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Anyone wants a dump of pages from the Wiki database?

Posted: Wed 09 Apr 2008, 13:22
by raffy
We're beginning to move to a new host, and the wiki (wikka) contents have to be moved, too. The current plan is to move the wiki contents to Drupal (it is the CMS in the new site).

The default option is of course to transfer it as still wikka wiki, upgraded to the recent wikka version. However, the plan for the new site is to have only one login for all services, like the pages, manuals, blogs, etc. Having wikka wiki as a separate setup may not fit well with this envisioned single-site plan.

We are still starting to use Drupal in the new site, and forum members may want to explore other ways of using the current contents of the wiki while also satisfying the single-login envisioned in the new site.

So if you want to do some exploring in this direction, please post below and indicate your plan. You will be informed of the download location of the dump. (Of course prit is helping in the new site, so please add notes here for record-keeping purposes.)

The current tables are:

acls (access control)

I guess only the pages and comments tables are of interest here. They will be dumped separately unless you specify a different procedure.

Posted: Thu 10 Apr 2008, 15:57
by prit1
@Raffy: Currently I have the script ready only for the migration of the users table over to Drupal. Even this has outstanding decisions like whether to
- migrate everyone (ofcourse you had mentioned that you didnt like this idea) or
- migrate only the users active in the last 1 year (or a fixed time period)
- dont migrate anyone - let everyone register again (your idea)

If you agree with the 3rd option, then I will need the CSV dump of the Wikka Wikki users table.

The script takes a CSV dump of the wikka wikki users table and converts it into the CSV dump of the Drupal users table. This can be imported into the Drupal database using PHPMyAdmin or a similar utility.

Migrating the pages and the comments - have to still figure out the best way to do it. I have been distracted by the Puppy Repo.

Re: Anyone wants a dump of pages from the Wiki database?

Posted: Thu 10 Apr 2008, 21:41
by WhoDo
raffy wrote:I guess only the pages and comments tables are of interest here. They will be dumped separately unless you specify a different procedure.
Actually, raffy, I'm really interested in the pages and links tables. I propose to take a csv dump of those tables, edit them in Calc or Excel and then get prit1 or tombh to import them into the Drupal wiki tables.

We don't need ALL the pages. Many are just so much dross accumulated over the last few years. OTOH, there are some really important pages, especially those of the HOWTO variety not covered by the various Puppy manuals. Things like creating dotpups, dotpets and sfs files for example. Instructions for getting various applications to work with Puppy are another. And then, of course, there's EZpup. :wink:

Obviously the links are important for those pages that refer to external instructions or forum posts.

I hope that's ok.


Posted: Fri 11 Apr 2008, 09:53
by tombh
me too!

Posted: Fri 11 Apr 2008, 10:07
by Lobster
Good luck with the move guys :)

I hope the wiki will continue as many old links exist
and the transition will take time . . .

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008, 12:27
by tombh
@raffy: Thanks for the dumps. I have been trying to import them into my own Wikka installation for testing but I'm having problems with the body field of the pages table containing too many special characters. It would be great if you could supply the tables in ordinary SQL format so that I can import them straight into MySQL for further manipulation. Also, do you think you will be able to provide an up-to-date dump on the day of actual migration, so that the new WIKI exactly reflects the old one?

@Lobster: Thanks :)
As long as the Wikka pages retain their page titles then I can program it so that all the old links to the old Wikka Wikki --that are now spread all over the internet-- will point to the same page in the new WIKI -- so no dead links ;)

@Everyone: I'm not sure how things will go but at the moment the plan is to point the domain ( at the new website before the WIKI migration. This means that unless we move the old Wikka Wikki to the new server there will be a period of time when there will be no access to a WIKI of any sort. To avoid this we have two options:
(1) Move the old Wikka Wikki to the new server for a temporary period whilst the migration is still in progress.
(2) Do the migration before the domain name is transfered.

transferring the wikka wiki

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008, 23:50
by raffy
I guess it's #2. If part/s of the wikka wiki will be transferred to the new site as MySQL dump, then probably it is better to just transfer all of the current content. This way, there will be no problem with the links to the wikka pages. Then new links to new content can be posted in the wikka wiki pages.

Am sure prit can add a routine so that users logged in wikkawiki will also be logged in Drupal.

One concern for this is the common look and feel of Drupal and wikka wiki. Am sure Tom is now/has been experimenting on this.

I must have missed the discussion of the plan for migrating the wikka wiki contents into Drupal, so Tom will please add details about this or point to pages where this has been discussed in detail. Thanks.

Re: transferring the wikka wiki

Posted: Wed 16 Apr 2008, 08:44
by WhoDo
raffy wrote:I must have missed the discussion of the plan for migrating the wikka wiki contents into Drupal, so Tom will please add details about this or point to pages where this has been discussed in detail. Thanks.
That discussion started with this link, raffy.. ... 146#181146

and continues until I enumerated the only 2 remaining options here... ... 838#182838

at which point Tom outlined the benefits of Drupal wiki over Dokuwiki here... ... 152#183152

with my final decisive statement on what needs to happen, including moving the wiki, here.... ... 567#183567

I don't think you missed the discussion, raffy, because your name crops up in the middle of the deliberations several times. Maybe what you missed was the final decision, since it was buried in my rather large post.

I know you asked Tom to answer your question, raffy, but in this case Tom isn't running his own race; he's following what I set out as the community approach to the new web presence. Sorry if you were caused any confusion.

BTW, oli's manuals are starting to populate the new Drupal wiki. The manuals were why we looked at Dokuwiki and eventually settled on Drupal's internal wiki because of its security features and common logon. Seeing that, prit1 wrote a script for porting the wiki data. Since then all that has been missing is access to the data itself. I was going to try and refine it, but as Tom points out the CSV export from wikka wiki has too many unique characters to do that easily. That's why he is now asking for a SQL format dump.

The wiki always was, and continues to be, absolutely central to Puppy's web presence. As the repository for all of Puppy's common knowledge, it needs to be where we can protect it to the best of our ability. I think we've all agreed that can't do that. If it has to move at all, it is probably easiest for it to move to Drupal at Hostgator for all the reasons outlined in the referenced threads.

I hope that helps.


Posted: Mon 21 Apr 2008, 11:49
by senol
cool man

Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 09:26
by Lobster
@raffy: Thanks for the dumps. I have been trying to import them into my own Wikka installation for testing but I'm having problems with the body field of the pages table containing too many special characters. It would be great if you could supply the tables in ordinary SQL format so that I can import them straight into MySQL for further manipulation. Also, do you think you will be able to provide an up-to-date dump on the day of actual migration, so that the new WIKI exactly reflects the old one?
Ah great stuff. Thanks to Warren and Tom who have been working on this.
I can not keep up with all that goes on. Just been trying PcPuppyOSFinal
which seems to be the first Puppy I can remember that just connects to the net (DHCP and ethernet at least) or did Grafpup do that (note: must not ramble)

I just went to the site and it seems (as usual) better than ever
also it seems that there WILL BE a wiki - hooray using the system Warren mentions. That is great

Raffy are you able to provide the SQL dumps?
I don't have access at this level.

If not as I mentioned in email to Tom, Barry should have them . . .

Warren I am going to set up Skype on the Eeepc - keep a channel open . . .
Tom, Raffy can you do skype?

Keep positive guys - a new website with integrated wiki is emerging

We are Puppy. Resistance is futile. Woof Woof.

Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 11:05
by tombh
Yeah I'm a big fan of automatic connection to the net, I hope we see more of that in Puppy

Ooo yeah, I love to skype :)
I won't give out my skype name here, but just PM me if anyone wants it.


Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 13:36
by raffy

Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 14:07
by tombh
Thanks for that raffy :)
The SQL worked perfectly but it appears there are only 40 or so pages in that dump, I can't tell if there is any pattern to the missing pages, it's not just new ones or just old ones, but it just seems to be a random selection. Do you have any ideas? Maybe if I could have a full dump of the database, that might shed some light?

Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 14:23
by Lobster
Thanks Raffy,

I am in Dingo Beta 2 - does Skype work from that?

I was able to Skype Tom (who was in Wnop - I was
in Xandros on the Eeepc) Sound only

Teenpup has Skype -anyone used it from there?

Once Tom has the wiki available

We have the manuals (from Olli)
We have blogs
We have the Wiki - well soon hopefully (hooray)

It is all coming together :)

md5sum OK

Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 15:52
by raffy
When dumped, there were more than 10,000 records on view. I checked the file, and it has over 8 MB of text in it, compressed into a 1.8 MB gzipped dump. The download's md5sum checks OK with this gzipped file.

Darreljon and Klu9 have been excellent wikka maintainers, among others, so they might be able to help here. Of course prit's advice will be welcome, too.

As a side note, I guess we should not worry much about moving the wikka because it is working in its current site. The wikka is also speedy. It will be useful to keep it intact as a benchmark of a speedy knowledge repository for Puppy Linux.

The move to a new host of is much anticipated, but the wiki will stay where it is today, following the principle of "if not broken, don't fix" (and there will be no added cost to keeping it).

Barry is prepared to redirect to the new host when we request him to, but he appreciates the usefulness of keeping the wiki where it is now. After all, it is the repository of Puppy's history.

It is a wiki - search and copy what you need for the new site, or link your new CMS page to the wiki page/s. In time, the wiki will be effectively rewritten in the new site.

Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 16:44
by tombh
Yes, it is good to have the current wikki and Drupal running side by side whilst the migration is happening.

When I order the pages in PHPMyAdmin by "time" (ie. date created), with the most recent first, I get the following dates for the first 2 records; 2008-04-13 12:51:47 and 2007-12-01 00:10:42 Is that the same in Servage's PHPMyAdmin?

Re: md5sum OK

Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 23:29
by WhoDo
raffy wrote:As a side note, I guess we should not worry much about moving the wikka because it is working in its current site. The wikka is also speedy. It will be useful to keep it intact as a benchmark of a speedy knowledge repository for Puppy Linux.
I agree with raffy that the old wiki site should remain as it is - untouched. We should link to it from the new wiki site in Drupal, too. All new pages should be created on the new wiki. All important information pages from the old wiki should be duplicated to the new wiki. The rest of the existing wiki should remain where it is.

Wiki maintainers, under the Editor-in-Chief Lobster, should be given full access to the new site if they don't already have it. They can begin checking what tombh has been able to import to ensure it is (a) needed and (b) intact. That will allow them to become familiar with the differences in the Drupal wiki system. I'm sure tombh will address any perceived speed issues.


Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 23:54
by raffy
Those dumps were made at about the same time. Here is the recent dump:

When is pointed to Hostgator (new host), the link to the current wikka will be: and a permanent redirect of old wikka links will be placed at

Posted: Fri 25 Apr 2008, 08:01
by tombh
@raffy: Thankyou very much for the further dump, it appears to be exactly the same though. Ideally, if I could have access to PHPMyAdmin I might be able to figure out what's going. If not then a full dump, including all the wikka wikki tables might be illuminating. And failing that then it would certainly be very helpful to know if you get the same 2 date results I mentioned in my previous post.

I agree with raffy that the old wiki site should remain as it is - untouched. We should link to it from the new wiki site in Drupal, too. All new pages should be created on the new wiki. All important information pages from the old wiki should be duplicated to the new wiki. The rest of the existing wiki should remain where it is.
Yes, I completely agree, that's exactly how I imagined it would happen.

Although, in response to raffy's suggestion, it would be simpler to just migrate the old wiki to Hostgator and put it in exactly the same directory (ie /wikka), then no redirection needs to occur and all the existing links to it will be perfectly intact. Apart from any delays in DNS propagation the move would be absolutely seamless.

So which ever approach we take, is anything stopping us just getting on with the process of redirecting to Hostgator right away?

Posted: Sat 26 Apr 2008, 22:54
by tombh
Ah yes, speed issues, Drupal is certainly slower during development. Though it's worth bearing in mind that the current design only uses 3 JPEG images and has a tiny download footprint, certainly smaller than this forum even. Development reduces speed slightly for 2 reasons; firstly Drupal uses multiple CSS files for each of its various modules, each of which requires its own HTTP request, however once the design/development has settled, the various CSS files can be consolidated into a single file requiring only a single HTTP request. Another thing that is done once development is finished is that page caching can be turned on, this means that Drupal won't 'think' every time a page is requested in order to render it, rather it will 'think' once an hour or something and store most of the site in cache and serve those pages up instead.