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How to use ZTE 3G usb modem?

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 07:33
by DC
Hi all,
I have a 3G(UK) ZTE USB modem.
Puppy first sees it as a USB storage. To get it working you have to rmmod USB storage then modprobe usb serial.
(Its designed to work with windows and keeps windows software in the USB storage part of the modem).

The problem is booting from a USB stick stops you from rmmod the USB storage.

Can anybody think of a way round this problem?



Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2008, 15:41
by Aitch

off the top of my head, apart from plug it in after bootup, no



Posted: Sun 20 Jul 2008, 16:43
by DC
Hi All again,
Could anybody with USB / modem experience comment on this following thread
(post from michalpelszyk) to see if its possible under puppy 4?


Half of the way

Posted: Tue 28 Oct 2008, 05:56
by Sp3ctr0
First of all check this web ... 150&t=9863

there it's code in order to configure "wvdial" to be able to connect with the ZTE modem.

there is one that applies for UK

and the second one that applies for Uruguay (applies for me :D)


Bear in mind that those two users are utilizing Ubuntu and not Puppy Linux

All in all i was able to set the wvdial, but i got stuck.... ggrrrrr
it recognizes the modem. connects... but right after it connects it get disconnect due to reason # 2 :S

Please if you go further than me
please advice
