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Kernel Compile

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2008, 14:34
by NickBiker

I am trying to recompile the Kernel.

Gives details and tells me it is VITAL to copy the .configure file for puppy in folder /lib/modules.

But there is no such file here?

I am sure this is obvious once you know, but can anyone point me in the right direction?

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2008, 16:33
by Sit Heel Speak
As of 4.1 it's been moved to /etc/modules.

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2008, 16:38
by MU
here is an instruction to recompile:

Using a different kernelversion is more complicated, see:


Kernel 4.1 Compile from Scratch - NO JOY YET!

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2008, 17:33
by NickBiker

I am most grateful for any help - as what hair I have left I am pulling out!! There are just so many posts on how to do this, it is not too straightforward to follow.

I am running latest Puppy 4.1 official release on full HDD install. I managed to (eventually) work out how to get the devx_410.sfs to work on a full hdd installation - as the script does not do this for you :-(

I downloaded the ready-patched kernel from:

Code: Select all

and extracted it to /usr/src/

I read that you need to download to avoid problems, which I did, although I assume that since I loaded the ready-patched kernel I did not really need to do this?

I then followed instructions at:

Code: Select all

make clean
make mrproper
I then got a .config file from linux- ... _mt.tar.gzand put it in /usr/src/linux-
I did a make menuconfig to check/change options
(I also did make oldconfig as this seems to be mentioned too!)

Code: Select all

make bzImage
A few warnings were generated during the compile but these appeared to be mostly minor warnings on pointer types. The build takes quite some time, but I was able to poke a bottle of red wine behind my PC to get it up to room temperature...

I then made all the modules and installed these as per above instructions - no errors!

The new kernel is called bzImage and was found in /use/src/linux-

It is 22 bytes long. Arrrrrr! Either this is an amazing compression algorithm or...

For my HDD install, I was told to copy the newly compiled kernel to /boot and edit the grub loader to give me the option to boot this - which I have done.

So what have I done wrong?


Re: Kernel 4.1 Compile from Scratch - NO JOY YET!

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2008, 17:43
by NickBiker
NickBiker wrote: It is 22 bytes long. Arrrrrr! Either this is an amazing compression algorithm or...
Yes - I've spotted it! That file is a LINK, the actual file is at:

Code: Select all

I have now copied the 1,666k file, and it booted fine, and WOW, I now have multi core all working!
[/code]grep 'processor.*:' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l

Code: Select all

Gives me 4 - for 4 cores!!

Just wondered - does anyone know of a nice CPU Usage viewer for multi-core in Linux (could this be ksysguard?)??

Pleased, now for my wine!!

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2008, 17:54
by MU
yes, this is needed to compress the Kernel.

You ran different steps then I did.

You should start with the existing .config.
Copy /etc/modules/DOTconfig-K2.6.25.16 to /usr/src/

Then run:

cd /usr/src/
make oldconfig

(now you have Puppys original configuration, and could edit .config to your needs)

Then copy bzImage to vmlinuz (if it has a correct size, around 2 MB).
And compile the aufs.ko module.
