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Happydigger: Achaeological cataloguer

Posted: Sat 06 Sep 2008, 13:16
by muggins
Happydigger is a program which you can be used for cataloging archaeological finds. It is intended both for semi-professional use and by amateurs (e.g. metal detectorists) who want to keep track of their finds.
Barry has mentioned in the past how he wants to go gold prospecting...this app could be just the ticket for him! Plus as a bonus for
us pupsters, he would need to take a lappie with him...if you get my subtle drift!

It says it's for archaeological data, but I can't see why you couldn't use it for whatever data you wish to record.

Run via Menu->Utility->Happydigger

Found Happydigger still serviceable in grand-father suitcase

Posted: Thu 25 May 2017, 11:50
by Pelo
Found Happydigger still serviceable in grand-father suitcase.