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puppy 3.01 + netgearWG111v2 +dell latitude

Posted: Tue 11 Mar 2008, 12:41
by ptr
hi to all,
after a long journey with many hours of reading and testing different drivers and parameters it is working. I found the helpfull links: ... ,list_m-n/ ... ireles_LAN

So I try to give you the steps I did:

1. I deleted my puppy-partition, formatted new as ext2 (before it was ext3), installed puppy 3.01 fully.
2. copied the folder "winme" of the netgear-cd (driver)to my root-folder
3. on the desktop clicked "connect"
4. clicked "connect to internet by network interface"
5. clicked "load module"
6. clicked "more"
7. clicked "ndiswrapper"
8. open the winme-folder in the root directory and clicked on "net111v2.inf"
9. clicked "ok"
10. clicked "save" this installed driver
11. in a terminal type "modprobe ndiswrapper" and the light is blinking.
12. type "ndiswrapper -l" and the installed driver appears.
13. open /etc/WAG/profile-config with geany and add
14. open /etc/WAG/wag-config with geany;
line 3 looks like: WLAN=wlan0
line 6: MODDATA=ndiswrapper
15. in /etc you must have a file wlan0; it looks:
line1: blank
line2:echo "Trying to get IP address from DHCP server (60sec timeout)..."
line3:echo "Trying to get IP address from DHCP server (60sec timeout)..." > /dev/console
line4: rm /etc/dhcpc/ 2>/dev/null #if left over from last session, causes trouble.
lilne5: rm /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-wlan0.cache 2>/dev/null #ditto
line6: rm /etc/dhcpc/ 2>/dev/null #ditto
line7: dhcpcd wlan0
16. in /etc you must have a file wlan0wireless; it looks:
#Configure the wireless interface
echo "Configuring wireless interface wlan0"
ifconfig wlan0 up

iwconfig wlan0 essid "YOURESSID"
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed
17. I closed all and did a reboot.
18. clicked "connect"
19. clicked "connect to internet by network interface"
20. clicked on wlan0
21. clicked on "wireless"
22. in the dropdownlist choose THENAMEOFYOURNEWACCOUNT
23. clicked "load"
24. may be you have to enter YOURESSID
25. clicked "save" and "use this profile" (the light is on)
26. click "dhcp" (in the new window) and

I hope I remember all the steps, it was two days ago. good luck :lol:

and thanks to all who share their experiences and energies with us coming-later.


sorry I forgot something important to start the nextgear when the pc starts:
open /etc/rc.d/rc.local mit geany and insert the following script and save afterwards:

echo "Loading ndiswrapper"
modprobe ndiswrapper

echo "Setting mode Managed"
iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed

echo "Setting up wireless interface wlan0..."
echo "--Setting ESSID"
iwconfig wlan0 essid YOURESSID

echo "--Setting to channel YOURNUMBER"
iwconfig wlan0 channel YOURNUMBER

echo "--Turning on managed mode"
iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed

echo "--Setting encryption key"
iwconfig wlan0 key off

echo "Bringing up interface wlan0"
ifconfig wlan0 up

echo "Activating IP address via DHCP"
dhcpclient wlan0

now it is working. ptr