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Live CD vs 301 derivatives

Posted: Sat 12 Jul 2008, 14:53
by Roger Hunter
I still have this strange problem.

I have a multi-boot system with Win98se, WinXP and a bunch of Linux derivatives, all controlled by the menu.lst on Puppy 2.14 in hda5.

This has worked just fine until recently, after I installed Vuppy, Vesta and Dingo..

Thje problem is that one of the 3.01 variants interferes with any live CD I try to run. Somehow it takes control of the boot process and messes up the one being booted. Foer example, I just booted Puppy 2.14 from the CD and it had some icons from the borg imitator (can't remember its name).

If I boot from the menu, all is well.

I can get rid of it by deleting any 3.01 sfs files but that's not a good solution. I'd like to know why and how it happens.


Posted: Sat 12 Jul 2008, 15:32
by trapster
I don't know why but don't delete the 301.sfs files, just rename them so the disc doesn't know they're there..

I have multiple versions on a frugal install and I just rename the ones I'm not using.
ex: pup_save216.3fs--

I think maybe the newer versions of puppy try to pick up any .sfs files it finds where the older ones had to have the version number included(?). Of, course I may be way off on that one and am willing to refund your money if so.:)

Posted: Sat 12 Jul 2008, 15:41
by MU
puppy 3/4 support the option "psubdir".
Here is a typical grub entry:

Code: Select all

  title Puppy 301
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /puppy301/vmlinuz acpi=force pmedia=idehd pdev1=hda1 psubdir=puppy301 layerfs=aufs
  initrd /puppy301/initrd.gz
Here all files are in /puppy301/ on hda1:

Just addons like office_301.sfs must be placed in "/" of the same partition.
You then can add only those you want in the bootmanager.

This concept allows to use many different versions on one disk.

I currently boot 8 different versions of Puppy3/4 like this.


Posted: Sat 12 Jul 2008, 15:50
by Roger Hunter

My menu typically says chainloader +1 with the grub files in the root of each partition. So I don't see why a live boot is picking up other files, particularly when it asks which one to use and I say "0".

And why only the 301 variants?


no psubdir

Posted: Sat 12 Jul 2008, 22:34
by raffy
If there is no psubdir= option, then any one of the pup_301.sfs files can be picked up from a partition - I guess it will be from the first partition.