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Please help me play DVDs on Puppy 3.01!

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2008, 22:39
by fishvetmj
Hi. I use Puppy 3.01 on a frugal hard drive installation and love it... the only thing is I can't play DVDs on any of the players I've tried... Xine, Mplayer, Goggles all simply switch off as soon as I ask them to play a DVD... I have set the drive to my hdb drive on the software preferences... what else can I do??? Help please

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2008, 13:25
by mikeb
Well the first thing to try is to open a console and run from the command line...

eg gmplayer dvd://

the --help option usually brings up information about syntax and options.

this should give some messages which hopefully will shed some light on the cause of the problem...a more verbose output may be needed with say -v in the command line.
To copy and paste hightlight the text without clicking anything and paste in the forum.
This approached usually gets to the root of your problem.
In your case its probably a codec/driver/hardware conflict and more info will be needed to solve it.

Use of the command line may seem complicated at first but once you are used to it can be very helpful.
