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Custom puppy - Puppy version

Posted: Tue 08 Apr 2008, 12:13
by poorani

I have created a custom puppy linux using puppy unleashed versions of puppy linux is releashed to upgrade.whether i need to modify all packages or replace updated packages is enough for that.

Posted: Thu 10 Apr 2008, 04:45
by Pizzasgood
Ah, I know that situation. It's happened to me four times now: I'm in the middle of making a custom version and Barry posts a new version.

My solution has been to log as many of the changes I make as I can, and to try to keep them all in new packages rather than adding things to the existing packages. That way when I want to move to a new version of Puppy, I can just copy over most of my new packages. I have to tweak some of them, but most things will just transfer over.

The painful part is tracking down all the changes I made to packages and applying those same changes to the new versions of the packages. That's where logging everything I do comes in handy. And in some cases the things you modified won't have changed (example: grubconfig usually stays about the same).

One thing I find helps a lot is to grab the original version of the package, and then use TKdiff to compare the original versions of any scripts that I modified to the versions in the newer Puppy. Then I'll know what (if anything) changed. In cases where I made many changes, I also set up a window of TKdiff showing the differences between my version and the original. Then, based of those two things, I either tweak the new version to have the changes I added to the old one, or I drop in the old one I modified, and change that to have the things that Barry changed, whichever is simpler to do.