select all

gammu --identify
Other software
There are a few other programs out there, usually spinoffs from gnokii
Try them and add comments if you like.

Nokia Phone as a Modem
I have not tried this but others have. Puppy 4.1 apparently has some new wizard features for doing such things.

It seems from my limited knowledge if you can get the connection to the phone to work (usb, usb.serial, bluetooth) then you may be in a good position to do the rest. Unfortunately I don't have a clear step by step on the principles.

In essence to do it the right modprobe commands need to be set to make you phone work as device:

Code: Select all

And then wvdial.conf has to be set up right

Perhaps someone who has done it can post something clear and easy to understand. Until then here are some links to get you started:
Rebellioschicken got a 5310 to work

He said
i simply used found here: ... 795#193795

Modem recognized as /dev/ttyACM0, ISP is Irish O2.
For GPRS EDGE CDMA modems some work has been done.

HairyWill did it with Nokia 6230i and a DKU2 usb cable

This post is also good

Some good work has been done here

Someone got a nokia 6600 to work as a usb modem using umtsmon:

If you can read spanish, a N70 was connected. If you cannot then look at the scripts:

Other links
This is a great stop to find out settings and ideas from other distros

And for hard to find threads use

Posted: Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:05
by saima122

Posted: Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:27
by nooby

I have not tried any of it but it is good to know somebody care about us

Nokia E75
Ooops why did I not wait until the N900 arrived?

Posted: Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:43
by aarf
there is an obex tool in ubuntu that does some good phone related things (so i have read). maybe try getting obex tool into upup. (attempted but never found the persistence to actually get there myself.)
else some new things here to me. one day i will get this to work and then i can dump my nokia phone forever. now it is a daunting task to manually transfer over all the info to a new non-nokia phone. my ca42 cable seems to have been blacklisted by XP because it wont now work there on any of the many machines i have tried. refuse to even see the previously see-able driver so I cant use PCsuite any more.
still can and often use the CA42 cable for gprs connect in puppy though. no, there is no removable SDcard on my phone. no bluetooth, and infra red has never work from the absolute beginning.

Posted: Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:48
by aarf ... 6-1mch.tgz
Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
Wed Feb 24 12:31:59 2010
Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) DAV/2 PHP/5.2.12
possibly ... 6-1mch.tgz?

Posted: Thu 25 Feb 2010, 11:33
by paulski
Thanks for the feedback on the link. First post edited accordingly.

Should you have success or none with the Obex program in upup - please post something.

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 07:28
by aarf
paulski wrote:aarf
Thanks for the feedback on the link. First post edited accordingly.

Should you have success or none with the Obex program in upup - please post something. ... ool.1.html

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 10:07
by nooby
Has anybody used Upup and confirmed it to work with obex?

I am too newbie so most of the Dpup and Upup crash when I go to their repository and then try to pupsave it after install. I am not experienced enough to get it working.

I maybe buy Nokia N900 eventually so would be cool to be able to use it in linux too. :) It already have a version of linux on it. Maemo which will update to Megoo linux later. Meego or Megoo? = Maemo + Moblin.

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 12:24
by aarf
jemimah may have done the obex pets and dependency stuff at Bluez 4.61 with GUI

Posted: Sat 13 Mar 2010, 13:42
by paulski
Thanks again aarf for the link.
I've noted it in the first post until I can update the information

Looks like everything in bluetooth needs overhauling in newer Puppies due to changes in how the kernel operates, what modules are available etc.

Posted: Sat 17 Sep 2011, 18:41
by paulski
Some work has been done lately with Lucid Puppy to get bluetooth going.

It appears with some installs and tweaking it will work in 5.2. 5.28 is still looking like it needs some work but it looks promising.

The thread cross linked here below is a bit messy but its full of gold and some hard work by other forum members.

I'm going to try it myself and one day come up with something simple to install. In the meantime I have to revert to an older puppy to get stuff off my phone. It worked well back then.

Posted: Sat 17 Sep 2011, 21:13
by pemasu
I just couldnt resist. Nokia is not connecting people anymore, they are mostly disconnecting people in Finland. Thousands of them. Lol. Joke which is not a joke.

How to Connect Nokia Phones to Puppy

Posted: Sat 17 Sep 2011, 23:06
by majorfoo
Here's how I did it for nokia 6555b and nokia 6350

Adapter cable is required with usb connector on one end and phone adapter on other. Mine is Nokia Type CA-101.

Plug cable to phone and PC

On phone
Open Settings Menu
Select Connectivity
Select USB Data Cable
Select Data storage
STOP at this point on phone

Go to Pc and mount USB device
Pictures are in folder = images

You can copy from/to this folder
When you are finished, UNMOUNT USB device on PC first.
Then press back button on the phone which disconnects phone from PC..

My wife has a Nokia model 6350

Steps are same as above. Only difference is where 6355 uses Data Storage, the 6350 uses Data Select.

Finding answer to this question, will allow me to basically retire my windows XP machine


Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 08:00
by nooby
Thanks I have to test this. Lost internet three times now for hours. :)
So would be cool to be able to use the ordinary computer and the smart phone as a modem and get internet that way.

pemasu sorry I missed the joke. Nokia is connecting people to M$ Microsoft Windows 8 maybe :) or to Meego but that is kind of too late?
The N9 is suppose to be Meego but not many care do they. Kind of sad that Meego was that late coming out so it failed to get popular.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 15:37
by nooby
majorfoo that worked well for me on Nokia.

Now I get curious on if I can use it as a modem but realize that teh operator charge much money for using it so I will do it on my android instead. That one is only 3SEK per day in cost.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:58
by Dave_G
Wow nooby, 3SEK/day, that is for nothing.(aprox 50 American cents).
So 16 days on the internet is equivalent to a beer?

When is the next SAS flight to Stockholm?

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 20:31
by nooby
I guess them try to kill the competition them take 9SEK a day.
But some even say surf for free for 6 month if you but a special smart phone.

So them use such tricks to out compete each other. So it is a temporary thing. It can change any day. No promises.

It used to be 20SEK per Megabyte for the biggest operator then their worst competer changed that to 15 SEK per MB. Then the first countered with Max 9 SEK despite one surfed for more. Surf as much as you want still only 9SEK. So the second one had to go lower than that one so them say surf as much as you want for our 15SEK per MB it still cost you only 3SEK.

So them are at it. Trying to kill the other finance wise. But in the long run it is cheaper to jump on the 69 per month or something I don't remember. Was it 39 per week. I am too lazy to look it up.

I only wanted to use it when the ordinary internet is down because I am internet dependent embarrassing I know! And we have had three such now that lasted for some hours each. The worst lasted from 1PM to 10 PM this Saturday.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 20:49
by Dave_G

Yes the telcos are always trying to outdo each other.
On the plus side, we the customer benefit in the short term, but in the long
term it could be rather problematic as the bigger operators simply keep on
dropping prices so they "starve" the competition until they either go out of business
or get bought up by the bigger ones and we are left with a monopoly or duopoly.

A common "trick" for many internet providers is simply to increase the contention ratio when they decrease tariffs, so the user thinks they are getting
a bargain but in fact the data throughput goes down.

I am surprised that you are experiencing such long internet outages as Sweden has a reputation for very good and reliable communications infrastructure.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 20:52
by nooby
Yes these three outages has been a surprise. I move here 2006 and don't remember me ever have had any outages at all. Could be them doing work on Road and Railway.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 20:55
by Dave_G
There you have it then, the people working on the road/railway probably cut the fibre optic cable by mistake.