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Picasa 3.0 Beta

Posted: Thu 30 Oct 2008, 17:10
by aragon
This is the actual Beta of picasa 3.0 as an sfs-file.

Download: (~ 30 MB)

you'll find a zip-file which contains the sfs and the checksum.

sfs-usage !!!frugal installs!!! (from: ... gement.htm):
Download any SFS file to /mnt/home (the same place as your "pup_save" personal storage file), run the BootManager (in the System menu) to select or deselect what SFS files you want to use, reboot Puppy and its ready to go.
Note that picasa needs a large save-File.

This is BETA-software.



Posted: Thu 30 Oct 2008, 22:12
by puppyluvr
:D Hello aragon,
@My Wife runs Picasa in Wine on her Puppy, so we`ll have to try this out!!!


Posted: Wed 03 Dec 2008, 12:12
by Haidi
I did as I could, downloaded to /mnt/home and made did everything in bootmanager, then rebooted computer and nothing happens?? or did something happen and I just didnt not notice it, but anyway I did not find picasa or sign of it after download... where to look for it?

and yes I am blond :oops:

Posted: Wed 03 Dec 2008, 12:38
by aragon
hi haidi,

- which version are you running? if other than 400 you had to rename the sfs according to your version.
- Go to System > Bootmanager
>> - Choose which extra-sfs...
>> - check if either the picasa-sfs is on the right pane or'ignore...' is ticked.
- did you extract the zip and place the *.sfs file from the zip at /mnt/home?
- open rxvt and run 'picasa' and look what's happening.

please report back your results.


real beginner....

Posted: Wed 10 Dec 2008, 09:19
by Haidi
a little ambrassed face and still humble, I can not use commandline, so please, some hint how to do it?

Posted: Wed 10 Dec 2008, 10:40
by Fossil
See the little TV screen - Console - with the right pointing arrow > at the top centre of the desktop.
Click on it. A blank box will appear with a # in the top left corner. Just type in whatever command is needed, in this case - picasa. Press Return.

Re: Picasa 3.0 Beta

Posted: Mon 15 Dec 2008, 07:56
by Cariboo
aragon wrote:This is the actual Beta of picasa 3.0 as an sfs-file.
Download: (~ 30 MB)
Can I use it with puppy-411?

Posted: Mon 15 Dec 2008, 08:27
by aragon

yes, it's an all-in-one-package.


Posted: Tue 16 Dec 2008, 06:32
by Cariboo
Thanks aragon...

I have a puppy-411 full HDD installation....
I downloaded, extracted to /mnt/home, checked md5sum...all OK

but I can't load the module :shock:
(see attachment)

Any ideas what went wrong :?:

Posted: Tue 16 Dec 2008, 09:15
by aragon
yes, i think i know. the keyword is "full install".

the instruction for using sfs-files is for frugal installs.

as i don't know anything about full installs (and sfs-usage with it), please use

to search for a solution.


Posted: Fri 19 Dec 2008, 22:56
by Cariboo
I changed to a "Frugal" installation and Picasa could be installed with one little change:

The sfs file name has to be changed to match the installed Puppy version...(in my case Puppy 411)
instead: picasa-BETA-b57....._400.sfs I had
to use: picasa-BETA-b57....._411.sfs

I can only start it from the console.
How can I get a Desktop launcher or an entry in either >Menu >Graphics or >Documents?

Posted: Wed 24 Dec 2008, 18:25
by RobertB
I've had success creating desktop shortcuts using this technique, which I'll try when I get home and download the Picasa sfs:

* On a command line, use the "which" command:

Code: Select all

# which picasa
* Open a filer window to show the contents of the path.

* Drag the picasa program to the desktop, which will create a shortcut.

* Optional: find an appropriate icon and set using some option available by right-clicking the shortcut.

Posted: Sat 27 Dec 2008, 06:43
by Cariboo
aragon wrote:yes, i think i know. the keyword is "full install".
To install sfs-files in a Full HD Installation of Puppy411 I followed the instructions which I got from Dougal:
Just open a terminal in the directory where you have the SFS file (I prefer /tmp) and run:

Code: Select all

modprobe squashfs
mount -o loop filename.sfs /mnt/data
cd /mnt/data
cp -a * /
cd /
umount /mnt/data
I used this to install Picasa 3.0 Beta and OpenOffice 3.0.
In both cases the installation went flawless, and both programs work excellent!

Dougal wrote:
You can actually turn it into a script very easily.
Create a new script (right-click in Rox, then New-->Script) and put that code (above) into it but replace the sfs-file name with "$1".
Then put it in /root/my-applications/bin.
Then all you need to do to install an sfs is run it with the sfs as a parameter:
Code: my_sfs_file.sfs

Posted: Sun 28 Dec 2008, 13:45
by jackieflorida
Thank you RobertB for introducing me to the "which" command to quickly find the file for dragging out for a shortcut. Now I don't have to use Pfind and sift through all of its output to find the file for a shortcut.

Thank you aragon for this sfs application and introducing me to this sfs feature.

I've been getting along with Fotoxx and Printoxx but still missing my favorite Windows photo editor, Picasa. Thanks to you I now have it simply and, nicely, it is a separate entity, kind of like in the old DOS days where the apps were in their own directories. This aspect is great.

Are there any other sfs applications available for Puppy? I would like to see a list with sources if any.

The ultimate one (sfs) for me would be a Power Point Viewer. So far I have held back from installing all of the Pet packages to have one. I upload ppt and pps to and still loose presentation items. I noticed that the free Windows Power Point Viewer from Microsoft is a pretty big file. But as an sfs this would be no problem just copying it to the hard drive or whatever storage one is using.

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 01:12
by smokey01
When I run Picasa on Puppy 4.2 Full installation it really gives the CPU a hammering. Most of the time it is running at 100%. It works OK, although a bit slow.

Is there a tip to increase speed or is this a legacy of Wine?

For the people having trouble mounting the Picasa SFS file with a full installation, simply click on the SFS to mount it then copy the directories over from the mounted file to the respective directories on the full install. You might end up with something like /opt/opt/google/picasa but it will still run.

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 02:31
by Jim1911
jackieflorida wrote:
The ultimate one (sfs) for me would be a Power Point Viewer. So far I have held back from installing all of the Pet packages to have one.
Do a search for Openoffice 3. It has a presentation program that can view power point slides and there are several good sfs files that work fine.

Good luck,

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 10:19
by aragon
smokey01 wrote:When I run Picasa on Puppy 4.2 Full installation it really gives the CPU a hammering. Most of the time it is running at 100%. It works OK, although a bit slow.
it may be depending on your ram. another 'problem' might be, that it is no native linux-app, it is using wine to work in linux.

my experience over the years:

1. P III Laptop 256 mb ram (picasa with XP): snore...
2. P III Laptop 384 mb ram (picasa with XP/picasa with puppy): works ok, mass manipulation ...snore...
3. Dualcore 2 GB ram (picasa with XP/picasa with puppy): everything fine

Overall, it's a nice app but you only have fun with a recent machine. I'm using it as i share my laptop with my wife and she is using XP.


Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2009, 04:06
by Lobster
Hi Aragon

I tried the beta picassa SFS with Puppy 4.2.1RC
It did something unforgivable.
It made the Seamonkey browser inoperable :roll:
Downloaded Firefox - No run
Skipstone? - no run

What could have gone wrong? :cry:

I had to remove the numbering at the end of the sfs
(so it just said picassa.sfs) before I could load with boot manager
It may have been your server site
which was one of the most intrusive (for added pop ups)
that I have come across

So is Picassa worth it?
Not for me. I found it unintuitive, slow and bloated.
Fotoxx is smaller, simpler and works IMHO :)

Sorry to bring such bad news :cry:

Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2009, 08:24
by aragon
hi lobster,

sorry to hear that.

mediafire may be bad but all of them are s*** in my eyes. but i can't host these large packages so there is actually no solution.

Your 4.2.1-problem: :shock:
the sfs is older than 4.2 and i've not tested it so far on it, but before there have not been any problems. i will give it a try later.


Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2009, 09:55
by aragon
ok, short test:

1. 4.12 works ok
2. 4.20 didn't work. it did not crash anything for me, but it just don't work.

i will update first post.
