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Posted: Fri 18 Jul 2008, 11:10
by aragon
Version: 1.1.1
Yafc is yet another ftp client. It is developed under Linux, but there should be no or little problem compiling it on any Un*x which is almost POSIX compliant and have an ANSI C compiler.



* cached directory listings
* extensive tab completion
* aliases
* colored ls (ie, ls --color, uses $LS_COLORS like GNU ls)
* automatic reconnect on timed out connections
* recursive get/put/fxp/ls/rm
* nohup mode transfers
* multiple connections open simultaneously
* tagging (queueing)
* very configurable
* autologin and bookmarks
* automagically enters nohup-mode when SIGHUP received (in get and put)
* redirection to local command or file
* proxy support
* Kerberos support (version 4 and 5, heimdal, kth-krb or MIT)
* SSH2 support (sftp)
* it's free!
as it's a console one start with 'yafc'

It is a little older, but there was an actual article in a german magazine, so i compiled it.
