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Possible wifi bug in Muppy???

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2008, 15:27
by gamfa
This one drove be silly for a while. It appears that when using an Intel Pro Wireless 3945 card and doing a type 2 install, Muppy does not copy a very important file to the hd. That file is /sbin/ipw3945d. I have run through the install procedure 3 times and the result is always the same.

If anyone is using this card in a type 2 install of Muppy, copy the file manually from the cd /sbin directory to the new installation before re-booting into your new HD installation.

Now, all I need to do is figure out how Puppy 3.01 runs this app on start-up. I have to do it manually on Muppy.