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Heralding the arrival of Pizzapup 1.0.5!

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 00:36
by Pizzasgood
(note: This is based on Puppy 1.0.5. For Pizzapup's based on 2.xx, check out the Pizzapup 3.x series!)

Puppy 1.0.5: Pizzapup Edition
Pizzapup 1.0.5 now available by bit torrent at

Barry provided the Puppy, I provided the Pizza. This is the result:

+Uses pup015 to keep cool with other pups
+Rox 2.3
+Nicer GTK theme
+Firefox 1.0.7
+Volume Icon
+Cool non-peach backdrop by RetroSushi from
+Several icon updates (especially the mut icon on the pinboard)
+Can you say "Alpha-transparant cursor?"
+HackyRemaster version 2
+Saveable Pupget
+Various bugfixes (Wizardwizard, patch, etc...)
+Removed Mozilla and JWM
+Burniso2cd roxapp
+Abiword dictionaries
+Wireless drivers (on the cd, not image.gz)
+IceWM themes (on the cd, not image.gz)
+About 71 megabytes

Basically, it's Puppy with a couple cosmetic changes, but a major selling point is that it includes wireless drivers in the cd. You have to mount the cd (easy with Rox 2.3, just enter /mnt/cdrom and it mounts for you :) ), and they're in the directory "extra." There are also some more IceWM themes in there. The drivers are from the wifi-drivers-beta2.pup or some such thing. Thanks to the person who made it.

I also made Firefox completely self-contained within a roxapp. The only things out of it are the profile and a couple scripts that call it. I redirected Mozilla to Firefox to maintain compatablility. The html editor is now Beaver, as that was part of Mozilla too. The mini-browser (used for docs) was also part of Mozilla, so it's now Dillo, which I feel is much better anyways. That little guy is fast.

In the my-roxapps directory, you will find HackyRemaster. Be very careful with it, because it could wreck something if used wrongly. That's why it has the scary monkey head. If you right-click and choose "look inside" you can read the readme. DO NOT USE if you don't use the readme. I don't believe it is very self explanatory, and I don't want you running to me if you reformat your harddrive or something :roll: When I make the dotpup of them, I'll explain it more. That readme is about as good as I can do, though.

Uh... I think that's all that's important. It comes with Perl, so you can use Ndiswrapper on a Windows driver to get online. You can get the normal cursor from the dotpups menu in Ice. Oh, if you install that gtk-themes dotpup, it will overwrite the menu that has the current setup. So, be careful about that. If you want to put it back, you will have to edit the file to include XFCE CadmiumP.

If you have any problems, come and complain. I'll try my best to sort them out for you. Have fun 8)

EDIT: Changed address to Ted_Dog's server

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 01:12
by Lobster

I am almost worthy enough to be in your presence. (maybe in my dreams)

Meanwhile I am downloading and being bedazzled and put a quick link on the news wiki - that has an RSS feed so is worth updating.

To mark this momentuous occasion I have created the ro jah Pizza.

Ro Jah (sorry unsure of the spelling) is the most remarkable topping and is based on a Malaysian food which translates as "Inner food"

It is designed to overwhelm the senses (in effect it stimulates every sense sensation on the tongue) the brain closes down and a new taste sensation emerges. Few Westerns have heard of it and even some Malaysians are a little overwhelmed. It is a combination of Mango and a kind of shrimp paste and shrimp ash (yes truly)

. . . am I rambling? . . .

Well done is what I meant to say.

Download site too slow!!!!!

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 02:46
by Guest
your download site is slow someone should merror it or you should put it on this forum i was getting 12.1 kbps with comcast cable intewrnet.

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 03:10
by rarsa
Hey, ain't that the same puppy just with a different shade of orange/peach?

I'll sure download it. Is there a torrent that I should seed?

Re: Heralding the arrival of Pizzapup 1.0.5!

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 03:21
by Lobster
Yes bitorrent needed, I was down to 5kbs at one point
but guess where I am now writing from? (clue it is made with flour water and . . . . oh . . . it's a Pizza - you know it's a pizza)

Hooray Hooray [singing and jubilation]

Accepted the default boot up
and it went straight to a terminal prompt
not sure why - anyone else?)
Anyway xstart and xwin did not work

. . . and then it booted up (asked for my settings) into a standard Puppy0015
into Pizzapup

Everything was familiar

The first help did not work (but Barrys did) - on the menu

+Volume Icon - on the menu bar - excellent - JWM does not have this and I am too lazy to set it up . . .
+Can you say "Alpha-transparant cursor?" - well it is certainly cool and I did not find it distracting

For Wireless users this is probably a better bet than the standard Puppy and they get the benefits of Perl, midi support and that Puppy reliable Icewm

More from me later. I think a lot of people will be very happy with what you have done. Wonder what Nathan is up to with grafpup?

How are others getting on?


Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 03:55
by gliezl
wow! i love pizza. i'm going to download it now. :)

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 04:34
by Nathan F
Downloading it now, looks great.


Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 04:38
by Pizzasgood
Hey, I never claimed it was fast. :) As for torrents, I haven't had time to even consider teaching myself how. I spent the weekend camping. When I got back, I took a shower, unpacked, and started making the final iso. Then my aunt called and said they needed help moving a bed, so there went another hour or two. Didn't help that my brother and sister decided to tag along and screw up the doors so they wouldn't close, then (after we figured it out) we stopped to get gas and couldn't get the gas cap off (turns out you ignore the directions on the cap itself that say turn 1/2 turn to remove and use it as normal). When I finally got settled I had to start my art homework, which I've been working on while it uploaded and I just "finished." Now I'm going to sleep.
Oh, and it was my grandma's car, so that's why I didn't already know about the gas cap. It gets tight near the end, and I assumed the directions were correct, so I didn't try forcing it because I was scared I'd break it. I'm not stupid, the dude who labeled it is.

Anyways, glad you like Pizzapup so far. This one was more for style than added functionality. One of the reasons I make Pizzapup is just because it helps me learn more about how Puppy works. With the first one, I learned how to remaster the hard way. This one taught me how to groom Puppy. The next one will probably be to add more functionality. I don't know when I'll do it though. I'll probably skip a version or two and just work on other stuff. I have a couple ideas I want to try out first.

Whoops! I just looked at the time! I need to hit the sack. Nighty night :)

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 05:28
by GuestToo
torrents are easy to make
with Azureus, you just click New Torrent, fill in the tracker address and point it to the iso ... that's about it

Dijjer is even easier, just use this address instead of this address
(you might prefer using this address)

each person downloading will also upload to other downloaders

the only thing is that each person has to have dijjer (and java) installed and running (dijjer is just one jar file ... type java -jar dijjer.jar to run it) ... also, you are not supposed to have to mess with ports to get dijjer to work

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2005, 08:00
by GuestToo
Pizzapup 1.0.5 now available by bit torrent at

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 01:13
by Pizzasgood
Thanks :)

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 03:47
by Guest
The first help did not work (but Barrys did) - on the menu
i think my last Icewm package does not have the Icewm Help menu item disabled in preferences ... my "Service Pack 105" disables it ... it puts ShowHelp=0 in the Icewm preferences file

(i don't know if SP105 is compatible with Pizzapup or not)

torrents are very easy to make ... ctorrent can make torrent files (60k, doesn't need Java), but i have never tried a ctorrent torrent on a real tracker, so i don't know if it actually works or not

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 03:50
by GuestToo
i was not logged in

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 05:26
by Nathan F
I'm posting this right now with Pizzapup using Firefox. I like this a lot. It really made booting up Puppy FUN again! Really nice looks all around. Wireless drivers are a great touch, too. Cool cursor. Anyway, lots to like here.


Hi Guys,

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 12:43
by bookman761
I have bees unsuccessful in booting the Pizzapup 1.05. I have tested the ISO with md5sum and its fine.

I get the following message.

usr_cram.fs from CD to /...
spurious 8259A interupt:IRQ 7 space left on device

no mounting on /usr failed
no such device
sorry can't start X, file /usr/X11R6/bin/X missing....

then I have to Ctl-Alt-Del to reboot.

Thanks for your help.


Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 13:01
by MU
I assume you have a Windows-NTFS-Partition on your harddrive?
You will need to have a file "pup001" there.
It is used to store your personal data.

Puppy creates this automatically on fat32 and Linux-ext-Drives, but not on NTFS.

Download this small zip (760 kb), and extract it to C:\
It will be 256 MB after extraction.

Then restart the computer with the Pizzapup-CD.

If Puppy boots correct now, then also copy usr_cram.fs to c:\ , then Puppy will boot faster.


Problem with Pizzapup

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 13:30
by bookman761
Hi Mark,

I'm using a machine with Win 98 so it is fat32 formatted.

I am able to run Puppy 1.05 without problems and I already have a pup001 in my c drive. I don't understand why it doesn't use it then.


Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 14:34
by jcagle
If we're still talking about Pizzapup, Pizzapup uses pup015, not pup001

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 14:39
by bookman761
Yes , I see the pup015 installed on the C drive when pizzapup goes through its install routine. And still with subsequest reboots gives me the same results

sorry can't start X, file /usr/X11R6/bin/X missing....


Re: Hi Guys,

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2005, 14:41
by J_Rey
Well, bookman761, if X doesn't start you can type

Code: Select all

to reboot. :idea:

The errors you mentioned sound like Linux was having trouble communicating with your hardware. If you've recently changed something inside your computer make sure all the cables are tightly connected. Or try again, could have been a temporary quirk or bad memory. Or a bad burn/dirty CD. Or a new hardware conflict. Could be potato cancer, too. :wink: I dunno.