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Which web browser 2008? POLL

Posted: Sun 02 Mar 2008, 14:05
by darrelljon
Which web browser should be used for the next Puppy community release and why? Thanks to MU for pointing out Barry will probably continue to use Seamonkey and to WhoDo as to why Swiftfox isn't viable.

Posted: Sun 02 Mar 2008, 14:50
by klu9
I strongly believe that the only sensible choice is My Preferred Browser. It is far better than Your Preferred Browser when it comes to My Personal Criteria.

I therefore humbly nominate My Preferred Browser, and sneer at Your Preferred Browser.

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Maybe have Seamonkey in standard ISO for the general public, but also offer (for us picky so-and-so's):
  • an ISO without Seamonkey
  • Xdelta Patches to add your browser of choice (so that you can just xdelta the "browserless" ISO instead of burning, dotpetting, remastering and burning again).
Personally I prefer Opera; the only thing Seamonkey seems to have over it is a WYSIWYG HTML creator.

So seeing as how this browser war will probably never be resolved, just give me the option of a "browserless" ISO (with maybe just HV3, NetSurf or Dillo) and an Xdelta patch to build Opera into that ISO.

PS just to be clear, I voted "None (add your own)".

Posted: Sun 02 Mar 2008, 18:19
by linuxcbon
For what I tried :
The fastest of them all was Dillo but it lacks javascript :( .
Netsurf also lacks javascript but seems fast.
Opera is fast but complicated and proprietary.
Seamonkey and Firefox are slow.
Hv3 is buggy and slow.
Seamonkey wins for me, until there is something better, faster, easier...

secure ?

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2008, 03:51
by kayan
I had used seamonkey browser, saved password and login at email id
i have started receiving spam mails....reverted back to Opera

for me opera wins at full security ,and speed :lol:

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2008, 04:26
by Th3_uN1Qu3
Oh-Peh-Rah. :D

It isn't open source, but it's a damn good piece of software. On my laptop it runs loads better on Puppy than it did on XP, and it's the fastest full-featured browser available.

If you add its security into the mix, Opera not getting any trojans, spam, malware or whatever even under windoze, we have a winner.

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2008, 07:27
by Billwho?
Normally I would have voted for Seamonkey but I believe the Xdelta suggestion may be the best way to solve the problem of individual tastes.

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008, 14:38
by Keef
Generally I would prefer Firefox, but for the most part I can live with Seamonkey. Never took to Dillo as I like to have javascript, and it won't handle downloads for me. Although Opera is touted as being fast, I have found it noticeably (but only slightly) slower for me under both Puppy and XP. I recently had ago with BrowseX, but its very very ugly.
So I've gone for None - grow yer own.

why I use Opera, but voted for Firefox

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008, 17:43
by prehistoric
My vote represents a conflicted mind. For compatibility with the widest range of plugins and extensions I think Firefox is the answer. For memory use and security I think Opera 9.26 is better. (There is more compatible malware for Firefox.) When Firefox 3 gets out of that minefield, it looks like a good bet.

The option of choosing a version without a large browser and installing your own choice should be there, but it simply cannot be the primary version presented to newbies, who have good reason to expect a browser and no understanding of Xdelta.

I'm interested in any other cases where people believe Seamonkey may have been used to steal logins and passwords. If you have an example, either post here or send me a PM.


Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008, 18:55
by pch.shot
Opera. Fairly secure, fast, better features than SeaMonkey or IceWeazel and more light weight than Firefox(it is getting as bad as IE). pch

opera is great, but...

Posted: Wed 23 Apr 2008, 04:09
by imnotrich
sinks because it doesn't support java, flash other plug ins.

which is why I had to pick firefox.

Sea Monkey can be taught to work with java and flash, but again plug ins not out there. And it runs like a three legged dog, gets the job done but rather awkward/slow.