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Is it time for sub-forums?

Posted: Thu 29 May 2008, 05:11
by 8Geee
I am fairly new here, but after seeing all the variants, should the moderators port some of the more popular versions to their own sub-forum?

It would help to list what you believe (or know) to be the popular variants.

For me some variants of interest are Pupeee, Teenpup, Fat-Free, EZPup.

I notice that many posts in the main derivitive forum address a specific pup. Stuff gets rather entangled, and buried. Perhaps its time to separate a few, and their inquiries, just to maintain focus for new folks with a decision to make.

Thanks all.

Posted: Thu 29 May 2008, 13:07
by darrelljon
Nice idea, but choosing which 1-4 derivatives deserve a subforum is impossible due to relatively equal levels of interest. There is a list here.

Posted: Thu 29 May 2008, 13:27
by ttuuxxx
Well if they do make one, I hope they put Fire Hydrant and Living Water because I'll keep on updating these as time goes on :)
I always figured thats what we needed, because so much gets lost in the black-hole of the forum, 1000's of pages and topics. Just make sense to organize a bit.

Re: Is it time for sub-forums?

Posted: Thu 29 May 2008, 16:12
by big_bass
8Geee wrote:I am fairly new here, but after seeing all the variants, should the moderators port some of the more popular versions to their own sub-forum?

It would help to list what you believe (or know) to be the popular variants.

For me some variants of interest are Pupeee, Teenpup, Fat-Free, EZPup.

I notice that many posts in the main derivitive forum address a specific pup. Stuff gets rather entangled, and buried. Perhaps its time to separate a few, and their inquiries, just to maintain focus for new folks with a decision to make.

Thanks all.

To be correct (this is a community forum )to all at least a sticky if you break 5000 views or more
I think that would be a good start for everyone

a sub forum really isnt needed "nice" but not needed most people have email or their own websites to take care of that
a sticky would serve well for this here in the forum

I dont want to be bias since I made a pupplet many other great pupplets
that are not on your list must be included
they all are made for different reasons

my thoughts on this are
lets clean this up a bit everyone 5000 views or more gets a sticky
sounds fair ??? comments ???

I dont have permission to change anything here on the forum
that was just my personal suggestion


Posted: Thu 29 May 2008, 18:27
by cat
I'm new as well, but here's what I think:

On the whole I like the idea of sub-forums for popular derivatives, so that people having problems with a specific version know where to look. The forum search might do a good job there as well, but people would know where to ask their questions and wouldn't have to dig through threads with 16 pages of replies looking for a solution that's not in there.
Perhaps two sub-forums would be a good start, one for announcements of new puplets and praise and one for support questions and problems?

Posted: Fri 30 May 2008, 01:53
by 8Geee
The idea of a sticky is that one post gets sticky. That does nothing but jam all Q&A into one long and complex thread. That needs to be avoided too.

Popular variants need their own place to interact. This serves the developer and the end-user well, and allows for an efficient repository of information. That was what inspired the poll/post.

there is an option-vote of more than 4 ;)

Posted: Fri 30 May 2008, 01:56
by alienjeff
Is it time for sub-forums?


It was time about a year and a half ago.


Posted: Fri 30 May 2008, 02:51
by geneven
Ok, but I have often seen the answer to a question or problem in a discussion of a derivative that I don't have installed.

How about a few subforums dedicated to distribution clusters that are related? There would be a list at the top of each subforum of the distributions discussed there. Otherwise, we have the prospect of many subforums with hardly any messages in them.

Posted: Fri 30 May 2008, 11:35
by cat
a few subforums dedicated to distribution clusters that are related
Like perhaps based on the version of the underlying Puppy?
There would need to be some kind of guidance for users to find the relevant sub-forum, though.

Posted: Fri 30 May 2008, 14:16
by grouchyhermit
I think it sounds like a great idea, would make looking for you derivative a lot easier and would possibly result in less threads in the long run.

sub forums

Posted: Fri 30 May 2008, 21:55
by puppyluvr
:D Hello again :D

I agree that sub-forums based around which series of Puppy the Pup is based on would simplify it a lot for the end-user, as most programs/modifications are series based.
A Puppy 1.xx Puplet forum/ A Puppy 2.xx Puplet forum...ect....

Seems like it would help avoid confusion....

Posted: Sat 31 May 2008, 03:06
by Pizzasgood
I like the idea of categories. Maybe something like this:
Game Puplets
Media Puplets
Office Puplets
Educational Puplets
Translated Puplets
Large Puplets
Mid-sized Puplets
Mini Puplets
Specialty Puplets

I may be missing some categories, or some may be too narrow or wide. I don't spend much time reading about all the various puplets out there. I'd like to, I just don't have enough time.